Chapter 22

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Ben's POV

We were on our way home there had been a few bumps on the way but in all the trip went smoothly. Mal had fallen asleep during the ride back to auradon, it's ironic that she had been asleep for years but I wonder is she actually sleeping or in a dreamstate. I think she's exhausted from everything that had happened. I mean all that happened to her from getting kidnapped and almost losing her magic that could kill her cause Magic is a part from her to her getting curse by a sleeping curse. We were almost close to Auradon; around four hours and we'll make it to the castle.

Audrey's POV
We were working on the welcome back party. Half of us was decorating the ballroom while the other half is working on the banner. I was helping decorate the ballroom when Lonnie came running in. Is everything alright, Lonnie? I asked. You have to see this, Lonnie said. I ran after Lonnie and we stopped when we saw everyone who was sleeping woke up. Wait if everyone is awake that means Ben and Evie are on their way backed. We have to get the ballroom decorated and have the chefs make desserts along qith chocolate strawberry since Evie and Ben told me thats her favorite dessert. Also we need more streamers along woth balloons, I said. Ok, Lonnie said. Also how far along are you guys with the banner, I asked. We are almost done, all we have to do is hang it up, Lonnie said. Good, we need everyone's helped to finished decorate the ballroom we need the maids helped to set up thhe tables and chairs, we should have purple cloths since that is Mal's favorite color, I said. Ok, got it, Lonnie said. After 2 hours of decorating we managed to get all the tables, chairs, cloths, streamers balloons all set up and we made the ceiling glow with the help of Jason's powers. Now all we'd have to do is get dressed and set up the banner and we are done. I had the maids put the banner up and now the ballroom looks perfect. Me and the girls went to my room to get the dresses that Evie told us to get before she left. Lonnie, Jane and I were finished hetting ready and met up with the boys. Ben and Evie should be here soon. Now all we have to do is wait. We've already sent out invitations. People should arrived soon.

3rd POV

The guests arrived in the ballroom. The welcome home party were done all they have to wait is the guest of honor. Audrey, Lonnie, Jane, Jason, Jay, Carlos, Belle and Adam/Beast were waiting for Ben, Evie and Mal. Meanwhile Ben and Evie were almost close to the Beast castle; around two hours and they would make it to the castle.

Ben's POV

We are closer to home then I thought we were. Mal was in deep sleep. Wow, she must be out of it, I thought. 30 minutes later and we were arriving in front of the castle. In front of the castle was Jason, Jay, Carlos and my mom. Evie got of the horse while me I was still on the horse with Mal. Jason helped me with Mal so I could get of the horse. Jason use magic to carry her down of the horse while I was getting of the horse. I hold mal again and settle her down and try to wake her up; keyword try to wake her up. Mal, wake up, we're here, I said. I gently shake her but nothing worked. Jason poured water all over her to wake her up but nothing was working. Mal, I screamed to wake her her up. Mal, I scream again while shaking her hard. DUNN DUNN
(To be continued)

Author's note:

This is the end of the book but I will make a 2nd book when I find time to be able to work on the 2nd book. I hope you guys like the book.

Leave comments if you want and please tell me how you guys like the book so far. Anyways I am working on a different book; its not a fanfiction book to anything. I am currently thinking of maybe writing a Jelsa book but I'm not sure what to write yet. Anyways I hoped you enjoyed this book. I try to make this book entertaining for you guys. Also I am currently working on a book called Elsa's Diary and it's on my other account called " Cat_belaJelsaforever " for all Jelsa readers. Bye, fellow readers.

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