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Getting into St. Mungos on a Sunday turned out to be an easy thing. Damian and Phoenix would pretend to visit Rabastan, whereas his brother would make the healers believe that he wanted to get some paperwork done. Their advantage and disadvantage at the same time was that the wizard hospital had a lot of visitors on weekends but the same amount of staff. Those circumstances were what Rodolphus had based his plan on.

Around noon Phoenix and Damian arrived, signing their names at the entrance desk and then proceeding towards the psych wing. Phoenix' hands were shaking although she knew exactly what her part in the rescue mission was. The evening before they had talked it through more than ten times but there was still this fear nagging on the young witch that something would cross their plan.

But it was hex-proof, wasn't it?

Nonetheless, she smiled at the nurse allowing them into Rabastan's corridor and simply gazed at Damian, who walked with his back straightened next to her, through the corners of her eyes. As friends did, Damian, Phoenix and Rabastan had lunch together in the latter's room and talked and laughed. To an unknowing witness it must have looked like the most normal scene there could be. But in truth, it was far from that. Not only did all of them know about the escape but also did the visitors slide hints about their plan into their conversation.

At one point Phoenix nearly choked on her potatoes when Damian said, "You missed a lot, mate. Maureen told me that only about two weeks ago Phoenix pretended to faint because she wanted to make some Slytherin guy notice her in front of a classroom, but he didn't even bother to look her way."

Damian broke out into a fit of laughter while Phoenix' gaze met Rabastan's. With a small shake of her head, she tried to tell him that the scene Damian had just described never happened, in case he didn't pick up on it being a hint rather than her falling for another boy. Around two o'clock she would pretend to faint in front of his room. As if it wasn't already a ridiculous scene as it was.

"I bet he wasn't as good looking as I am or was he?" Rabastan chuckled with a smile in her direction.

Letting out a breath of air Phoenix shrugged, "I don't want to bruise your ego, but..."

At two o'clock Phoenix pushed the door of Rabastan's room open, pretending she had to use the bathroom. She passed the nurses' room, peeking inside to see whether Rodolphus was there yet. He was standing at the back of the room, shuffling through a pile of paper and Phoenix made her way towards the bathroom. According to the older Lestrange brother, around two o'clock most patients took a nap, which was the reason why fewer healers and nurses had a shift from two to five o'clock - the best time to kidnap a patient from under their noses.

She took her time with what she made look like freshening up. In truth, however, she had found a spell in one of her books to make her look rather ill, which was perfect for their plan. Breathing deeply she looked at herself in the mirror, resting her hands on both sides of the lavatory. Her heart was racing in her chest but her grey eyes staring back at her were filled with calm.

Closing her eyes for a second before she moved towards the door, Phoenix walked back to Rabastan's room. The corridors were rather empty with only a few visitors and staff milling around.

Would this be enough?

Right in front of the nurses' office which lay across the hall from Rabastan's room, Phoenix placed her hand on the wall to steady herself. Her eyes moved towards the office and with a small movement of her other hand, she made the air whack Rodolphus against the back of his head. As soon as she made sure that she had caught his attention, Phoenix sacked against the wall, pretending to breathe heavily. With another flick of her wrist, she rattled the door to Rabastan's room, the sign for them to set their part of the plan in motion.

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