{ Introduction }

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Author's note


Dear reader

Before you start reading, this is the second part of a series. For better understanding, you should read the first part 'Oceans Deep' first. It is very strongly connected and I'm pretty sure it would get confusing if you read this part first.

If you're not a new reader, however, I'd like to start this with a disclaimer. The Harry Potter universe belongs to J.K. Rowling, but the newly added characters and the storyline, where I changed a few things from what we know about the Marauders Era, belong to me. Please do not copy it without my written permission. I really put a lot of work in it and I think you understand that I don't want anybody to just steal it.

So with that out of the way, welcome to the second part of Phoenix' story and thank you for deciding to continue reading. Today the only real part of the story that I'm going to publish is the prologue. I'd like to fix a few things in the first book before continuing with this one, but I've been so excited to share the cover and cast with you, which is why you'll get a little sneak peek. I'll try to finish editing the first book as soon as possible, but with school and everything, further chapters of 'Oceans Apart' will not be published until either December or early January. I hope you'll stick around until then.

Like the first book, this story is going to include serious topics like depression, suicidal tendencies and character death, but this one is also going to include substance abuse. Again, I'd like you to know that I don't have any personal experience with these matters. All of my knowledge is based on books and movies, but I've done quite a lot of research as well, and I think it's important to know about these subjects. I'm still not sure what impact my writing will have on people struggling with these matters or if it will even have one. Still, I wanted to write this again just in case. Please, if you feel uncomfortable in any kind of way, don't read it. There will very likely be descriptive scenes of death, fights or substance abuse and I want you to know in advance because I don't want any of you to be hurting because of my writing.

Also, it is not my intention to romanticise any of those issues or being a Death Eater. I definitely don't see it as romantic. So, please, if you think something I wrote in fact does romanticise the topics, feel free to send me a message and I will change it as soon as I can.

I love you, please take care of yourself.


The Cast

Danielle Campell as Phoenix Irma Black

Danielle Campell as Phoenix Irma Black

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