Chapter 15

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Ben's POV
Evie was leading the way to where Mal is until she stopped. What's wrong, why did we stop? I asked. I don't know what's happening a moment ago it was leading me to Mal and then it disappeared, Evie said. Try again, I said. Ok, mirror mirror in my hand where does Mal stand? Evie asked her mirror. My mirror is showing me mal but, Evie said. What do you mean but? She's lying on the ground, Evie said. Ok, she could be sleeping doesn't mean anything could happened to her, I said. Try her brother, Jay said. Ok, mirror mirror in my hand where does Jason stand, Evie asked her mirror. It shows that he's on the ground, Evie said. Where at? I asked. I think he escaped cause it looks like he is outside in a forest, Evie said. But he's unconscious and it looks like a another person is with him unconscious too, Evie said. We better hurry, I said. For the next couple hours we were walking until I saw a purple color in the light. The others were walking head so I started to walk to the purple light. I made it to the purple light but I wasn't expecting to see Mal on the ground with I presume was her brother. They looked like they were unconscious. How long were they liked this? I thought. I found them, I finally found Mal, I knew I would find her now I can protect her from Maleficent. Guys I found them I yelled, but no one could hear me. I called Evie. Hello? Evie asked. Evie I'm so glad you answered, I have some exciting news to you guys, I said. Where are you, I don't, I saw a purple light and I was following it and found Mal and I believe was her brother but they looked like they've been like this for over a couple hours, I don't know exactly how long they were unconscious, I said. Ok, were coming to you stay where you at, Evie said. Ok, bye, see you soon, I said. Bye, Evie said as she hung up her phone. I put my phone back into my pocket and took Mal out of the boy's hands and I place her on my lap while I was waiting for the others to come. Mal looked so peaceful sleeping, I tried to wake her up but nothing worked at all. The others found me after an hour. Good job Ben you found Mal and Jason, Jay said. Thanks, I said. We should head back to Auradon, Evie said. We heard a voice saying something but I haven't heard that voice before. Evie found where that voice coming from it was the boy. Mal he yelled until he saw me holding Mal. Oh thank goodness. Who are you? The boy asked me. I am Ben, what's your name? I asked. I'm Jason, he said. Jason, this is Evie, Jay, and Carlos, I said. Hi, Evie said. Ow, he said. Evie went over to him. Take it easy we don't know how long you were out here unconscious so you might be hurting, I don't know, Evie said. Ben, can you give me Mal? Evie asked. I hesitated for a minute before I handed Mal to Evie. Ben, can you give Jason some clothes while I put new clothes on Mal, Evie said. Sure. Here you go Jason, we'll be walking while you get changed. Thank you, he said. Anytime, I said. Were just glad you and Mal are ok, I said. I left with Jay and Carlos to talk while Evie takes Mal in the different direction with some clothes. After ten minutes Jason was done and we came back right before he fell. Thanks again he said. No problem, I said. Evie, are you done? I shouted/asked. Yep but I'm going need some help to carry her, Evie said. I'm on my way, I said. Jay and Carlos stayed with Jason. Evie, I said. Over here, she said. I went over and saw Evie sitting next to Mal. Mal looked beautiful even when sleeping, I thought. I'll leave you alone with Mal come back to the group when your ready, Evie said. Ok, I said. Evie's really good with Fashion. Mal looked beautiful.

This is what Evie dressed Mal in before Ben came

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This is what Evie dressed Mal in before Ben came. I sat down and put Mal on my lap. Kissed her forehead. After a couple hours alone with Mal. I carried her back to the group. You guys ready to go cause this forest is creeping me out a bit, I said. You don't have to tell me twice, let's go, Evie said. We started to walk to the car it wasn't that far just about two hours away. Hey Jane since you have magic can you telaport us back to the car? I asked. I can try, Jane said. Bibbidy Bobbidy boo, Jane said. Within seconds we were at the car. Thanks Jane, I said. No problem, Ben, Jane said. After a couple of hours, Mal still hasn't woken up yet. Hey, Jason? I asked. Yeah, he said tirely. What's wrong with Mal, she isn't waking up? I asked. That's because she can't wake up, Jason said. What do you mean, Evie asked. What happened back there? I asked. Well before I escaped a girl that had a pirate hat came into our cell. Uma, Evie said. I didn't like uma spelling me, it was ok for Mal because I love her before we met, I thought. Contine please, Evie said. She came into our cell telling that Maleficent wants a visit from her daughter. Maleficent made it before us didn't she? Evie asked. Yes, she came by right before I escaped anyways the girl was talking about how she turned Maleficent back into a evil fairy/human. Mal talk how mother was just going to push aside the girl and take over auradon and all the villians will get there vegenge. Mal threaten her that she will defeat her but the threat didnt threaten the girl. Right before I escaped the girl came back with Maleficent and she went out Maleficent talking about how mal was threat to her so she needed Mal out of the way when Maleficent is going to take over the kingdom Mal said that it would be impossible to take over the kingdom cause it was her against the kingdom. Mal was cursed by Maleficent to be asleep. Ok, then all we have to do is have Ben kissed her awake and she'll wake up and we can defeat Maleficent together, Carlos said. Wait happens if Mal doesn't wake up? Jay asked. She'll be asleep for a thousands of years and time will not pass for her she'll be still be the same age she is now while all the people around would grow older and she'll still be 16 years old. Ben you have to wake her up or otherwise we it'll be a long time be we see her awake again, Evie said. We need a plan to defeat Maleficent, Jason said. Wait who's the leader now? if Mal can't do it, Carlos asked. Ben, any ideas, Evie said. Ben? Earth to Ben, Evie said. Uh, sorry I kinda zone out a bit, I said. It's ok, Ben

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