19 | LIGHT

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Unfortunately, there was no way to find out who had ripped the page out of the book, as the Common Room had been crowded with students on their way to the Quidditch stadium and neither Maureen nor Phoenix had really been paying attention to them. It seemed like the universe was working against them.

After the turn of events that day it was all the more surprising to Phoenix when Regulus approached her that evening after dinner and wished to talk to her privately. They hadn't really shared a conversation since their argument about the Death Eater society at Hogwarts, since neither of them felt like they were in the wrong. At least Phoenix had thought so.

"Fine, one meeting, but I know I will be able to tell you 'I told you so'" Regulus told her in one of the quieter corners of the room, his voice lowered to a point where it was difficult to understand him.

It took Phoenix a moment to determine what he was talking about, but when she did, a victorious smile tugged the corner of her lips upwards. "Don't be so sure. You're not the only one who has changed."

"Are you trying to tell me that you actually agree with the idea of pure-blood supremacy?" he asked, disbelief lacing his voice.

Phoenix shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I've realised that people like Crystal Morgan are actually a threat. I won't let people like her endanger my family and friends. People messing with me is one thing, but nobody has the right to mess with my family."

The smile on Regulus face made her heart warm and she felt like she was finally a valid part of the pure-blood society. She would have had to lie to say that it didn't feel good. Her words weren't just an act either. Crystal Morgan was one of the leading figures in her harassment and had – along with other members of different houses – attacked Slytherins verbally or even physically. If they didn't believe them to be worthy of their brotherhood, why should she protect them any longer?

"Still, I don't think our meetings will be what you expect," Regulus pointed out, but Phoenix was already walking backwards towards the stairs to the dorms, waving at him with a proud smile.

However, when she turned around she nearly bumped into somebody and her smile faltered. Rabastan looked down at her with an unreadable expression in his blue eyes, before pushing past her. In that very moment Phoenix grabbed his hand and made him turn towards her again. Her voice wavered as she asked, "Are you okay?"

"Hell, what is it with you Blacks today?" Rabastan asked, pulling his hand out of her grip and storming towards the secret passage although it was already well after curfew.

Totally perplexed by his reaction, Phoenix stared after him for a good few seconds before shaking her head and continuing her way to the dorms. She was the first to be ready for bed that night, but she waited with a book for the return of the other girls. She had tried going to bed earlier a few years ago, but she had pretty soon realised that it was almost impossible due to Jill Pucey's loud footsteps and Maureen's inability to keep her voice down.

As expected, the latter burst into the room only twenty minutes later. She stormed over to Phoenix's bed and nearly jumped onto her legs when she sat down.

"We got a letter from Dawn, it's addressed at both of us, but I couldn't wait to open it," Maureen exclaimed excitedly. "Come on, read it already! You won't believe what happened."

She shoved the parchment into her hands, watching her reaction intently as she read it.

When Phoenix finished she looked up in utter surprise, "I thought she told us she'd never trust him again."

"I guess some wonders still happen," Maureen squeaked. She grabbed the letter and let her eyes roam over it once again.

Phoenix on the other hand didn't know how to feel about the news. Especially since she didn't fully understand what had happened over the last few months outside of Hogwarts beside the headlines. She knew nothing about Dawn's life anymore. She murmured under her breath, "I just hope she knows what she's doing."

Maureen tilted her head, "I thought you'd be more excited about the whole thing. Isn't it comforting to know that she found somebody who looks after her."

"What about her dad? She found the elven realm, didn't she?" Phoenix remarked, though knowing very well what Maureen was talking about. There was a significant difference between family and someone you loved. "Normally I would vouch for my brother to be the best choice, but after what he pulled last year I'm just afraid both of them will get hurt again. Dawn is not one to forgive easily. What if she's just trying to hurt him like he hurt her?"

"Now this is ridiculous. What happened to your positivity?" the pink-haired girl opposed with a disbelieving laugh.

Phoenix shrugged. "She had to face the real world."

"You're starting to sound like Reg," the pink-haired girl pointed out and got to her feet. She threw the sheet onto her bed and walked towards the bathroom. "I'm going to get ready for bed."

It was hard to find sleep after these news. It appeared to Phoenix as though she had stared at the ceiling for hours, thinking about possible outcomes out of the situation. Dawn had been very vague, saying that Sirius had helped her when she had been at her worst and didn't even want his help. He had taken her in to live with him and James until she had found a solution. One night they had talked after weeks of avoiding it and somehow they had figured out how to put their past behind them. If only it didn't sound too perfect to be true. On the other hand, it was definitely Dawn's handwriting and she had no reason not to trust her friend. If she was truly happy with Sirius, she wouldn't complain. In fact, she would be ecstatic.

Maybe there was some light in dark times. One only had to find it.

I know this is sort of a filler chapter, - recently there have been a lot of those - but there were a few things which I had to add into the story in a calmer atmosphere. However, for some reason I'm always very nervous when posting these kind of chapters.
Now it will pick up it's pace again.

Any thoughts on the news from Dawn?

Also, is Aladdin worth watching? My best friend an I are currently debating whether or not we want to go see it at the cinema on Saturday.

xx Enya

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