Part 12

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*4 monts later*

*Tom’s POV* 

Ashley and I had been together for 5 months now, and we were so happy! All of us were going out to a club tonight for a night out.

“Thomas Parker…” Samantha shouted running into my room,

“What’s up?” I chuckled finishing my hair off.

“You’ve got my straightners! I need them back” she giggled.

“Sorry, here you go,” I laughed, handing them to her.

“Ask next time, yeah?” She smiled, running back to Nathan’s room.

“Will do,” I called to her.I finished getting ready and went next door to get Ashley while the others were finishing getting dressed.

“Ashley, are you ready yet babe?” I called, walking into her living room.

“I think so, how do I look?” She asked, coming down the stairs.

“You look beautiful babe” I smiled.

“Thanks baby,” she grinned, kissing me. She had a light blue playsuit on, with some lovely heels. Her hair was up, with a few curls left down at the front.

I felt myself smiling into the kiss, as she ran her tongue across my bottom lip.I opened my mouth, letting her deepen the kiss. I had the most beautiful girl in the world, and I had her as my girlfriend.

I groaned against her lips, as she played with the bottom of my hair.I loved this girl so much.

“Guys, are you ready?” Samantha giggled, walking into Ashley’s living room.

“Yip,” Ashley replied

We all piled into the van, and set off towards the club.

“You two girls look beautiful tonight” Siva smiled.

“Thanks” they giggled back.

We pulled up at the club, and headed straight inside to get some drinks.

“Vodka shots first guys” Samantha smiled.

“Hell yeah!” I grinned, and we did shots.

Tonight, we were getting wrecked!

I ran up to the bar and bought some more drinks,

“Round 2!” I grinned, handing them all a drink.

3 hours later, and we were completely out of it!

“Sam, you need to have a break babe,” Nathan chuckled.

“I think I need to go home,” she giggled.

“Okay, let’s go,” he said standing up.

“Nathan, I’ll take her home,” I offered. 

“If I don’t get away from here, god knows how much more I’ll drink,” I said.

“Are you sure? I don’t mind leaving?” Nathan sighed.

“Of course, you stay and have fun!” I said, leading Samantha outside to a taxi.

“Why did I drink all those shots?” Samantha asked, getting into the taxi.

“Because you’re crazy,” I chuckled. The taxi took us home, and we went inside.

She held her heals in her hand, as we both staggered into the kitchen.

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