Chapter 11

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Ben, Evie, Jay, Carlos, were getting ready to go rescue Mal from the wicked witch.

Evie's POV
I went to my dorm to get something of mal's things and pack clothes and a pair of clothes for mal. I found my mirror on my desk, so I put that in a safe place in my bag.. I went to go find mal's spellbook since we probably going to need it. I was done packing so I went to the cafeteria to get some food and drinks for the trip.

Ben's POV
After we all had left to go to our dorm rooms to get packing, I went into my dorm room and saw mal's self portrait, it was beautiful picture and soon I would have the love of my life safe and sound at home. I started to pack after a few minutes staring at painting. I head off to the cafeteria to get some snacks and drinks.

Jay's POV
After we left the principal office, we went our separate ways to get packing. "Don't worry, Mal, we will find you" I thought, I hope. I was in my dorm room with Carlos. I pack some clothes for the trip and I went to get some flashlights to see through the dark. I finish packing, so I went to get some snacks and drinks for the trip. While, Carlos was continued to pack.

Carlos's POV
After we left I went to my dorm room with Jay, he already finish packing when he left with his bag. I continued to pack to make sure we have everything we need to save Mal and her brother. I already packed some clothes, I have my phone, a map of auradon. I am ready, time to meet the group in the cafeteria.

Ben's POV
I took my bag with me while I was heading for the cafeteria, when I went in I saw evie there. Evie, are you ready to go? I asked. Yep, did you bring a pair of clothes for mal's brother? The isle clothes? Evie asked? Yep, it's in the bag, I said. Good, now we're ready, evie said. Hey guys, Jay said. You ready? I asked. "Yep, I got flashlights and I got two sleeping bags, one for Jason and me, and Carlos have yours and his sleeping bags" Jay said. "I have Mal's and mine in my bag and I have food and drinks in another bag" Evie said. I'm ready, are you guys ready to go? Carlos said. "Yep, we're ready to go" I said to Carlos. Let's head out to the front doors, I said. We headed to the front of the school to wait for fairy godmother.

Jay, Evie, Carlos, and Ben went to the front of the school and waited for fairy godmother to meet them at the front of the school. Fairy godmother, Jane, Lonnie, Doug, and Audrey came out to see them. Lonnie went to Jay to give him a hug, Jane went to Carlos to hug him, and Doug went to Evie to give her a kiss, audrey went to Ben to give him a hug. Don't worry Ben, you'll find her, audrey said. "I'm worry that we will be too late when we go find Mal and I don't even know where she is at" Ben said. Everyone left except Jay, Carlos, Evie, Ben, and fairy godmother. Ben, here's the location spell but I might warn you that it might not work because I kinda  rusty with magic, fairy godmother said. Thank you, fairy godmother said. You're welcome, ben, fairy godmother said. Let's go before it gets dark, ben said.

Evie's POV
Evie, do you have something of mal's, ben ask me. I have her spell book but I don't think that will work since its protected by magic, I said. Anything else you have, ben asked. I brought my magic mirror to help us find mal, I said. Ok, do that so we can save the potion, Carlos said. Ok, got it, I said. Mirror mirror in my hand where does Mal stand? I said. Mal and Jason are in a cell, Jay said. Closer, I said. Closer, closer. Wait, Mal and Jason are in chains and cuffs, Carlos said. Mal's in pain, we have to find her and fast, ben said. Magic mirror not so close, I whisper to the mirror. Mirror mirror in my hand, can you show us the way to Mal? I asked the mirror. It's a forest, do we know where that forrest is? I asked. This is the map of auradon, Carlos said. Ben, do you know what forest this is? I asked. No, I don't recognize that Forest, ben said. Do you know all the forest, ben? I asked. Yeah, I know all the forests that is in the kingdom, ben said. But what about outside of the kingdom? Jay said. What do you mean? Ben asked. I mean, if you don't know where the forest is at and you know all the forests in the kingdom, Jay said. Oh, I get it, the forest wouldn't be in the kingdom it would be outside of the kingdom, evie said. We going to need Jane cause we don't have a car and walking outside the kingdom would be a least twenty hours by walking and we don't have much time, Carlos said. Carlos, can you call Jane to pick us up and make sure to have tents with since we will be in a forest so we going to need a two tents. One for you guys and one for me, I said. Ok, got it, Carlos said. The rest of us would set up camp, I said. Ben, jay you're on wood and I will be making dinner for to night, I said. Got it, ben said.

Jane's POV
After they had left I was with Lonnie and audrey planning a welcome back party when they come back with mal and her brother. A couple hours past while we were planning a party when I got a phone call from Carlos. Hello, I said. Jane, we need your help, Carlos said. What do you need help with? We need a car, we need you to come to us, Carlos said. Where are you? I asked. We are in a nearby forest, Carlos said. Ok, got it, on my way now, I said. Wait, we need two tents, we think that the witch would held mal in a forest but not a forest in the kingdom, we think that mal would be outside the kingdom, Carlos said. Ok, I will get the tents and I will be on my way, I said. After the call, I went to get two tents and get the limo.

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