chapter 3

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Mal left her dorm and went to art class that was her favorite class at Auradon Prep. She made it to class and today they were working on self portrait as mal as use she had to choice it was either the self portrait or painting fruit which she never like also it was very boring and not her kind of style
Mal started to hear voice a voice that were from inside her head and she started to fell to the ground.
Mrs. White saw mal on the ground and she was getting worry she couldn't wake mal up. Mrs. White didn't know what to do except to go to the headmistress office.

Mrs. White told the students continue and she said she would be right back. She started running to the fairy godmother. She made it to the office and she knock on the door. Come in said fairy godmother. "Hi fairy godmother Mrs. White said."
"We have situation in the art room." Mrs. White said.
"What kind of situation in the art room" asked Fairygodmother.
"Um it's Mal she fell to the ground and it won't wake up" "I think she fainted but I'm not sure" said Mrs. White
What! How did it happen? Ben asked.
"Oh, King Ben" "I didn't see you there" said Mrs. White.
"We should probably check on Mal to see if she's all right" said fairygodmother.
Ok said Ben and Mrs. White.

Mal, Mal, Mal a voice whispers
Who's there? Mal asked.
It's me, Jason savid the voice.
"Oh, Jason you scared me there"
"Sorry about that" Jason said.
"It's ok" Mal said
"I have to go Mal, my powers are weakening.
"Bye sis" Jason said.
"Bye Jason" Mal said

Ben, fairy Godmother, and Mrs. White were heading down the hallway and went into the art room. Ben saw Mal on the floor and there sparks coming out of her while she was on the ground. Ben ran next to mal and try to wake up Mal but he got knock back by her magic.
What's happening to her Ben said while trying to get up.
I don't know, I just saw her fell to the ground and I was trying to wake up but it didn't work so I went your office said Mrs. White


Meanwhile Jason is trying to get freed but there is a villian who needs the powers of maleficent but since maleficent got turned into a lizard by her own daughter so the villian needed a new source of maleficent powers. She found out that maleficent had twins a year ago. She knew that maleficent had a daughter but a son too! When she had found out about son which caught her off guard. It took a while to find the son of Maleficent and capture him. It took about a year to find the son of the most powerful villian in the land. The Wicked witch captured Jason and hid him in a castle in a forest and in the castle he was in a small cell and his hands are tied with a powerful rope so he couldn't escape and tlise magic to escape. The Wicked Witch also had the power to summon shadows to do her dirty work that's how she was able to captured Maleficent son and all she needed to take the powers of maleficent is take Maleficent daughter.
Jason was figuring out how too escape but all ended the same cause he couldn't use magic to escape so that wasn't an option and all magic he had left is trying to contact his sister, Mal.

Jason's POV
Mal, Mal, I whispered but nobody answer and I desperately needed help to escape but I was getting weaker every moment I was using my magic. And yes I've been trap for 6 months and 6 weeks but who's counting. I was able to get stronger ever since a month ago that I was getting better at my magic but everytime I use magic I get weaker at the same time, it was most painful when I try to move it kept getting tighter. As I kept calling out my sisters name, I saw her and I told I was getting weaker and I needed help but then I heard the witch and I knew I had to go but I couldn't leave her but what choice do I have. She said something to me "don't leave me, I can't lose you again" and I told her to be safe and I said that I would see her again. The witch came in when I was fully awake. I was trying figure out what was her plan I bet it had something to do with world domination I mutter. What was that she ask me and I was quiet when she threw me across the room and said no dinner for today and tomorrow. She left the door slightly open but I couldn't see what's happening out there but at least I can hear. "We need to have a plan to get captured Mal so I could steal there power and be the most fear person in the world" said the witch. What they planned on stealing the powers from us and she was going to get captured and that's why I was still hear because she needed my power since it came from the mistress of all evil, my mother, Maleficent. Maleficent name my twin sister Maleficent but Mal for short since she dodmt earned it yet. I knew I needed to warn my sister before she gets captured and have her magic stolen that's pretty wicked you know what I mean.

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