Ch 20 - First Study

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Moment Kokoa barges her way in your dorm just to study. How's this going to go? Besides being up late.



You start the coffee pot and look over at her continuing the process. She's at your table taking out homework sheets and her textbook. "Want some?"

"Sure. I guess I'll need it."

"How do you want it Kokoa?"

"Cream and sugar."

"How much and how much?"

"Two and two."

"Thank you."

"No, thank you. And put a shirt on already."

"One thing at a time. I'm not magic. You get what you pay for."

Jerk. Well, I did really put him on the spot. With the way I've acted lately is he going to throw me out? And, She looked at your body. Still in that under shirt. Your arms exposed and showed off your figure. I didn't see him as a man until now. I hope he doesn't attract too much attention. With luck Tsukune will take their attention. Both can't handle the two of them alone. Well, I hope.

You bring Kokoa a mug. "This is the first time I've seen you hit the books." Or have a girl in my domain. "Trying to curve before the visit?"

"All I got Baby."

"How will he be able to see?"

"He has access to ours. Knows Headmaster pretty well. So if I can curve it by a few points a piece I'm solid."

"Okay what's your highest and lowest scores so far?"

"High 74 low 68..." She blushed. It was like punking out of a fight. The embarrassment almost at an all time high. The pressure was on and she was going to need the work.

"Guess I'll try to bang out my subjects quick and go from there. This is just chaotic man. I mean hell."

"I know. You smart or what's your deal?"

"Depends. GPA for everything is 84 range. I'm not some sort of genius and all. But hey like I said I'll be there once I'm done. Then it's really geared towards homework. If you get the homework locked into place then classwork and tests will be easier. One good test and you're golden."

"I have tests the day before we leave..."

"Well we have everything cut out for us don't we. How about a deal?"

"What?" Please nothing stupid.

"You get a juice can when you're done. I'll throw in halfway done too. Why not? How's that?"

"Bribing me with food?"

"Rather go with drinks instead of my neck. Particularly when I have to stay up tonight. I mean what gives?"

"Yeah yeah. Just don't get naked or touch my chest. Hmph." She didn't even look up. Kept her face in the book.

"Why would I do either?"

"For obvious reasons."

You laugh and just want to mess with her. "So I can spank you correct?" You watch her head slowly turn to glare at you. "Kidding."

"Don't be a pig."

"Come on. Smile. Don't be down on yourself. A cute girl shouldn't be swimming in sadness because she hopes to get noticed. Come it's not all bad. We got caffeine and we're here all night if we have to."

Kokoa was just stunned. Most males in her life never spoke so well. "For me?"

"Kokoa, look outside for me. Outside the window you grappling hooked in." You see her sad and puzzled face give a look. She says nothing.
"🎶 The clock is ticking and we begin all systems go. Come hitch a seat and watch the moon grow. It won't be long until the grades are up in zero G. Honor roll with just you and me and not just me."🎶 You sit next to her. "Come on. Smile. You earned it." She blushed and turned away not knowing what to do. But keep going anyway. "You're looking well but we can tell you need a fix. For something more then just the average chick flick. A being so strong to crack what's underneath. A punch so strong so hit them right in the teeth.🎶

"Wow. I-I didn't see that coming..." She poked her index fingers together. "Thanks for believing. Where's th-" She attended that coffee cup. Ever so slowly drinking it as if someone was shooting a commercial.

(Song - Puffy AmiYumi - Planet Tokyo Rel Remix

This came all so sudden. I was going through while writing this and it just smacked me in the face. Freaking sweet.)

"How's the coffee Boss?" You chuckled.

"Fine. Actually good. Hopefully this works."

"Worst case I have another recipe it's called The Cooking Loli."

"Why the hell did you name something so perverted?" Again Kokoa was just trying to connect those dots.

"Well a girl I know would drink this and set the place ablaze. It's this coffee, three shots of espresso, and two creams. Sugar add to preference. Yeah man. The Cooking Loli."

"Huh?" Confused Kokoa.

"Cooking Loli. WEEEEEEEE!" Chimed Koa.

She giggled. "You have actually seen a girl go crazy from making one of those?"

"A few but it is supposed to be to help one stay up and focus. Tell you what if it's 3:00 hours, got a good amount left, and you're falling asleep right there sitting up this baby will be shared by us. Until that's not happening."

Kokoa was wondering why split. "Half?"

"I'll need a kick into gear too so yes half. We shouldn't need that much. At 3 AM and classes leaving this dorm at 7ish I got news for you, me too."

"Got a point. Different glass or I'll chug the whole thing before your indirect kiss. So there."

"Less time to perverted claims and more homework Strawberry. In the mean time I'm going to finish what I got shower, and go from there."

"Wait... hey. One minute." She glared at you again. "How does a Vampire take showers?" Oh shit. Wrong wording here buddy. It is getting late but wow that was bad. "Now that I mention it why is there a glass of water by your sandwich?"

"That?" Your heart jumped into your throat. You had these excuses lined up thankfully. Even anime girls caught on. Come on dammit. "Well it's a figure of speech. I've been throwing mint in recently and my mother has experienced tests with shower filters. Still coming up with an ideal solution so we Vampires can wrap the showerhead and shower normally like humans." Mother you saved my ass many times. This is one of them.

"I wonder if my father knows her. Hmmm. Alright what about the cup?"

"That? I forget. So if I put a glass of water in front of me that reminds me to make coffee." Thank goodness I didn't take a sip. That would kill me and our relationship.

"Alright. Sorry. Just all over the place." She sighed and got back to hitting the books.

That was too close. But eventually I have to tell her. But when?


You are dodging bullets man. Avoiding making yourself into swiss cheese. But hey least you and Kokoa are reaching stable ground. Even though she hooked herself to your window...

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Strawberry Yandere (Kokoa X Male)Where stories live. Discover now