Ch 10 - Detention

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Anyone ever have detention? I mean in highschool. Middle school I had it a few times. Highschool had it twice because apparantly your third time late is a one hour detention. My girlfriend's school is way worse. So who are you serving it for? This should be good.



As much as Miss. Ririko scared you because she came off very strong taking some advice couldn't hurt. Hair not messy, obviously deodorant, and just two sprays of cologne. In business and ready to out the door. A banana in hand and juice can in your bag on your walk and you would chill before class. Though something feels like you're missing something. Anyway you walk down the stairs and at the door see Tsukune.

"Morning." He greeted.

"You the same. Guess we will see the girls momentarily?"

"If routine says so then yes. How's the girlfriend search going?"

"Funny you say that. A teacher of all people talked to me about girls. Apparently said plenty of skirts around. Which is true. Then wait until I graduate and find a woman instead. Less petty. Which, probably is true. But I have so many questions and feelings about that."

"Same here."

"Tsukune you and I are very alike. Though for you it's a pick and choose game. I won't have the ladies like you do. You see myself having girls that fully trust you and want to be your best friend? One's that crush you hard? I never had that. Not sure if I will. Though it seems the closest I've ever been to a girl is Kokoa. And well... it's rocky. Super complicated. I mean heck."

"Yeah man. Well hey good things coming up right?"

"Hey I'm passing. Thanks to the study sessions. Going to need some more. Yukari is amazing. Truly she is."

"Very. She is someone who has a bright future if she puts her mind in the same place."

"I agree."

"Yeah. With the test coming up I need a solid C or so to know I passed this term. Not bad though. Got my assignments done and seems to like me. Keep it on coming."


Both of you were on your way to the main building on campus when all of the sudden someone jumped down in front of you from a tree. "There you are." She smirked.

"Hey Kokoa." You wave. "Is it that time again already?"

"Actually I wanted to save you for as soon as I get out of school. That's what I want. Got that?" She barked the order.

"Don't stick me up for lunch money. Sheesh. Meet me by the shoe lockers when classes are over and I'll take a walk with you. Deal?"

"And you don't make sound like a date?"

Date? Well maybe it would mellow her. "Sorry. Gotcha."

"And how come you always apologize? Honestly." She huffed.

"Maybe it's because I don't want to offend you. Seems easy to do."

"I'm sorry what?" She readied her Ko-hammer.

"Exactly." You sweatdropped.

"Shoelockers after classes. Hmph." She walked away.

Though you saw those little red pigtails blow in the wind. Of the "plenty of skirts" that Miss. Ririko talked about there was something about her. Was it the sass? The strength? Or maybe it was the mystery. Either way this was something you wanted to know more of. Get closer to someone that you could hug and open up to. It came to you that even though she was a hardass the feelings were gradually growing like a small tree. That girl is going to get me in serious trouble someday.


You head into math class with a minute to spare. Which was a relief. Had your text book out, extra pencils for notes, and all seemed good. But you forgot one thing.

"Class pass your last night assignments forward please."

Crap... You look in your bag. Every folder and every subject. It's not in your locker. Dammit probably on my desk.

"Mr. (LN) your assignment please." Asked Miss. Ririko.

"Apologize. It's most likely on my desk. You wouldn't by any chance let me..."

"Detention Mr. (FN)!" She was firm about that one. All teachers were.

Oh boy. "Sure thing. Sorry." You mopped and put your head down. Joy to the world.

Well that's just a confidence break. Right in half. Trying to pay attention to the class knowing you have to stay later on in the day. An hour? Two? Who knows. Club was shot for today which was a drag. It was the calm of the day. And now not only did you miss an assignment but this screwed up your newspaper article, possibly your grade by a small margin, and you didn't even think about Kokoa.

As the hours went by you told your friends that you had to be after and to not wait up. They saw you completely bummed. Which really meant lunch was the only time to really freely talk. Class wasn't the time to do so. Which again just threw the whole day into the gutter. Hoping all was well. Though you weren't the only one not thinking. Tsukune had forgotten the rendezvous with Kokoa you had. No one could vouch for you there at that point.


The last bell rang. Normally you would be at your shoelocker swapping footwear and getting ready to write. Instead it was back to homeroom/math class to take your medicine by missing your assignment. Little knowing what was going on. It wasn't like extra help the way Tsukune described was bad. This was mandatory or otherwise suspension which you didn't want period. But this was the only option.

You open the door to the classroom and it's dark. The blinds are shut. "Hello?" You called. "Anyone here?"

"Take a seat my servant. We start now."

"Uh-oh." Yup. I'm going to hell. I feel two disturbances. What is this I'm feeling? Something is wrong in a few ways.

Somewhere on campus someone's temper was boiling. Not lime hot water but lava. Face as a burning as her hair. "That jerk stood me up! I'm going to hit him through every tree till he's in half!"

Back in the classroom you see a glare coming from the eye region. It nearly blinds your vision. "You are here to learn. And under my terms. Ready sweet boy."



I'm actually typing this while live on my YouTube. It's been a hilarious night and with Iggala aka Iggy joining in. Let's see how this one goes.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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