Chapter 9

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Meanwhile at the schools library Ben, Carlos, Evie, Jay are at the schools library looking for a spell to contact Mal. When Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie came in. Hi, whatcha doing? Jane said. We are trying to find a spell and fast before it's to late, ben said. Why? Audrey said. Umm, it's kind a long story, Carlos said. Well, we have time, care to tell? Lonnie said. Do you want the short story or the long story? Evie said. Umm, short story? Audrey said. Ok, Jay said. Well, mal's brother got capture by a person and the person wanted mal. We think that the person has a plan but we don't know what it is it, anyways I was watching mal while the others went to find a spell to find mal's brother, me and mal went to go find the others, so we went to the library and mal wanted to split up to find the others faster, I found the others and I made a mistake by leaving her by herself, we did find her but uma the daughter of Ursula and Cj the daughter of captain hook came and throw a potion at us, we didn't know what it was until now it was a sleeping potion that knocked us out and the Liberian found us and called my mom and my mom took us to the hospital, and here we are awake. Now we are trying to find the spell that mal was trying to say something about a spell before uma and Cj came but the worst part was Mal got kidnapped by Uma and Cj, evie thinks that they are working for something cause uma and cj don't like to work with each other, ben said. Wow I'm sorry, can we help you get mal back? Jane said. Wait, mal has a brother? audrey said. Yeah, her brother is mal's twin and his name is Jason, Evie said. I would like to help and I know that me and mal got off on the wrong foot so I would like to help you guys to save mal and her brother, audrey said. Ok, we could use all the help we can get, ben said.

Two hours later, did anyone found a spell that could help us? Audrey said. No, I didn't find anything that could help us, Lonnie said. Why, don't we get a good night sleep and we start back here tomorrow, Jane said. Sounds, good, evie said. Ok, we'll see you guys tomorrow, Jay said. Bye, Jane, Carlos said. Bye, Carlos, Jane said. Jay, Carlos, Lonnie, Jane, Audrey all left the library and went to Their dorm rooms. Ben was still in the library and evie notice it.

Evie's POV
The others left to go their dorms and I was about to leave when I saw ben still at the table trying to find a spell that could help us to find Mal and Jason. I went back to the table, Ben, are you alright? Yeah, I am ok, Ben said. Ben, tell me the truth. Fine, I feel like I failed her, Ben said. Why do you feel like you failed mal? I said. Cause she got capture and I was supposed to protect but she still got capture, and I have no idea where is she or if she ok, Ben said. True we have no idea where she is but she will be OK, she's a strong girl, I think she will be ok. I hope, I thought. Still she got capture if I couldn't even protect Mal, what about the kingdom, how can I protect a kingdom if I couldn't even protect Mal. What if I never see her again? Ben said. Ok, Ben, stop beating yourself down and plus we were caught on off guard that time, we will be ready, you will see mal again, she will be ok, I said. You're right, thanks evie but I gonna be hear to look for a spell that could help us, Ben said. Ben, you should go to bed, you won't do any good if you don't get any sleep, what will Mal say if she is here? But, ben said. No, buts, you need sleep, go to bed, please, do it for Mal, I said. Fine, I'll go to bed. Good, I said. Ben went to his dorm while I was walking to my dorm, Doug came up to me. Hi, Doug. Hey, Evie. You ok, what's wrong? Well, I was at the library with Lonnie, Jane, Carlos, Jay, Audrey, Ben, and we were trying to find a spell to find Mal. Wait, what happened to Mal? Doug asked. Well, Mal got kidnapped by Uma and Cj but we think that they are working for someone, but we found nothing and I'm worried about Mal and Ben is not taking it too well cause he keeps blaming himself that he couldn't protect Mal from being kidnapped and this morning me, Jay, Carlos, and Ben were at the hospital. Wait, why were you at the hospital? Doug asked. We were unconscious and this morning, we woke up, we were attack at the library and they throw knock out potion and they took mal, I said. I'm sorry Evie. Everything will be alright, ok, Doug said. Ok, I said. Goodnight, Doug and thanks, I needed that. You're welcome, goodnight Evie, Doug said as he kiss my cheek.

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