Chapter 19

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3rd POV
Carlos, Jay, Evie, Jason, Jane, Lonnie, Doug, and Audrey, went to different parts of the kingdom to find Mal. The search took months even years, some were losing hope of finding Mal and some did not stop believing in finding Mal or else the whole entire kingdom would be asleep for thousands of years. Meanwhile Maleficent was getting the Moors ready for Mal's arrival when she wakes up. Maleficent made the trees lighted up and at night you could see the stars above, there were flowers that were all kinds of color and a purple Rose's for Mal when she wakes up. She made Mal's room lighted up with stars in the room and had the room painted with flowers on the with the purple and black. Maleficent made the place much more brighter like how she remembered it when she was a kid. Fairies went to see Mal and play while waiting for the princess of the moors, the Queen of the moors arrived now the creatures of the moors were waiting for the Princess to awaken. Meanwhile Ben was searching where Maleficent could have gone too. Ben was getting more restless each day and as each day past he becomes more and more blaming himself how he couldn't protect Mal. Ben's friends came to see how he was doing, they saw ben looking frustrated and flipped a table over. Ben's friends were trying to get him to stop. They have been searching for weeks non stop to find mal but they found nothing. Did you find anything? Ben asked. Umm, Evie said. Evie was trying to find the right words to say without making ben upset about how he couldn't do anything to protect Mal and how he failed. Ben, promised you won't overreact when we tell you what we know, Jay said. I promised, ben said. Ben, we looked everywhere, inch by inch and we looked all over the kingdom, Audrey said. Carlos, Jay and I looked all over the isle and in nowhere at Maleficent's place, the forbidden fortress and we found nothing, Evie said. Maleficent is not at the isle or in Auradon, Ben, Maleficent is gone, Jay said. So you guys didn't find Mal? Ben asked. No Ben, Audrey said. Ben fell to his knees and started to cry. Ben, we won't get anywhere if you start to cry, we will find Mal but it'll just take longer, Audrey said. Audrey's right, we won't get anywhere if we just lose it and start to cry, plus I should of know it would be harder to find Maleficent since she doesn't want to be found, Evie said. You're right, thanks, guys. What have you found about Maleficent? Audrey asked. Nothing, all I found in the archive about Maleficent was how she cursed Aurora and how she lived in a forbidden fortress but nothing about where she lives when she was a kid, ben said. It has been a year since Maleficent took Mal. I should have wake mal up from the curse, ben said.

A year later
Maleficent disappeared and mal is gone. The kingdom is asleep and belle and Beast/Adam is coming back to the castle to see how ben is doing and see if they found Mal yet. They knew of another place where Maleficent was at but they wanted no one to know about it cause it was dangerous there that was where Maleficent put Prince Philip at the dungeon of the moors but he escaped and wanted no one to go there so he went to the fairy if everyone forgot about the moors cause it was dangerous there and belle and beast agreed to that but they remembered as well the only other person who remembered was fairy godmother. They hid anything that was about the moors and no one knew about the moors again except for Maleficent. Belle and Beast/Adam arrived at the castle at midnight. Belle and Adam found everyone still awake. Why is everyone still up? Belle asked. We are making sure we have everything to see in  the dark so that we can keep on searching for Mal, Evie said. In the middle of the night? Adam said. Yep, Jay said. Why don't you guys rest and tomorrow you can search for Mal in the morning, you won't get anyway if you're tired, belle said. Off to bed, kids and tomorrow you guys can keep searching in the morning, Adam said. Ok, dad, ben said. Ok, the kids said. The kids went upstairs to a bedroom and everyone was sleeping together in the room. It has been two years since Mal was in Auradon. Meanwhile Belle and Adam was wondering if Maleficent went to her old home before the isle. They were talking if they should tell or not and there might be a slight chance Mal is there. They agreed to tell them in the morning and they went to sleep. In the morning Belle woke Ben and the others up at 8 in the morning and told them to come down for breakfast. Everyone got dressed in their clothes. They went down to have breakfast. Belle was making breakfast when they got down to the dining table. Belle put the breakfast on everyone's plate and told them to eat up cause Adam and I have something to tell you guys, Belle said. After breakfast, Ben and the others followed belle to the library where they saw Adam.

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