Q And A

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Well everyone I finished my Kokoa and my Akeno series so this is almost a double questionnaire segment. I love doing these actually. Feels like it connects to audience in a positive way. Here goes.

Have you ever considered a WWE fanfic?

Many elements involved and not sure who but I'm considering to add one to my list.

Favorite wrestler, company, and thoughts on AEW.

Alex Shelley. The talent for his size. More cruiserweight but the way he can move and do dangerous moves without being a danger to others. The Technical Messiah.

Every company blows opportunities I go by matches.

AEW is good since they can make appearances to other places like Japan and ROH. I wish it well.

If you can rewrite an anime what would it be?

Manga wise Monster Musume get rid of the farm arc.

Anime wise Rosario + Vampire is obvious.

Both Heaven's Lost Property movies.

I always forget the anime name of Rikka and the "eye of the Wicked Lord" but I would make season 1 end with a kiss to make it a 10/10.

All I can think of at the moment.

Anime/Manga I won't touch.

Tokyo Ghoul (Not into it)

Darling In The Cancer (Franxx) (Please, just no.)

DBZ (I do not have the proper knowledge and it's overdone.)

Probably another I'm missing but those stand out the most.

Why do you try to maintain a sober life?

Well it's a long story but I'll keep it simple. I have seen too many people in my life including some I lived with fall to alcohol, weed, or pills. I tore me apart watching them. I feel that an occasional cigar helps and I have a beer maybe four times a year but I try to be sober. Where as others will go to the bar with their sober friend and tip the bartender to pour him water. Shit ain't healthy. Not trying to offend anyone so I'll leave it at that.

What do you think of Blackhole-Chan?

It won't be in the video because it's NSFW. I see a pic and it points to the vagina and is labeled blackhole on the artwork. You don't EVER refer to that area as a black hole. Two reasons why.

One that's how you get slapped. Basically degrading her.

Two, it sounds like she's been around the pool more than Phelps, Lochte, and Ester. Probably gets herself with a baseball bat. No tread left on the tires gents. Hotdogs down hallways and a few flights of stairs. Carry on.

If you can make a game what genre?

RPG. Role-Playing Games are lacking. Especially with Tales Of focused on remakes and Sqaure Enix not putting up the way I had hoped.

Top five assholes in anime?

Anyone with God complex or heavily talks in third person.

Any character in a series you would delete or rewrite?

Lyn_Sacae . Sophie you're the best. You really are. Without her Half A Yandere wouldn't happen. I'll get to that later.

Only thing I can think of majorly for something worth my two cents is Arata from Trinity Seven. Make him have remorse. If you grope a woman apologize. Don't be proud that you touched a boob. It makes you a prick. End of story.

Favorite anime smile?

Mizore Shirayuki. When she's smiling and dancing in the Season 2 intro it makes me happy. A girl that is so troubled and has a lot of stress on her smiles ever so brightly. Shines past her pearl skin and nice eyes. And that says a lot.

Hardest part about teaching?

I get asked for tips quite often. I can recommend film, notes, and write out thoughts. But everyone is different. Anyone under my wing or a partner I work with is case by case. I work with a unique person and the work varies.

Hardest stories to date?

RWBY anything
Any crossover
Half A Yandere
Ikaros (Soon to come)

Thoughts on Half A Yandere

I always like to give back. I asked to everyone if they knew a Make A Wish child and I would write a story for him/her. In doing so met Malia on here.

We have her OC and concept a girl with two personalities Carly and Kim. Which is the real one?

My head spun and thought this was crazy. But I'm two chapters away from completion and this has been an amazing time. Malia is a good person and can't wait for her to tackle a part of this story. Not sure if it's a .5, 1.5, or sequel but I can't wait. I'm here if needed too.

By the way Azure is an OC of mine as well. Not me per say but similar.

Girl/Woman qualities.

Love a sweet woman with priorities. Knows what she wants and puts in effort. I have many but those stick out.

Favorite skater?

Hmmm... let's go Ryan Gallant.

Favorite stories of mine?

Angel On Edge
Snow Bunny
My Pawn Series
Restless (My Original)
Third Class

Sir Levinald might crack it one day.

Projects hopefully for 2019

I have planned Asia, Koneko 2, and continuing to finish works. Reen is due to be finished soon. Roseweisse soon after I correct this certain arc.

Then Lala, Miia, Yukino, if I have time.

Kiba my first straight Female X Reader is pretty soon. Love to have some of the boys read the prospective of a girl dating a guy who's valued as a Prince.

Then very soon I got one. And I mean VERY soon. Me and -OmegaZero- and I got a Miku story. The lesbian from Date A Live. Trap Music coming soon. April XX 2019.

How do you Separate it all? Skating, writing, work, girlfriend, and everything else?

Great question. I use to write chapters at work and at times I was lucky because I once wrote a whole Koneko chapter in the work van on the way back and forth from a job a whole town over. Sometimes you feel it and other times it feels like something is pushing against you. Think about a gear that's turning and it needs oil, hair and debris removed, and a good solid cleaning in the whole device. Sometimes I grind for days on one chapter and recently I had this spark where I had a rough sleep and punched out like 1500 words at like 3-4 AM. I make these stories priorities and tie it in to daily life. Fate won't give me a challenge I cannot handle. Bottom line. You work around it any way you can and you are golden if you like the idea and arc you are on. Sometimes the keys are hot and takes a half hour to an hour and at times you get stuck on a chapter for months as the story goes to hiatus. 

Last words?

I've said a lot, down a lot, taught a lot, and I'm hungry for more. Always improve, and thrive. I love you all. My name is AJ Torres and I dream to be a writer.


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