Chapter 16

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Ben and the others were almost home, they had only 2 hours left until they would be home, Ben called Audrey and Evie called Doug while Jay called Lonnie telling that they have Mal and her brother and they were on there way back to the castle. Ben, Evie, and Jay couldnt bear to talk about what happened to Mal and Maleficent is free, all they could say is that they had Mal. Meanwhile Audrey,  Lonnie, Doug, and Ben's parents were planning a welcome home party for Mal. After two hours later Ben and the others made it to the castle.

Ben's POV
We arrived home at last, finally I can find a way to wake up Mal. We all went into the castle although it was strange all the lights were off and the rooms halls were dark, there wasn't a even a sound. I was afraid Maleficent got here already. I hold Mal tighter as we continued walking. Mom, dad? I shouted. Anyone hear? I asked. I heard a sound coming from the ballroom. I opened the door quietly, the room was pitch black. Hey, Evie can you turn on the lights? I asked. Sure, Evie said. The lights turn on and all of the sudden everybody jumped up and said welcome home Mal. Mom and dad came up to me. Hi mom, hi dad, what's going on? I asked confused. It's a welcome back party for Mal, mom said. Oh, I said. What's wrong? mom asked. The party is nice and all but I don't think Mal would see it, I said. What do you mean? Dad asked. We didnt make it in time, she's curse, I said. Curse? Dad asked. As soon as dad said Curse, the music stop and everybody was looking at me, but I  didn't know it at first. What kind of curse? Mom asked. A sleeping curse, I said. But only Maleficent can do it and she's in the dungeon, dad said. Maleficent escaped the dungeon and went to Mal to stop her from getting in her way by making her sleep for a thousands of years, I said. I was on the verge of crying soon. Maleficent escaped and she put Mal to sleep and she's going to take over auradon? Am I getting this correct? Dad asked. Yes, I said. Audrey, Lonnie, Evie, Jane, Jason, Jay, Doug, and Carlos came to me. Wait, Maleficent escaped? Audrey asked. Yes, I said. Audrey almost fainted and Jason catch her before she fell to the ground. You ok? Jason asked audrey. Yes, thank you for catching me, Audrey said. Where's Mal? Audrey asked. She's not available audrey, she can't help us not in her state audrey, I said. What happened? Audrey asked. We got there too late, she's sleeping and she can't wake up, she's curse, I said. I can help, Jason said. Me and Mal has the same powers but together is stronger so we can defeat Maleficent but my powers have weaking from the iron that was on my hands, we just have to wait a couple of days and it's not best to fight head on with Maleficent without a plan, Jason said. Good idea Jason, I said. I'm heading to bed, it was a long day, night mom, night dad, I said. Good night honey, mom said. I carried Mal to my bed once I got changed I heard a knock outside my bedroom door. Come in, I said. Hi, Ben, I have some night clothes for mal to sleep in, Evie said. Ok, I'll leave you to do that, I'll be right outside if you need anything, ben said. Thanks Ben, evie said. After a couple of minutes Evie was done, you're getting fast at this, I said. Thanks, now I'm heading back to my dorm, so watch mal, make sure she is protected and no funny business, Evie said. I promise to watch mal and nothing is going happen to Mal, there will be guards right outside my room and all over the castle to make sure Maleficent isn't here, I said. Thanks ben, good night, I'll be here tomorrow morning, Evie said. Goodnight Evie, sweet dreams, I said. Thanks, Evie said. As soon as Evie left the room, I made sure mal was comfortable in bed. I crawled in bed and put my arms around to make sure nothing could happened to mal while I was sleeping. Goodnight mal, I will wake you up soon, I promise, I said to mal as I kissed her forehead. I fell asleep shortly after I kissed mal's forehead.
I woke up in the middle of the night cause I heard something, I am almost thought something bad was going to happen so I was holding Mal tighter and went back to sleep. Ben? A voice asked. Yes? I asked. I'm here for mal, a voice said. Ok, hold on, I said. I got out of bed and went open the door. Hi, Evie, I said. Hi, Ben, Evie said. I'm going get change in the bathroom and you can dress Mal just knock on the door so I know when you are done, I said. Ok, Evie said. I went to grab my clothes and went to the bathroom to get changed. Evie was done in 10 minutes and she told me that I was ready to come out. You can come out now, Evie said. Ok. 8 came out and saw Mal was wearing a purple and black dress, the same one she was wearing on our first date.

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