Chapter 20

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Ben's POV
Why are we in the library? Evie asked. Yeah, shouldn't we get back out yo search for Mal? Carlos asked. That's what we need to talk to you guys about? Mom said. Ok? I said unsure of myself. Everyone take a seat we have something tell you, mom said. Ok, I said.

Belle's POV
Everyone take a seat we have something tell you, I said. Ok, Ben said. I look at Adam nervously, he nodded for me to continue. I took deep breaths in and out and I started talking again. When Maleficent was younger she was good and nice, she lived in Moors where there are creatures and the moors lived peacefully until a war broke out and as Maleficent grew older something happened when she was older but I dont know what exactly happened but she hardened her heart and only wanted revenge. When I found out about the moors was when Audrey's father was captured there until the three good fairies helped him escaped and when we put every villian on the island Philips wanted to Moors disappeared from everyone and get rid of it cause how dangerous the moors can be and we agreed to it, so we got everything about the moors, including Maleficents story but none of us know what made her hardened her heart and we think that Maleficent might have gone too her childhood home and take mal there to where she lived but I might be wrong but we need someone to go over there but it'll be dangerous, we would send for a guard but everyone is asleep, I said. You think Maleficent is in this place call Moors? Ben asked. I thinks so because that's the only place where she might go, I said. Well then what are we waiting for then, let's bring Mal, Jay said.

3rd persons POV
All the kids started to head out to go to this Moors place. Wait, Adam yelled. All the kids stop and turn to look at Adam. I don't want all of you go it could be dangerous so only two may go, Adam said. Ok, Evie said. Who should go? Ben asked. I can stay here and make sure the welcome home party for Mal, I mean after being kidnapped almost getting killed, internal sleep for a thousands years too past before she wakes up, don't you guys want a welcome home party after gone through all that? Jane asked. You're right, nobody should go through that, Audrey said. I'll stay here with Jane, Carlos said. I'll make sure, we have everything to make the party success, audrey said. I'll make sure nothing bad goes wrong and put a barrier over the castle to protect Maleficent from getting in the castle and the witch from getting in the castle, Jason said. I'll put the decorations for the party, Lonnie said. I'll stay and help Jane, Carlos said. Ok, that leaves me, Evie, Doug, and Jay, Ben said. Ben should go because he have to wake up Mal and Evie should go because she could find Mal easier with her magic mirror and see Mal and help Ben out, Doug said. Then its settle, Ben and Evie would go to moors bring Mal home, belle said. Unfortunately the horses are asleep so you two would have to walk to moors, belle said. How far is moors from here it's close Audrey's home, belle said. That could take days to get to moors by walking, Ben said. Could we wake up the horses? Evie said. We could if we have someone who has the same powers as Maleficent, Adam said. I could try to wake up the horses since I'm a descendant of Maleficent, Jason said. Excellent, Adam said. Ok, me and evie would go and pack a bag that we may need and Jason would go to the stable and try to wake up the horses and we will meet you guys in front of the castle, Ben said. Ok, everyone said. Jason and Jay went to the tables while Audrey, Lonnie and Jane went to pack food and drinks for Ben and Evie. Belle and Adam went to get the map of the moors along with the map of auradon. Evie went to get changed in back riding clothes and packed a bag for of stuff of what she needed. Evie packed clothes of hers and a changed of clothes for Mal. She also packed a dagger just in case. Evie had been taking lessons for horses for when she goes on dates with Doug when they ride horses. Ben went to packed a bag of all the important things he will need flashlights, sword and pair of clothes. Jay helped find a fast horse for Ben and Evie. They found a blacked horse is faster then any horse altogether. The 2nd fast one they found was a brown with a lightning mark on the side. Jason woke up the horses and took them to the front gate where they met everyone except Ben and Evie. Audrey fed the horses so they have strength and energy to head to her kingdom. Audrey whispers to the horses to bring back Mal. Evie and Ben and Evie came out with their bag.
Doug gave her a kiss while the boys gave Ben hugs and the girls gave both of them hugs. Jay and Carlos hug Evie tightly. Bring back our sister, Jay said to Evie. Find her and bring her home, Carlos said. I will, Evie said. Doug helped Evie on her horse. Oh, Evie, here are the bag that cantain water bottles and snacks and some snacks for the horses when they get tired, Audrey said. Thanks, Audrey, Evie said. Ben, got up on his horse prepared to take off to Moors. Ben? Belle asked. Yes, mom? Ben asked confused. Bring her back safely and we're proud of you, oh and hear are the map of Moors and the other map is outside of Moors, Belle said. Thanks, mom. There is no way am letting her sleep for thousands of years before she wakes up, Ben said. Ben stuck the maps in his bag and waited for Evie to get done so they can find Mal fast. Bye guys, Ben said. Bye, see you when we get back, Evie said. Bye Ben, Bye Evie, goodluck, everyone said. Ben and Evie took off in to the path that leads to Audrey's kingdom was at.

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