Part 9

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*Tom’s POV* 

“Okay, I’m heading home early guys!” Ashley giggled, “it’s going to take me forever to get rid of all this sand!” She giggled, pulling her skirt and top back on. She gave me a quick wink, before heading off.

We headed inside and whilst dinner was cooking, I decided to head over to Ashley’s.

“I’m going out guys, hope I don’t get attacked by some seaguls,” I said, narrowing my eyes at them, causing them all to burst out laughing.

“Fuck you lot,” I chuckled, heading outside.

I headed over to Ashley’s, walking in without knocking as usual.
This time I wasn’t sure where she was, as I couldn’t hear any music, so I decided to check upstairs.

“Ash, Ash, Ashleeeeeey, where are you?” I asked

“I’m in here,” she called from her room. I walked in immediately, to see her lying on her bed, relaxing.

“What’s up?” She giggled at me.

“My nose hurts” I whined, “I need someone to kiss it better for me” I said.

“Aw, poor Thomas,” she giggled, kneeling up and kissing my nose.

“Better now?” she asked.

“I think it needs one more,” I pouted. She laughed, and kissed my nose again.

“Is that better Thomas?” She giggled.

“Mhmmm,” I said, leaning in to kiss her, but she moved out of the way quickly.

“What?” I asked confused and shocked. She just smiled back at me, biting her lip.

I leaned forward, trying to kiss her again.

She smiled, and moved away again, making me chuckle.
What was she doing?

“Ashley…what are you doing?” I asked confused.

“Nothing,” she smiled, “you just look really cute,” she giggled.

“Cute?” I tutted shaking my head 


“What’s wrong with being cute?” She giggled.

“Don’t call me cute” I replied

“Why not?” She pouted, “sorry,”.

“I don’t like being called cute”

“Why? I didn’t mean to like… Annoy you,” She asked, her face dropping.

I laughed, leaning down and kissing her.

“What would you rather I call you?” She giggled, kissing me back.

“Anything other than cute…” I replied.

“Sexy? Hot? Tom?” She laughed.

“Both” was my mumbled response against her lips.

“Sexy it is,” she smiled into the kiss.

“Okay beautiful” I mumbled.
she lay back on the bed pulling me down with her.

“Don’t call me beautiful,” she said, running her tongue across my bottom lip.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Because it’s not true,” she said simply, stroking the back of my neck.

“It is,” I argued.

“Please… Don’t argue with me about this…” She said, still kissing me softly.

“Well it’s true, you’re beautiful Ashley,” I replied.

“Mhmmm,” she said, playing with the bottom of my hair, as I began to trace my fingers along her sides and down her thighs.

She smiled into the kiss, sliding her tongue across my bottom lip again.
I quickly yanked my shorts down, unzipping Ashley’s skirt. That was all that was needed. I was desperate.
She chuckled at my sudden eagerness.

“Someone’s in a hurry,” she smiled.

“The boys are going to have my dinner ready in 15 minutes, so we’re going to need to make this quick” I breathed.

“Charming, just what a girl wants to hear,” she giggled. “Why did you come over then?” She asked.

“I HAD to see you Ashley!” I panted.
“but why?” She smirked, pulling my hair softly.

“I needed you” I replied, tugging at her underwear.

“You’ve already had me today!” She smirked again.

“I wanted you again” I winked.

“I can tell,” she giggled, as I pulled off her underwear, as she wriggled beneath my touch.

She placed her lips at my ear, purposely letting out a soft groan, which turned me on instantly.

*Nathan’s POV* 

“Guys, dinner’s almost ready!” I shouted up the stairs.

Me and Samantha had made spaghetti bolognase for everyone, and made a special vegetarian option for Jay.
We went into the dining room table, and began eating.
Ten minutes later, Ashley wandered in.

“Hey, I hope you don’t mind me popping in? I was getting lonley over there,” she smiled.

“Of course not, grab some food from the kitchen Ash, there’s loads left” Samantha called out.

“Thanks,” she smiled, walking into the kitchen.

I glanced up at Samantha and chuckled, she had sauce somehow on her nose!

“Come her babe” I whispered
She leaned across and I wiped it off with my thumb.

“Thanks babe,” she giggled.

“Anytime” I replied

“Awhhh you two are so cute” ashley replied, walking in with some food.

“Thanks,” Samantha blushed.

“You are though, so glad you finally got together,” Ashley grinned, looking for somewhere to sit.

Samantha smiled, looking up at me shyly, as Ashley took the only free seat left next to Tom.

“Please don’t kill each other?” I chuckled, looking in their direction.

They both looked back at me, disgust written over their faces, “and as for you, why are you looking up at me all shyly?” I smiled menacingly looking down at Sam.

“Because I don’t handle complments well,” she giggled.

“I’m sure we can sort that one out” I smiled.

She smiled back at me cutely.
We all finished our food, and began to relax.

“I’ll help whoever’s doing the dishes,” Ashley offered politely.

“Nah its fine Ashley, we’ll get them later” Max replied, “anyone up for a quick game?” He suggested.

“Yeah, which game?” Siva asked.

“It’s a drinking game called “I’ve never”” Max said.

“Sounds good, but how do you play?” Samantha asked.

Max explained it bit by bit, first of all we all had to sit in a circle in the floor with full shot glasses.

“Okay so the first player says a simple statement starting with “Never have I ever”. Anyone who has done what the first player has not must drink.” He paused “for example, if ashley said never have I ever smoked…then both myself and tom would need to take a drink as its something we’ve both done.”

“Ah, okay sounds simple enough,” Samantha smiled, “I’ll start, I have never smoked.” She said.
Both Max and Tom took at drink instantly.

“Oh there’s one more rule, if its only one person who drinks, that person must give a detailed account of why they are drinking” he added, and we nodded.

“Okay, I’ll go next.” Siva said. “I have never pee’d outside.”

Everybody took at drink apart from Ashley, Samantha and Siva.

“Ewwww…” Ashley giggled.

“Okay my go then” max nodded.

“I have never cheated on someone,” Max said.

I looked around the group, Tom was the only one taking a drink…typical parker.

“Don’t look at me like that,” he chuckled.

“Okay, is it my turn?” I smiled.

“Yeah babe, go for it,” Samantha grinned.

“I have never been cheated on,” I said.
This time, Ashley was the only one to drink.

“oooooohhhhh you’ve got some explaining to do now Ashley,” Max chuckled

“Basically I was with this guy for like a month before I moved here, and he wanted to have sex with me, and I said no,” she sighed, “it was my first time and I was going to break up with him, so I that’s why I said no. So, he went off and slept with someone who was up for it,” she shrugged.

“Awwww hun” Samantha soothed, she looked sad.

“I’ll punch the twat” Tom perked up, causing the room to burst out into hysterics.

“Don’t laugh, it’s not funny!” Tom growled.

“he’s not worth it,” Ashley said, shrugging her shoulders.

“He must have been a dick, to want to cheat on you Ash” Samantha added.

“Look at me, can you blame him?” She smiled slightly. “Anyway, it would have been my first time, and I didn’t want it to be with him, it didn’t feel right,” she said.

I caught Max looking over towards me and Sam, discreetly winking. Was this how Samantha felt when she was with Max the other night I wondered?

“Can we please move on now?” Ashley sniffed, giggling slightly.

“Yes! I want a go” Jay smiled.

“I have never had sex twice or more in one day.” Jay chuckled.

Ashley and Tom instantly rushed for their glasses, downing another shot.

“Wow!” I chuckled.

“Okay, my turn?” Tom chuckled. “I have never…”

He paused having a think about what to say…

“I’m not a virgin” he chuckled, “I didn’t know how to make that ano ‘I never’ so yeah…” He laughed.

Everyone looked at each other, watching closely to see if anyone was going to drink. I looked up at Sam, she looked so embarrased, bless her. Her checks blushed a light pink colour.
She picked up her drink and downed it.

“Aw Sam,” Ashley giggled.

“Care to explain?” Siva chuckled. All the boys looked over at her in disbelief, as her cheeks became a darker colour of red. She looked cute when she was embarrassed.

“Trust you to ask that one Parker” she sighed.

“Sorry but I never thought for a second anyone here was still a virgin” he chuckled

“Wait… I thought you and Max, the other night after the club… y’know” Jay trailed off.

“No, I mean… We almost, but I stopped it,” she blushed.

“We all thought you weren’t a virgin Sam” Siva added.

“So why did you stop?” Ashley asked.

“Because… Because I wanted Nath to be my first,” she said, looking at the ground.

“Awwwwhhhh” Siva chorused back smiling

She blushed, and I pulled her into a hug.
The game eventually came to ano end, and one by one people started going to bed, with Ashley crashing in our spare room for the night.
We stayed up later, sitting on the sofa watching the football highlights, I patted my lap gently, signalling for Samantha tto lie down, as I slowly ran my fingers through her hair.

“You’re such a cutie Sam,” I chuckled, leaning down and kissing her hair softly.

“Well, I was just being honest,” she giggled, yawning as she drifted off the sleep.

*Tom’s POV* 

Ashley was in the spare room next door, the temptation was a killer. I got up quietly once I heard Nathan and Samantha go to bed. I assumed Samantha was already asleep, because she didn’t make a sound. I tiptoed quickly next door, closing my room door behind me, before quickly jumping into Ashley’s bed, startling her as she woke up.

“Jesus christ, you fucking scared me,” she said quietly, rubbing her eyes. 

“What’s wrong?”

“I couldn’t sleep” I lied

“Something on your mind?” She asked.

“Just this girl” I replied, winking

“Aw, how sweet,” she smiled. I lay down beside her, pulling the covers over us both, as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulling her close to me.

“You’re a strange one Thomas,” she said. “Hey, can I ask you something?” She asked.

“Of course you can” I smiled.

“Why did you react so… weirdly, when I told that story about being cheating on?” She asked.

“You said that he would have been your first…” I said.

“Well, he would have been…” she said.
Realisation of what had happened washed over me.

“Was I?” I whispered.

“Were you what?” She asked, not looking at me.

“Our first time together… was I your first Ashley?” I asked seriously.

“Yes,” she said quietly, nodding her head.

“Ash….” I began. She looked up at me, smiling.

“You should have told me,” I said.

“Why? It wouldn’t have mattered,” she said.

I sighed. “every girl deserves their first time to be special though.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” she said, stroking my cheek.

“It does, and instead it was full of anger,” I replied, disappointed with the way I had acted.

“Well, that’s true,” she giggled, “but for me, it was special. It was amazing. The fact that we were angry and had so much tension, it made it rough and passionate,” she smiled.

I leaned down and kissed her gently as I mumbled “sorry” against her lips.

“Don’t be,” she said. “That makes it sound like you regret it,” she mumbled back.

“I don’t… I just wish I had known it was your first time, I would have made it special for you” I insisted.

“Tom, we were barely on speaking terms back then,” she giggled against my lips.

I sighed, letting her win, instead I pulled her close to me, kissing her cheek 

“Goodnight Ashley” I whispered.

“anyway, I wouldn’t have had things any other way, it led to our current arrangement,” she yawned, “goodnight Tom,” she whispered back.

*Ashley’s POV* 

I woke up the next morning in Tom’s arms. It was a regular thing, but then I remembered we were in the boys house.

“Tom! You need to get up” I whispered.
He grunted and stayed put, so I sat up and went to move. He groaned, trying to pull me back down.

“Tom, we’re at yours! The boys can’t catch us, it’ll ruin everything,” I giggled, kissing him to wake him up.
He woke up and decded it was best to keep it a secret

“Go,” I giggled.

He checked the hall was clear, before winking and sneaking off to his own room.

I pulled on a jumped and went downstairs to make some tea, and found Nathan sitting at the table.

“What’s up with you?” I asked

“Nothing, I was actually hoping to run into you before Sam got up,” he chuckled, as I flicked on the kettle.

“Ooooo what can I do to help?” I giggled sitting down at the table with him.

“Well, you know how I want to make things special for her,” he chuckled.

“Yeah?” I questioned.

“Can you help me make things extra special?” He asked.

“Of course I can Nath, what did you have in mind?” I questioned.
He told me what he was planning, and it was so cute!

“That sounds perfect Nath, I’ll sort out my house with some stuff and you can use that, I’ll stay here,” I offered.

“Thanks Ash! Now, we just need to wait until she’s ready,” he grinned.

*2 Months Later* 

*Nathan’s POV* 

Our relationship was getting stronger by the day. It was perfect.

“Sam, remember I’m taking you our tonight for our 2 month anniversary,” I chuckled.

“How could I forget Skyes” she smiled.

“Are you okay Sam?” I asked, “you look like you’re thinking about something,” I smiled.

She smiled up at me innocently, trying to hide whatever was on her mind.

“I know you better than that Sam, come on, tell me babe,” I smiled.

She shuffled over, taking my hands in hers, playing with my fingers softly.
I chuckled down at her, knowing she was going to tell me.

“I’m just nervous baby, that’s all” she smiled up at me.

“Nervous for what?” I asked confused.
She looked down, still twiddling with my fingers, she had always done this ever since we were young, whenever she had been thinking about something.

“You can trust me,” I chuckled, tilting her chin up.
She gazed into my eyes, biting her lip. 

“I’m ready Nathan” she whispered.

“What?” I asked, shocked. Did she mean what I thought?

She smiled up at me, “I’m ready Nathan.”

I smiled widely. “Are you sure baby girl?” I asked.

“I’m never been more sure about anything in my life Nathan,” she smiled.

“Okay baby girl,” I laughed, “as long as you’re sure,” I grinned.

“I am” she replied leaning up and kissing me softly.

She smiled at me and went to begin getting ready, we were leaving early, so that Ashley could get everything that she could sorted. I gave her a quick text.

“Heeey ash, our plan…yeah, would tonight be alright? - nathan x”

A few minutes later, I got a text back.

“Yeah, just give me a text when you’re leaving and I’ll get started :) - Ash x”

We had just over an hour until the taxi was picking us up, so as Samantha headed for a quick shower I took the opportunity to go and leave the new dress I had bought, on her bed for her.

“Nathan, what’s that?” She asked, pointing down at it on the bed.
After she had came out the shower.

“Just a little present for my beautiful girlfriend” I winked.

“Nathan, I love it! It’s gorgeous!” She grinned, picking it up.

“Just a little something for my girl” I chuckled,

She went and got dressed quickly, putting on some natural make up and putting some loose curls in her hair, knowing I loved her hair like that.
I put on some chino’s, my game over t-shirt since it was Samantha’s favourite and a leather jacket. Before making my way downstairs to wait on her.

“Come on princess,” I smiled, linking my arm with hers.

“Have fun guys,” Tom chuckled from the living room.

“We will” Samantha called back smiling.

“Good choice of top Sykes” she winked, as we got into the taxi.

“I knew it was your favourite,” I laughed.

She smiled, running her fingers over it.

“I love that top!” She grinned.

“I love that you love it,” I chuckled.

“So where are we off to the Sykes” she smiled,

“Ah, now that’s a secret,” I smiled.

I pulled her into a hug and she rested her head on my shoulder for the journey, as we talked away.
Tonight was going to be perfect.

*Ashley’s POV* 

I had suggested to Nathan that him and Samantha could have my house for the night, I picked up the phone and called Tom.

“Tom, get your ass over here, I need help,” I giggled. He was over within minutes.

“what’s up?” He chuckled, “you sounded desperate.”

“I hope that’s not meant in the way I think you mean it!” I said, hitting his arm.

“Of course not” he winked.

“I’m serious,” I giggled, shutting the door. “I need you to help sort stuff for Nath and Sam,” I smiled.

He looked at me confusion written over his face, “sort stuff for Sam and Nath… What?….why?” He asked.

“It’s their “big night” tonight, and I’m letting them use my house, and I’ll be staying with you boys,” I smiled.

“Ohh… Look at you being such a great friend” he smiled..”Okay so what do you need my help for then?”He questioned

“I need you to help me sort out the guest room… plus… I can’t put duvet covers on..” I giggled.

“Come on then,” he smiled, dragging me upstairs and into the guest room.

“I hope you know, I’m no good at putting duvet cover on either” he wined as I chucked him the cover, whilist I got to work on the pillow cases.

“You’re useless,” I giggled, after a while of watching him fumble with it.
I helped him get it on properley, then handed him a bag of rose petals. He looked at me confused.

“Over the bed, and down to the door,” I giggled.

He done as I said, “your a real good little romantic aren’t you” he smiled.

“When I need to be,” I smiled, grabbing my bag.

I placed a bowl of strawberries and bottle of wine on the coffee table.

“Can you get some candles out of the cupboard in the hall please? Nathan dropped some off last week” I asked.

“Sure,” he chuckled, handing them to me. I placed one at either side, of each stair and lit them.

We were just getting ready to leave when I remembered “ahhh we forgot the fairy lights!” I gushed, running back upstairs with Tom.

“You’re really going all out for them aren’t you?” He chuckled, as I hunted frantically around my room for them.

“Yes! I want it to be special for them!” I smiled as I found the lights. I tossed him one end, as we drooped them over the end of their bed.

“Perfect” Tom smiled.

“It really is,” I smiled, happy with our work.

“They’ll love it Ash” he grinned, as we walked out and back to his.

“All set?” Max asked.

“Yep,” I smiled, sinking down into the couch.

*Samantha’s POV* 

The car came to a hault, and when we got our, we were at the beach.

“You hungry?” He asked, leading me down to a small picnic set up along the waterfront.

“Wow, Nathan…was this all your idea?” I asked, looking down at what he had set up, “its beautiful!”

“Anything for my girl,” he chuckled as we sat down.

He opened some wine, and poured us both a glass. “To us!” He said as we clinked the glasses together.

“This is all so amazing Nathan!” I gushed.

He smiled, before leaning in and crashing his lips down onto mine.
I kissed him back, running my hands through his hair.
We had ano amazing meal, before he pulled me to my feet, and took me for a walk along the beach.

“I’m so glad we finally got together Nath” I admitted.

“Me too baby,” he said, interlocking our fingers.

We walked for a good 20 minutes, until he came to a stop.

“Take your shoes of baby girl” he whispered.

I did what he said, and slipped my shoes off.
Before I had time to reacted, he was pulling me into the sea. 

“Naaathaaaaan” I screamed as the cold water hit against my legs.

“It’s so cold!” I shivered.

His arms wrapped themselves around my waist, as he slowly started pushing me backwards, I grabbed onto him to stop my back from hitting the water, 

“Nathan Sykes…don’t you dare” I said, trying to sound in control. He lowered me down further until I was only inches from the waves.

“Naaaaath…” Was all I was able to say before his lips met mine.

“Trust me” he mumbled against my lips, holding me tight my hair just cm’s above the waves.

He moved his hand from my back and I felt myself falling backwards. Suddenly, I my feet were no longer on the ground, Nathan had scooped me up into his arms.

I smiled up at him, realising how he hadn’t dropped me into the sea.

“I told you, trust me,” he chuckled, carrying me back up the beach.

“I thought you were going to let me get soaked back there” I giggled.

“No chance,” he chuckled, “do you want to head home baby?” He asked.

“Of course” I smiled, as he put his arm around my back, guiding me up towards the taxi.

The taxi pulled up at Ashley’s house, and Nathan helped me out.

“What are we doing here?” I asked confused, as he paid the driver.

“Ashley let us have her house for privacy, she’s staying with the boys tonight,” he smiled, leading me up to her door.

“Hmmmm….what did you have in mind Sykes” I smirked, taking his hand in mine again, once her had unlocked it. He opened the door, and I gasped at what I saw. It was stunning!

“Wow!” Was all I was able to say.

“Do you like it?” He smiled, leading me up the stairs, as I took it all in.

“Its… per… fect” I grinned.

“I’m glad you like it baby girl,” he smiled, opening the door to the guest room.

As soon as I stepped inside, I was lost for words. The room looked amazing. There was so much effort put into it all.
“When did you do all this?” I gasped, running my fingers over the rose petals.

“I had a little bit of help from Ashley” he smiled.

“Wow, it’s perfect.” I said, kissing him softly.

“I wanted it to be everything that you had ever imagined” he replied before smiling into the kiss.

“Are you sure this is what you want Samantha?” He breathed against my lips.

“I’m positive” I replied, tugging at his top eagerly.

I pulled his jacket off and yanked his top over his head.

“As much as I love your top Sykes, right now, it looks so much better off” I breathed in his ear, as he pushed me down onto the bed.

“I prefer it off as well,” he chuckled, kissing my neck hungrily.

His body was perfection, I could do nothing but stare at it, why didn’t we take his top off more often?

“See something you like baby girl?” He smiled.

“I sure do, you should take your top off more often babe,” I winked, gently tracing his abs with my fingers.

“All you need to do is ask,” he smiled, running his hands up my back, to the zipper on my dress.

“Nathan Sykes…please take your top off more often” I giggled, as his cold hans removed my dress.

“Whoah,” he said, his eyes moving over my body.
I blushed, watching his eyes wander.

“Your body… Wow!” He breathed.

“Nathaaaan” I giggled in embarrassment.

“Don’t be embarassed baby, it’s gorgeous,” he smiled, his lips returning to my neck as I undone the button on his trousers and pulled them off.

“Are you absolutely sure about this hun? We can always wait…we don’t need to you know?” He asked looking down at me, searching my eyes for the answer.

“I’ve never been more sure about anything in my life,” I breathed, looking my gaze on him.

His eyes sparkled, as he let his lips fall against mine again.
I smiled, hooking my thumbs on his boxers. He groaned as I pulled them down. I knew I was safe in arms.

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