Part 13

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*Max’s POV* 

“They? Who is they?” Jay asked.

“Who do you think?” Nathan spat back. We all just looked at him in confusion.

“Tom and Samantha,” he growled.

“Samantha wouldn’t do that Nathan” I said, standing up for her.

“Max they fucking slept together,” he spat, “go up to Tom’s room and see for yourself if you don’t believe me,” he said.

“I want all her stuff out my room for when I get back too” he added “I’m going to find Ashley” he roared storming outside.

“Maybe you should go see Sam mate?” Jay suggested, as we all stood awkwardly in the kitchen, thinking about what had just happened.

“Yeah,” I sighed, getting up and going up to Tom’s room.

“Guys, please tell me this isn’t true?” I asked opening the door slightly.

“You can come in Max,” Tom grumbled.

“Yeah, come in Max,” Samantha said quietly.

So it was true.

“Sam? Tom?” I questioned.

I walked in, and sat down on the edge of Tom’s bed.

“What the fuck guys?!” I asked.

Samantha looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

“Well? Tom?” I asked, expecting one of them to explain.

“We were drunk, we weren’t thinking” he mumbled, making no eye contact.

“Just because you were drunk, that doesn’t mean you can fuck you’re best friend’s girlfriend!” I shouted.

“The same thing applies to you Samantha! You’ve just broke Ashley and Nathan’s heart…was your moment of fun, worth it all?” I questioned.

“We’re so stupid,” she mumbled, her head in her hands.

“Well, I hope you’re happy! You’ve broken their hearts. I just hope it was worth it,” I said coldly, leaving them and going back downstairs.

Of all thing to happened, I had never expected his!

I didn’t even know where Ashley or Nathan were, they had both just taken off!

*Nathan’s POV*


“Come here you” I smiled holding out my arms, once I had found Ashley.

I pulled her into a tight hug, as we sat in the park.

“Why did they do it Nath?” She sighed.

“I don’t know Ashley” I mumbled, holding her tight for comfort.

“I mean… Ugh, it’s just not fair!” She sighed, wiping her eyes.

“I know its not Ash” I soothed. It felt like the one thing I cared most about in the world had just be ripped away from me.

“What do we do now then?” She said, “things are going to be weird for a while,” she added.

“We’ll play them at their own game,” I smirked.

Before she had time to reply, my lips made contact with hers. She tensed up at first, but relaxed into it after a few seconds. I pulled back, looking into her eyes. She looked so upset, bless her.

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