Ch 9 - Hope Is No Plan

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Girlfriend candidate. Well what girlfriend would be okay with their guy having another girl sit on his lap and kiss the neck? Very few. What from here? Who knows.



Mizore shook her head. "I wouldn't want my boyfriend seen and rumors going on with him cheating."

"What does that mean?" You ask.

"Oh the sit on his lap, kiss his neck, and take his nourishment? That sound faithful?"

"Right... good call Mizore. So we talking I have feelings for her or call the whole thing off?"

"Well it's like sharing. If you have the boyfriend title it's going to just give you problems. Oh hey this my beautiful girlfriend. And meet my feed buddy with the thigh highs and anime twintails. Think that will go over well?"

"Case and point Mizore Senpai." You exhaled sadly.

"So you like the crazy redhead?" Asked Yukari.

"I avoid her like the plague." Huffed Kurumu.

"Guys. Please?" This was still tough for Moka.

"I guess I have to mind that. Drink more fluid and be on with it. I hope I don't like Kokoa. Wait does that mean she likes me or am I just her breakfast or dinner?"

"Moka? Thoughts?" Asked Tsukune.

"Feelings I am unsure of. My sister isn't one to show her feelings like that." Moka fell short. Oh boy.

"Her hormones are everywhere. Let's be real." Yukari was just lost.

"Well aren't everyone's hormones different?" Asked Tsukune.

"Some involve love or sadness." Added Moka.

"And for that brat it's raging bull and pissy." Kurumu wasn't defending Kokoa at all despite her hormones in the love department were off the charts. Succubus forte.

"So I have to find a way to get level headed, find out if I like a girl, if she likes me back, and that's not school work, club, and the other monsters. I have an overloaded schedule. How do I do it?"

"I missed half a year. Kokoa skips a lot." Mizore did it. Surely you could.

"I'll keep that in mind." Really my mind is melting into cheese. Like mush. Meh. I need help. A shrink. Maybe I'll end up heading to the nurse's office. Not for being light headed or faint symptoms but a massive headache or migraine.

This was just a bad start in which you wish you could turn around and use a sick day. But how worse could it possibly be? If you're the superstitious type just saying that in a short time period fate says life will kick your ass into the ground. Kick the crotch. Moment please. Care on. Without weighing options you go to the shoe lockers as routine and head into your homeroom. Miss. Ririko.

"Having trouble Mr. (LN)." She asked coming to your desk.

"Well... I hope not." Just nervous and don't know what to say. She leaned over and it was mostly cleavage. The kind that the guys in class have dreams about. (*Wow*, Aoogah, Giggity, or just pick one. Haha.)

"So Mr. (LN) what could it be? Life at a dormitory? School work troubles? Some club? Or..." She fixed her glasses and gazed into your eyes. "A girl perhaps?"

"Let's; all of them to a point?" You gulp. Oh no.

"Awww. Such a pity." She smirked.

Please don't. I don't want to stay after. Starting to sweat over here.

"I guess I'll keep an eye on you. Just say something when you need it. As a teacher it's my job right? To help aid a strong boy like yourself to the real world and become a strong, handsome, intelligent man. You don't have to go you realize. Hehe."

Is a teacher really flirting with me? "Thanks..." Only thing that could come out of your mouth.

"Very well. Before the others get settled. Page 154. 1-20. Head start before tonight. Any extra help is in room 053."

"I'll keep that in mind. I'll get settled." Least I get a head start on this. Been hard to focus lately. My head, my friends, my girlfriend. Stop. She's not my girlfriend! You grab your head in frustration and try not to look ridiculous. Calm down. Just math. Equations. Yeah. Twenty of them. Head start. And I did the homework. Okay. We can beat this. We can beat this.


Thinking this would help banging it all out at once you are taking notes, reviewing homework, and trying to do tonight's homework. Less pressure for later on right? Just seems so much to put all of those equations and do everything on three pieces of paper all at once. New lessons, make sure you have yesterday's lessons correct, and then homework on today's lessons. So much to go over. Theory was to get it done early but you kind of went overboard and it wasn't even lunchtime. She held you after the class too.

"Any better Mr. (LN)?" She asked.

"Slow progress. Getting the hang of it. Just making sure all is right before moving on. That to me is the whole thing. Before I get settled in club it will be done."

"I thought you would be finished by the time class was over."

"New formulas and notes. I'm not going to miss anything if i can help it."

"Glad you take my classes seriously. Like I said you know my office hours. And might want to eat a snack and drink something. You seem a little pale."

"Guess I'll check myself out. Thank you." Double check with Yukari before that. The genius can only do this in her sleep.

"Oh and those other things you were mentioning. She sat on her desk and crossed her legs. "Sleep is important as well as nutrition. Then the ladies. A girl you said right?"

"Ummmm..." You turned around.

"Girls are trouble. In two years you'll find a nice woman. Women are less petty."

"Good to know. Thank you Miss. Ririko."

"A little cologne and you're a catch. Plenty of skirts around. See what you like. I suppose since you have it all under control I will see you next class." She proceeded to the door and winked at you. "Look sharp. Someone special wants confidence. Makes you more cunning. See you soon."

"O-kay then."


I actually got this idea back from my old friend Jason I'm weighing back and forth. I can see it but I can't see it down the stretch if you know what I mean.

Ririko is pestering you having you work while flirting with you. What are the motives and why is she being ever so nice?

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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