Ch 22 - Here We Go Again

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After Ririko stopped to flirt with you and catch you off guard school technically didn't start yet. Exactly what the hell are you going to do? Then having to worry about Kokoa.



Talk about exhausting. Today was consistently running on empty. Having a car on the gas light put in half a liter and keep repeating that until it's over. Language, math, history, and thank goodness no gym today. At lunch you grabbed yourself an extra drink to get by too. The whole group looked at you as if you were from the dead.

"You're telling me you helped all night?" Asked Yukari.


"I still can't believe she used a grappling hook to get into your window." Pondered Kurumu.

"Well what was I supposed to do? Kick my girlfriend out? Wow, it's so weird that I can call her that now."

"So you two were studying all night?" Asked Tsukune.

"Well that and she almost caught my real self. I had a glass of water on the desk when I was about to eat. Sure enough after hours and hours of hitting the books we look and the clock and boom and almost wake up time. A coffee recipe and a donut and I go to homeroom. Still sipping on this coffee until we hit the books again."

"Rest? I mean my grades aren't great but those are some lengths. What did you put in that coffee?" Mizore was just amazed on how you would do such a thing. And for Kokoa none the less.

"Three espressos with regular coffee and two cream. The Cooking Loli."

Yukari gasped. "I'll be up all night with that one. I don't drink coffee."

"I'm not a daily coffee guy. But it's been working with these travel cups. Keeping it warm so it isn't all nasty. Yes I know this is nuts. Also that I'm crazy. Feel and look like a zombie. I get all of that."

"Well it's still all nice that you did that. Is she preparing to see our father?" Asked Moka.

"Lowest grade is a 68. High of 75. Sounds like a weather report."

"Oh. Well I see. She wants to bring them up before seeing him right?"

"That's pretty much it Moka. For someone who skipped a good amount of class she sure cares. Kokoa is very insecure about herself. But doing essays and homework with her taught me so much. I realize more and more in a short time I care about her."

"But you two still are trying to just make it work. How long can it just work?" Asked Kurumu. "She doesn't know you're only half, it seems only your needs, and romantically how far along?"

"We kissed a few times... Okay I get it."

"Best of luck." Sympathized Tsukune.

"I'll need it." Least everyone had your back here. This was rough and this couldn't be done alone.



You wake up and someone has half of your bed. It's exceptionally noticeable. The covers are no exception either. A little more than half the covers are another's too. Who the hell is in here? You didn't have to lift the covers. A look over and you see orange hair. It's down too. What? "Kokoa?"

"Morning. Crazy night. Your perverted mind is good for both needs."

"Hold on-"

"Just a taste Hun." Kokoa pulled down the covers and you gasped as you look  down. Nothing on top. She licked your neck up and down and kissed your upper neck below your side jaw. Then going lower. "Thanks."


"I like nourishment of all kinds from you."


You slightly exhale and open your eyes. It's rather dark. This pressure on top of your chest is heavy. Not internally but something on top of you. Feeling a had around your torso you feel an arm.

"Kokoa?" You whispered.

"(FN)?" She looked around in the limited light. "Crap!" She got up.

"Woah. Ouch." Wasnt gently getting off of you.

"What's going on?" You ask.

"Do you not remember? We passed out while working." She turned on the light which took your eyes a minute to adjust. Kokoa continued to scramble around with things. She turned the coffee on looked at the clock. It was dark outside so it was past curfew. "Baby we slept!"

"Hold on." Trying to get this wet dream flushed out of your mind you have to reassess. "So run me back here Kokoa. I remember going to the shoe lockers again. Then what happened?"

"Were you that tired?"

"Hell yeah..."

"So let me get this straight. One sec. Let me think." Then you go over the day. Alright I make the coffee and after I walk out we kiss before Ririko flirts with me. (I might do a hilarious story on her. But may be just talking out of context here.) I go through classes trying to take notes and do the work in front of me. Lunch woke me up a little. Three more classes and then what the hell? "Yeah sorry Strawberry I don't, I don't have anything for you. What time is it?"

"Eleven o'clock..."

You sadly sighed. "We're going to be up all night again. Shit."

"Both of us."

"Let's crank it Baby."


I be up all night. I be laying pipe. Sike. Get outta here.

Joke of the day. What does truyenfun and dollar store batteries have in common?

You realize they're fake after five seconds. Hey fakers you like that? The site that basically copies content? Welp you're not approved by Relly Demolish. Fuhgetaboutit.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


Strawberry Yandere (Kokoa X Male)Where stories live. Discover now