Chapter 21

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Ben's POV

You ready? Evie asked. Yeah, I'm ready to get my girl back, I said. We continue on the path to Aurora's kingdom. I occasionally looked at the map. The horses galloping until they went really fast that we were half way to Audrey's home. Occasionally, Evie and I talk a little bit but we were more focus on getting Mal backed. What if we don't find her, what if the kiss doesn't work, I thought. All these thoughts came into my head. All these different scenarios flashed into my head. We're here, Evie said. Finally, we made it, I said. Where to from here? Evie asked. We go all the way to the outside of the kingdom, I said while looking at the map. Ok, lets go then, Evie said.

3rd POV
Ben and Evie travel to the borders of the moors. We're here, Evie said. Ok, you wait here and if I'm not back in 30 you come find me, Ben said. Ok, goodluck bring her back, Evie said. I will, Ben said. Ben started went into a tunnel and went over the wall of thorns.

Maleficent's POV
Maleficent, a boy was spotted on the borders heading here, a fairy said. Let him come, we'll be ready, I said. The fairy left. He's coming for her well I might as well use this to my advantage if he wants to wake her I might as well use it. Let him come, I'll be ready, I said. I went to my daughter's bedroom. Hello, my daughter, you'll be awake soon your time of sleeping is coming to a end all we have to do is wait.

Ben's POV
After I got through the wall of thorns. It was easy, too easy. Its like Maleficent wanted me to come, I feel like its a trap but I could be wrong I mean its night they could be asleep, I mean I'm not complaining; I just want Mal safe and soumd with me, I mean I couldn't even protect mal from getting kidnapped and we were warn and then I couldn't even get to her in time from getting a sleeping curse and when I could wake her up; stupid, I was being hard on me ever since she got taken by Maleficent and disappeared and we couldn't find Maleficent she was gone. Mal has been asleep for years. Anyways I saw the castle and I'm guessing Mal is in their. I got in the castle and all the rooms didn't have guards except one room and I guessing Mal is in their. I waited for the guards to leave for me to go in eventually they left. I went into the room and saw my love soind asleep on the bed. I made it over to the bed and went to Mal's face and I close my eyes and kiss her. I opened my eyes to see Mal awake looking around and seeing her surroundings. Mal, I scream. I felt relieved that it worked. Mal's head looked my way she looked confused but she got up but fell to the ground but I caught her before she fell. Ben? She said. I'm here, I said. Where are we? She asked as I set her down on the bed. We're in Moors or you're mom's home when she was a kid, I said. How long was I asleep? Mal asked. Couple of years it took awhile to find you cause I lost you when I Maleficent came to my castle and took you, I said. How's is everyone? Mal asked. Everyone in the kingdom was asleep until you woke up and our friends are at home waiting for you home, I said. Mal nodded. Come on, lets go before we get caught, I said. Mal nodded and I got up and put her arm around my neck and we started to walk. We were almost closed to the door until we got blocked by guards

Mal's POV
I felt weak that I couldn't stand probably because I was trapped by a witch then put under a sleeping curse and stayed liked that for years cause my mom hidden me well. We were almost close to the door but we got blocked by guards. Why are their guards here? Its weird to be here, what is this place anyway. I couldn't help fught cause I was still weak. I hope we can get out of here cause as much as I don't fit in with auradon and my friends are there and I have been gone from them long enough I feel safe in Auradon. Ben set me down and started to fight while I lay down. After a few minutes went by; I think it was minutes, I don't know. Ben was done fighting the guards and went to my side. Let's go, Ben said. He help me up and we started to walk.

Ben's POV
After fighting the guards, I went and helped Mal up and we started to walk. We walk to the borders and went in the tunnels and use my dagger to cut the thorns and we were on the other side. When we were walking I spotted Evie. Evie, I scream. She looked over to my direction and saw me and Mal.

Evie's POV
I heard someone scream my name, I turned to the direction that scream my name and saw Ben and Mal. I ran to Ben and Mal. Mal, I scream. Mal looked up and saw me. When I made it to them I hug Mal tightly. I miss you, Mal, I said. Me too, Mal said. Let's get going, ben said. Ok, I said. Mal nodded. Do you need help? I asked. Its ok, I got it, Ben said. Ok, I said. We walked to where the horses are at. Ben got on his horse while I hold onto Mal. Ben grab Mal and hold onto her while I got on my horse and we head home.

I was stuck on what to put next and I was tired cause school is hard and tiring anyways the story is coming to end soon😥😥😥😥

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