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Christmas came way too fast that year and the twins returned to Grimmauld Place. Even before Christmas Day the house was filled with life, as the house elves from other families had come to help them set up for the annual gathering and some of their relatives from out of country arrived to stay at their house for a few days. Although Phoenix loved engaging with the younger students to tutor them, she found herself annoyed at the children's constant screeching and on the afternoon before the gathering she had grabbed a blanked and asked Kreacher for a cup of tea and sat down on the small balcony in front of one of her bedroom windows. It gave her a sense of calm to watch her breath fog in the cold air and see the Muggles hurrying through the snow down on the street.

The moment was only short-lived, however, as she heard a knock on the window behind her and nearly spilt tea all over herself. With narrowed eyes she turned her head to see a blonde girl standing behind the glass. Almost immediately a smile spread over her face as she recognised Elle, whom she had met at the beginning of December. She rose her hand with two outstretched fingers and with a small flick of her wrist the door opened.

"Elle, what are you doing here?" she greeted the blonde.

The young girl smiled down at her apologetically and answered, "My parents came here early because they wanted to speak to your parents and your mother suggested I should go find you."

"Do you want to join me?" Phoenix offered, patting the spot next to her and holding up the blanket. "It's big enough to keep us both warm."

Elle nodded and hesitantly slid in next to her. She looked up at Phoenix and pointed at her hands, which were placed around the hot mug of tea. "How did you do that? Open the window without your wand I mean."

Phoenix chuckled and took a sip of the hot liquid before answering, "It's part of those special abilities I have. I can make things move with my mind."

Elle's eyes widened with excitement and she asked, "Really? Can you show me how to do it too?"

"Unfortunately I still have a teacher of my own because I'm not that good at it yet," Phoenix replied, not wanting to crush the girl's excitement by telling her that it was most certainly impossible for her to learn it. Elle had that kind of aura that made one want to be in good spirits and she wasn't quite ready to break out of it, even though she had only just sat down with her. "You haven't been at any of the Christmas dinners up until this one. Did you live abroad?"

"Yes, I grew up in Australia and then we travelled around for a bit, but my parents decided to settle down near Manchester to work for some important guy," Elle explained.

That at least explained her different accent.

"Do you have any relatives around here?" Phoenix inquired further.

Elle nodded thoughtfully, "I think you know my cousin, Rabastan Lestrange."

"Rabastan is your cousin?" Phoenix gasped. She would never have guessed them to be related. Sure, not everyone looked alike, especially when they were just cousins, but she had never seen them talk to each other. Except... what if he had instructed her to compliment her at the library?

She playfully narrowed her eyes. "Wait, did he tell you to come up to me that day in the library?"

Elle grinned and moved her hand like she was closing a zipper over her mouth. "That's a secret I'll never tell. Us Lestranges are no tattle tales."

Phoenix had allowed Elle to help her put on her dress a good half hour later as she wouldn't stop begging after having seen it. Still, as she stood in front of the mirror she couldn't shake the feeling of uncomfortableness. She remembered the last times she had dressed up all too well. She had endangered other students by not being able to control her powers, found out that she was to become a Death Eater and lost Rabastan forever. It was like she was cursed.

Nonetheless, her mother would be furious if she didn't attend the ball, especially since she had told them that Jack would be her escort. With a sigh she ran her hands over the golden fabric. It was floor-length and neither really tight nor the opposite. Long trumpet sleeves kept her arms warm, but therefore her back was rather deeply cut with thin golden ribbons lacing both sides together. She would have had to lie to say that the dress wasn't pretty and so was her hair, which a house elf had partially done up with braids and golden ribbons similar to the ones on her back. Still, the gathering didn't feel like the ones before them. Now she had the duty to make a presentable future wife for Jack and show a different kind of perfection. After all it was their first official appearance as a couple.

A knock on the door made her snap out of her thoughts. Like she had done it with the window when Elle had stood behind it, she opened the door with her magic. She half expected it to be Maureen, but then she remembered how the Zabinis never attended the gatherings because they spent Christmas at their aunt's in California. At least it meant Rabastan wouldn't turn up with Cara, whom he had been keeping close to his side over the past three weeks. Phoenix hated to be the jealous ex-girlfriend, but she just couldn't help but feel a sting in her heart whenever she saw them holding hands or kissing.

It was none other than Regulus standing in the door. He was wearing his festive cloak and had attempted to tame his dark curls. She grinned mockingly at her and bowed slightly with an outstretched hand, "May I escort you to our guests, my dear sister. Father already bragged how beautiful you would look to almost every single guest."

"Why does he keep doing that?" Phoenix groaned as she smoothened her dress once more. "He knows that it makes me uncomfortable."

"Because you're his little princess and he'd do anything for you, if you asked him to," Regulus pointed out and motioned her to come closer. "Now come on already, mother hates tardiness."

"Someone once told me it made for a spectacular entrance," Phoenix laughed, almost immediately regretting the words, as it was forbidden to mention Sirius in their house.

However, Regulus smiled and replied, "He also thought decorating his room in Gryffindor's colours and Muggle model magazines was a good idea. We can both see how that turned out."

"Fair enough."

She crossed the room and placed her hand in his, which he had outstretched again. He slightly nudged her and told her, "You look beautiful, if that counts for anything."

"Thank you, Reg." She smiled and added, "You don't look too bad yourself. Dressed up for anyone in particular?"

She didn't miss the hint of red that covered his cheeks at her statement and felt a sudden wave of uneasiness from his side. "Not really."

Phoenix was glad she had her brother's arm to hold on to when they stepped onto the stairs, otherwise she would most certainly have tripped out of nervousness. The bottom floor had been turned into one giant room by magically removing some of the walls and there were people chatting throughout the whole room. There were more people than the year before at the Lestrange manor. She swallowed as she realised how many of them turned towards them as they noticed them walking down the stairs. Those were the moments when she wished that the Blacks weren't almost royalty in the pureblood society. She spotted Rabastan and Jack standing next to each other at the bottom of the stairs. Both of them were looking up at her, Jack with a smile and Rabastan with an expression that she couldn't quite name.

"Is there still the option of me acting like I was sick and staying in my room?" Phoenix whispered and heard Regulus chuckle next to her before he murmured, "No, I think you missed the chance."

When they finally reached the bottom after what felt like hours to Phoenix, Regulus passed her hand on to Jack and stood next to Rabastan. The latter, however, turned on his heel and disappeared towards one of the house elves with a tray of glasses and his best friend followed suit. Jack smiled down at Phoenix and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "You look beautiful."

"Thank you." She returned the smile and added, "We should probably go and greet a few people."

I know the recent chapters are rather slow, but I have waited so long for this scene between Elle and Phoenix too happen and I'm just a sucker for friends- / siblings scenes. Sorry not sorry.

Also I love Jack. Anyone with me?

Love, Enya

Side note: This chapter was supposed to be posted on Sunday, but I kind of forgot, so here's a Monday update.

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