Chapter 5

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Evie's POV
I walked into my dorm expecting to see mal asleep and ben was in bed with her. I shook Ben's shoulder gently and with minutes he was awake. Ben, what are you doing here? Evie, mal wanted me to stay and she feels scared and feel not safe with a Person trying to kidnap her. Ben said to me. Wait what, what do you mean she doesn't feel safe and scared and someone's trying to kidnap her? I said to ben a little bit confused there.  Yeah, she explained it to me of what happened and she said and old friend got captured by the same person. Ben said. Wait what who's the person who got captured cause I don't remember mal's old friends, I said to him still lost here I said in my head. I think mal said his name was Jason do you know anything about him? Ben ask me. Hmmm, wait you said Jason right.   I said to him. Yeah Jason do you know him. I'll talk to you if I remember who he is ok? Ok ben said. Well I must be going, can you watch mal please and make sure she's alright cause late last night she was really frighten? Ben ask me. Ok bye ben see you later, oh can you tell Doug that I have to cancel our study date today. Yeah sure ben said to me. Bye Evie. Bye Ben I said to him. Ok I need the boys if I think who I know then we might be in trouble.

_______________________________________ I just finished practice on the tourney field for the next game and I was headed to my dorm when I bump into Lonnie and we fell to the ground. Oh sorry Jay I wasn't looking where I was going, Lonnie said. It's ok the truth is is I wasn't looking where I was going either I said to her. Great practice, Lonnie said. Thanks Lonnie, well I have to go bye Lonnie see you later. Bye she said. And I was continuing walking to my dorm. I got there I saw Carlos on his computer as usual. What are you doing? I asked him. He's said just doing homework but before I can replied back evie came in and out of breath. Evie are you ok as came up to her. Yeah just out of breath I ran the whole way here anyways, Mal's in trouble. What how? I ask her. No not that kind of trouble. Anyways mal believes someone is out to get her cause she hears a voice in her head and when she is unconscious she is in a different place and she sees a person and that he was kidnapped by the same person who want get mal. Evie said. What's the persons name and how do he know mal? I asked her. Well ben said that mal looked worry and scared and quite frightened that she couldn't sleep without someone being there and watching her. And as for the name ben said that mal said his name was Jason. Wait what but that's not possible is it? Carlos asked. Yeah, didn't he left 11 years ago? I ask still sound surprise. Yeah but I didnt know he was alive I thought something happen cause he left, Evie said. But how would Jason contact mal and how did he got kidnapp? Carlos asked. Well one thing for certain if the person needs both mal and Jason's cause after all they are powerful together. Then mal's right she was feeling not safe here but we need to protect Mal and save Jason, Evie said. So what are we gonna do? I asked. Well first someone's needs to be on first watch to keep mal safe and find out Jason how he was able to contact Mal and then try to contact Jason like how he did it with Mal. And then find out what the person is going to do with Mal and Jason and why the person needs Mal and Jason's cause after all Jason and Mal are twins with special power and they are the son and daughter of Maleficent the mistress of all evil cause there has to be a reason why? Evie said. Ok Evie you should go to mal to make sure she's ok and also watch for her and make sure nobody touches or kidnaps her, ok I said to her. Ok she replied back oh and don't tell anyone what happened in here this is secret ok. Ok me and Carlos said at the same time. Ok good, call me if you have anything or a lead. Got it, Carlos said. Bye she said. Bye me and Carlos said.

Evie's POV
After I told the guys what ben said and then made plan. I feel worry for Mal cause she had never been scared and frighten. I have made it to my dorm. I open my door and found Mal was toss and turning and her breathing was getting higher and looks like it was hard to breathing. I went over Mal trying to shook her awake but nothing could wake her up was as if she was trapped in her nightmare. I try calming her down but it didnt work so I only thought of someone who can help. I raced down to bend dorm to see if he was there. I knock on the door but no answer so I did it again but no answer. I opened the door but he was not there. I raced to his castle lucky it was closed by. I made it to Ben's castle and I knew since he was king he would be in his office. I knock on door. Come in ben said behind the door. I opened it and I saw Ben was frustrated. Ben, I said. Evie it's nice to see you. Ben I need your help. "What do you need help?" Ben said. Its mal she's having a nightmare since you left she hadn't waken up I tried but nothing could wake up it was as if she was stick in her nightmare and I didn't know what to do so I came here. Come on ben said. Evie and Ben run to Evie's and Mal's dorm. Evie opened the door and Ben saw Mal toss and turning in her sleep. Ben went next to her and started to talk to her. Mal wake up please ben said as he shake her to wake up. It didnt work up. Ben hug mal told she is safe and sound while she was sleeping she calmed down it was if nothing could calmed her down except Ben. Thanks ben I said to him. No problem thanks for getting me. Plus I needed a break from working, ben said. Mal started to wake up. Mal you up I said and I hug her. Morning what happen you acted like you were scared? Mal said. I laugh at the comment. Mal you couldn't wake up and yes we were scared for you cause you couldn't wakeup and looks like you were having a nightmare. Oh and I told the boys of Jason and we think someone have a plan for you and Jason after all you two have powerful magic together and we think a person that have Jason and that want you so we plan someone would be on the first watch just in case someone tries to kidnap you, I said to mal. Ok thank you, Evie but Evie, who's on the first watch? Mal ask. Well I would be on the first watch and Jay, Carlos would switch with me once I time is down and I think ben should watch at night cause I think you will have more nightmares I think and only way yo wake up or calmed you down is ben, I said. Ok mal said. Wait who's Jason I'm still confused here, ben said. Ben I said Jason's is mal's friend before he left 11 years ago and he was born on the same day and same time same month and same year. When Mal and Jason were younger they both have the same color hair, I said to him. Wait so this Jason guy he had the same color hair of mal's so if they had the same color would he have purple hair. He said. I was laughing, no ben, Mal and Jason had blonde hair when they were younger but after he left Mal change her color hair to be purple since she love purple so much and she wanted to dyed her hair purple. I said anything else you questions about. Yeah, how come they they were born in the same year, same month, same day, and same time? How come they both have this same color hair? Ben asked. Well that's because they were twins, let me tell you mal's and Jason's full name. Jason's name is Jason Jackson farae is the son of Maleficent and mal's full name is Maleficent Bertha farea but mal for short because she hadn't earned it yet but mal doesn't want the name, I said. So Mal and Jason's are twins together there magic is very powerful and they have a ability that they both have and when they connects it's very powerful so we think who ever kidnapped Jason's need mal to complete to use both there magic and that's why we need to protect mal because who ever wants the power from mal and Jason and steal the power but we don't know if its possible to take there power. Plus mal's and Jason's magic is much powerful then maleficent if they are together. And also mal and Jason's magic are growing so we need to hurry. Ok ben said. Oh and I forgot that Jay and Carlos are trying to find spells and figuring out where Jason could be, I said. Ok Mal and ben said.

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