Chapter 12

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Jane's POV night time
After the Carlos called me. I gathered my supplies and I head to the limo. I made it to the limo and drove off to the others. By the time I will get there it will be in the morning.

Carlos POV at night
We got the wood, Jay said. And dinner is almost ready, Evie said. Well, Jane is on her way now she will be here in the morning, but for right now, we need to get some sleep so, we can be ready for tomorrow, I said. Okay, we eat dinner and then we go to bed, Evie said. Well, dinner is now ready, to be served, Carlos can you serve the food while I go to bed, I'm not really hungry right now, Evie said. Ok, Evie, Carlos said. When Evie was getting ready to head to bed, I finished serving dinner. Here's your food, ben, oh and I feel something is off with Evie right now, can you talk to her and give her plate to her? I asked. Sure, Carlos, I said. I was with Jay when Ben went to see if Evie is okay. After dinner I head to my sleeping bag and I drifted off to my slumber.

Ben's POV
Carlos said that he feels something isn't right with Evie. Hey, what's wrong? I asked. I'm ok, I'm just tired, evie said. You miss Mal don't you? I asked. Yes, I miss her so much, my best friend who got captured and the witch is going to take her magic, if we don't hurry, she'll die, ben, evie said. I know, all we can so is hope that we can save her before it's to late, oh and here's your food, Carlos served some for you, he thought that you might be hungry, I said. Thanks, ben, Evie said.
It's getting late, I'm gonna go to bed, good night, Evie, I said. Good night, Ben, Evie said.

In the morning Ben was the first one to wake up. Next, Evie, woke up. Morning, Evie, ben said. Morning, Ben,  Evie said. After a few hours, Carlos and Jay, woke up. After Jane has just finishing calling Carlos telling him that she was almost there. Ben, I just got off the phone with Jane and she's almost here, Carlos said. "That's great news, when should she be here" ben asked. "She should be here in half an hour" Carlos said. "Ok, we need to get everything packed before she gets here so we can get going" ben said. Ok, I'll wake up Jay and Evie, Carlos said. And I'll get started on the packing and make breakfast, Ben said. Carlos went to tell  Jay and Evie that Jane was almost here, while Ben was packing his sleeping bag and after he finished roll up the sleeping bag, he went to get some wood and got started on breakfast.

Carlos's POV
After I had just finishing telling Evie, Jay that Jane was almost here. We went to pack everything up and by the time I was done packing, Ben came back with wood to make a ride and got started on breakfast. I went to see if Evie was done with packing her stuff. Hey, Evie are you done with the packing? I asked. "Yep, I just got done with the packing" Evie said. I went to Jay to see if he is finished packing. Hey, Jay, Are you done with the packing? I asked. Yep, Jay said. Breakfast was ready and we ate after an hour and a half we heard a honking noise.

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