Chapter 14

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Ben and the others were on their way to Mal, while The Wicked Witch was preparing the spell, The Wicked Witch didn't know that Uma and Cj went to get Maleficent out of her prison. Uma told Cj to keep on the look out for any guards while Uma went get Maleficent. Uma went to the cell where they kept Maleficent at. Uma got the lizard of Maleficent and went back to Cj. Lets go, Uma said. Uma and Cj went back to the hideout and took some potions that will turned Maleficent back into a human. After a couple of hours Uma turned Maleficent back into a fairy/human.

Maleficent's POV
Finally back to my self, now its time to see my daughter. Good work, now where is my daughter? She has been captured by a witch, Cj said. My daughter got captured wow, she really is weak just like her weak human father, I said. Where is she being held at, I asked. She is in a cell from what we heard of, Uma said. I need my staff, find my staff, I yelled. I will get your staff for you, Cj said. Go and you go find my daughter and If you find the place where the witch is holding my daughter come back and tell me, I said. Ok, Uma said.

Carlos's POV
How many more hours do we have? Ben asked. We have five hours left until we get to the forest, I said. Were getting closer, ben said. Yep, I said.

Cj's POV
Before I left to get Maleficent's staff, Maleficent gave me a sleeping powder to use it if needed, Uma told me where the staff would be at and all I had to do is get it. The staff would be at the museum of cultural history. I arrived at the museum, I saw a guard on duty. I went inside and the guard saw me but before he can call I use the powder on the guard and went to find the staff. Half an hour later, I found the staff and I was on my way back to Maleficent.

Uma's POV
After I told Cj what to do. I went back to the lair and see how long would it take for the witch to finish preparing the spell. I look in the room to see the witch still preparing the spell so I had enough time to check on the prisoners. I opened the cell to see Mal and the boy sleeping. Wake up, I yelled in their faces. Mal and the boy woke up. Uma, what are you doing here? Mal asked. Someone wants a visit with you, I said. Who? Mal asked. You're mother, I said. That's impossible, Maleficent is a lizard, Mal said. Oh but it is, I said. How? Mal asked. I used magic to turn Maleficent back into a evil fairy/human, I said. You didn't, mal said. Oh but I did, I said. You don't know who you messing with, why joined my mother, all she wants is world domination and she's not going to share the power when she gets its, mal said. She's coming to visit rather you like it or not, I said. See you soon, I said. Uma, I will beat you and teaming up with my mother is a wrong move, Mal said. Your threats don't threaten me anymore you're on the wrong side to give threats, I said. I left and went back to Maleficent and Cj was already back from getting the scepter. Did you find my daughter? Maleficent asked. Yep, I said. Good now where is she being kept at? Maleficent asked. I'll show you, I said. Let's go, Maleficent said.
Mal's POV
Uma came by telling me that Maleficent had escaped with the help of her, I am not letting her win. What are we going to do? I asked. I don't know but we can't be here win mother comes, Jason said. I have to contact the others, I said. Ok and hurry, Jason said. Got it. I closed my eyes and I pictured Ben when I started to call ben. Ben! Ben! I said.

Ben's POV
I was asleep when I heard someone calling my name and all of the sudden I was at the island. I looked over and saw Mal. Mal I said. Ben, there's not much time left, I came to warn you about something. What is it? I asked. It's about my mother, Mal said. Qhat do you mean? Uma helped my mother to escaped from prison and Uma said that she is on my way to me, Mal said. What, I said. Listen to me, Mal said. Ok, I said. You must not come to me, my mother is already furious with me and if you come you will be in danger, mal said. I have to come to you or otherwise you and your brother will be in danger, I tried to reason with mal but . Please don't come, me and Jason are trying to find a way to escaped but if we don't escape, you have to go back and warn your kingdom, they need you more then me, you have to put your kingdom first, they don't know what's coming. Mal said. But, I said. Promise me you will go back and warn your kingdom, mal said. I promise, I said. I must go she's here, mal said. Be safe, I said. I will, you too, mal said. Goodbye, I said. Goodbye ben, mal said. And she left and I was woken by Evie. You ok? Evie asked me. No, Uma helped free Maleficent and she is on her way to Mal, I said. What, Evie said. Well then we have get there before Maleficent does, Evie said. You're in luck, Carlos said. What do you mean? I asked. we arrived at the forest, Evie can you use your magic mirror to find mal, Carlos said. I can, Evie said. Let's go we have to get there before Maleficent does, I said. We follow Evie and was on our way to mal.

Mal's POV
After contacting Ben I woke up from Uma yelling. What, I yelled at her. Well, someone is here to see you, Uma  said. I don't want to see her, I said. Well to bad, Uma said. Uma went out of the door and came back with Maleficent. Hello, Darling, mother said. What do you want, I said. I came to see you to make sure you don't get in my when I take over Auradon and to do that I need you be gone, mother said. What do you mean? I asked. I mean the sleeping curse, mother said. You going to use it on me aren't you? I asked. Of course I am, mother said. Do it then but just you know that you will not win my friends will defeat you, I warned my mother. Your friends are no threat to me, mother said. How long will be sleeping? I asked. A thousand years so when you wake up you can see that I win and all the villains will get there revenge and you can't do anything to stop it, mother said. Don't count on it, it's the kingdon against you, there's no way that you will win, I said. We'll see about that, mother said before she pulled out a spindle pin and she grabbed my hand and put the pin in my finger and made it bleed. The last thing before I closed my eyes, I saw my mother grinning.

Jason's POV
After Maleficent put Mal asleep, I knew I have to get Mal out of here. I tried to use my powers to escaped but it didn't work, these chains were weaking me. A girl what mal called her Uma. What are you doing? I asked. I want to make a deal with you, Uma said. What kind of deal? I asked. I can let you go and you find a boy called ben and tell him that Maleficentis going to win, Uma said. If you can unlock the chains, I'll think about it, I said. Deal, Uma said. Uma unlocked my chains and cuffs and I use my magic to unlock Mal's chains and cuffs. You can't take Mal that wasn't part of the deal, Uma said. You didnt said that I can't take Mal you said that I have to warned Ben about he can't defeat you, I said. I ran off leaving a angry Uma. I ran to the front door and I tried to opened the door but it didnt work. Make it easy, make it quick. Open up without a kick, I said and the door open and I ran outside and after thirty minutes of running, I was getting tired and fell down.

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