Part 24

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*Nathan’s POV*

*The Next Day* 

We were heading off to view a house today.

“Are you both ready?” I chuckled to Samantha, and Ashley who had just walked in.

“Yip, we are” they replied back smiling. The house we were going to view, wasn’t far from where we lived now.

“Come on then,” I chuckled, ushering them both into the car that was waiting for us.

“I’m so excited about seeing this today Nath, the pictures looked great online” Samantha smiled, sitting down next to me, her fingers intertwined between mine.

“It looks like the perfect home for you two,” Ashley grinned, looking out the window.

“It does, it looks perfect” I smiled, pulling Samantha close into my side. I kissed her check softly, enjoying being in her company.

“You two are just so adorable!” Ashley smiled at us.

I looked over Samantha’s head, getting ready to reply back to her, and that’s when I seen it.

A car.

It was heading right towards us at an extremely high speed.

“Ashley!” I yelled, trying to get her to move as far away from that side as possible.

The time was limited, only a matter of seconds. I pulled Samantha tight into my chest.

I heard the girls screaming, before I fell into complete darkness.

*Tom’s POV* 

“Fuck… right… we’re on our way!” Jay shouted down the phone.

“What happened?” Max asked suddenly, as Jay shoved us all out into the van.

“Its nothing to worry about, somethings just happened” Jay tried to reply calmly.

“Jay, it’s cleary something, tell us!” I said, getting worried.

“There’s been an accident” he mumbled, quietly.

“What do you mean an accident?!” Siva asked.

“A car accident, their car was smashed into by a speeding drunk driver,” Jay said, louder this time.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This couldn’t be possible!

“We need to get to the hospital… NOW!” I said.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine Tom,” Max tried to reassure us.

“You don’t understand…” I said quietly.

“We do understand mate, we care about them all too” Siva added softly.

“You don’t get it, she’s pregnant,” I said softly.

The van fell silent. It wasn’t because people were disappointed. It was more the realisation of the impact this accident could have on Ashley and the baby. She was even more vulnerable now than ever before.

Jay gripped my shoulder tightly.

“She’s going to be okay mate,” he said.We pulled up at the hospital, and I sprinted inside.

“My girlfriend’s here!” I stuttered at the desk.

“Name please?” She asked.

“Ashley, Ashley Lennon,” I said quickly.

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