Ch 11 - Scent

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Kokoa is flaring because she is hurt from being ditched by accident. Meanwhile you are on Miss. Ririko's turf alone. This isn't like a minute after class or so. This is not going to go over well.



This teacher is crazy. It was nuts since she dressed sexy everyday of the week. And this moment she's in a corset and a leather skirt. She lights a candle and puts in on her desk. Not crossing her legs either. This skirt was shorter than the student issued ones. Which didn't even make it past the panties. Color? Bright pink. Why hot pink of all to choose?

"Miss. Ririko? What's going on?" You ask.

"You're here to learn. You dear boy just happen to be my favorite at the moment. Feeling that strong, dominant power of yours. Then you put cologne on for me? Baby this afternoon you are mine. Like my outfit?"

"I'm thinking I'm just going to have fantasies. I'm not a pervert but how am I going to concentrate?"

"Don't worry. Give me your homework tomorrow and highest grade is a B. 'Kay? I might have so hooked you, might be coming back to your Senpai." She licked your lips. "Shame I'm the only one that noticed you dressed sexy today."


She cracked a whip. "Page 350."

"Crap! Yes ma'am!" You get your book out and as fast as you can get to the page and get your notebook out. This was past tense. Starting to sweat and all. This was bad. This wasn't detention. This was a dungeon.


Kokoa furiously strutted over to the Newspaper Club room. Talking to her bat on what she was going to do to you.

"I can't believe him. I actually thought he was nice to a point. Feeling sorry I called him a pervert and everything. But apparantly I was wrong. When I see that fake Moka and him I'm going to flip my lid Ko buddy."

"Weeeee. Miss. Kokoa I think it's something else. We." Replied the bat nervously.

"Oh like what? He's sick? I feel fine. Don't give me that nonsense."

"Sorry. We."

Kokoa swung open the door the club room and looked around. To Tsukune, her sister, the other girls and then to the empty seat. Everyone flinched and thought she was going to turn the place into a hellstorm. "Where is he?" She demanded.

Tsukune just realized this. "Oh yeah. That's right. He mentioned getting detention. Two hours too."

"So he couldn't tell me? The nerve of that guy. Who does he think he is hiding that from me?" Kokoa snarled.

"Does he have to? Do you two have a thing going on?" Asked Yukari.

"Why would I do that? I need my taste and my nourishment. I need him." Kokoa had no idea she said it like that.

"He's not your boyfriend right? Why should he tell you where he is when he doesn't have the chance? Are you his senpai?" Asked Kurumu.

"Her food. That's for one thing." Put in Mizore.

"Kokoa what is he to you?" Asked Moka.

"He's someone who should have found me in the hallway to tell me he's serving detention so I can eat beforehand!" She screamed.

"Least when I do it I ask." Argued Moka. "I'm his friend."

"Friend?" Blushed Kokoa. "Oh. Right, friend. Sorry." She felt like an idiot for making a complete scene of things. "Who, does he have?" She asked in a normal toned voice.

"Nekonome different class, Ririko, wait... oh boy..." Tsukune sighed. "Don't tell me it's first year all over again."

"Uh-oh. Apprentice in trouble." Gasped Mizore.

"What did he do. It's not his scent got him into this." Wondered Kokoa.

"Actually, if you didn't think he was delicious you wouldn't be storming in here." Yukari pointed out the obvious. Kokoa couldn't reply there.

"Fine. I'll find him myself." Kokoa walked out and slammed the door. Walking back towards the main campus building. "How do I find him? Think he just left a trail?" Wondering how she was going to do this she walked gathering herself. Her thoughts that is. Her emotions was something that just seemed on the impossible grade level.


Speaking of grade level you were taking notes on the board. Just out of it trying as hard as you possibly could to follow up and not miss an answer. A woman in leather and a whip in hand wasn't someone one would like to piss off.

"Solve the problem for K." She instructed.

"K. Right." You look at your notes. "Kokoa." You mumbled.

"What!" Crack the whip. Hits you right on the left cheek. You tear and you feel that it left a small cut. It had a wicked burn to it. Causing you to fall out of your chair. "Who is she?"

"Sorry Miss. Ririko it's nobody!" You groaned.

"Don't you dare lie to me. Who is she?"


She walked over. Her heels clicking and hips swaying. She kneeled down to smack you across the face. "What did I tell you?"

"About girls?"

"They interrupt a boy's mind. You are here to learn." She reached under her skirt and ripped her underwear and showed you. "A real woman doesn't wear white panties with the bow." Showing a purple lace. "My muffin cover has stripes once a week but that's about it." She tossed them to you. You eye them landing on your shoulder as she is revealing her monster form. A Lamia. Her tail attaching to your chest and it gives off a small shock. You can smell your flesh cooking.

"Yaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!" You screamed.

"Oh Honey that's right. Let me know how much."

Meanwhile Kokoa in the hallway and smells something. "Wait. I know that smell. It's," She sniffed. "Oh it's him." She gazed. "Time to move."

Miss. Ririko stopped to let you recover. Breathing heavy and sweating. Vision is in and out for a moment. "Miss. Ririko..."

"What have we learned here today Baby?" She asked.

Kokoa burst in. "Hey! Off you tramp! He's mine and coming with me!"

"You bitch!"


Shuzen vs Ririko. But why would she fight? Only because of food when Tsukune is a similar taste? What's her game? And what's going to happen when all this is over?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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