Ch 19 - Da Teeth

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After Sharky picked a fight you threw him over the balcony. What's next?



Kokoa just stared at you as you walked to the staircase. By all means you did not talk your time. You hurried down those stairs. Man she's wicked pissed. What the heck is the problem. You try to come up with something. Maybe a thing she said this morning. Was it don't do anything stupid? No chances of getting out of this. Especially when I'll never win. Kokoa after all is one you don't argue. We'll see how this goes.

You opened the door and Kokoa has her hands on her hips. "Hi!"

"Afternoon. Sorry about that."

"Sorry!?" Scolded. "What the hell do you mean sorry? Look at him." She pointed to the shark flailing feebly.

"Please. Water. Help!" The guy whimpered.

"Ah go shit in your hat. Change back into human form."

"Baby!" Yelled Kokoa.

"What fish boy threatened me and struck first. So I punched and asked if he could fly. What would you do?" You put your hand out front. "I know that answer. You'd hammer the freaking guy."

"C'mon. Man." The fish turned into his human form and just laid there. "Why'd you gotta do that?"

"I don't know. Maybe calm down that testosterone and know your place you would have it made."

"Uuuuuuuugggghhhhh..." He whimpered.

"Okay I get it. Overboard. What else is new here? I get it. But further more is this all so bad?"

"I don't know. Define over." Huffed Kokoa.

"Uhhhh, sore subject. Got it..." You sweatdropped. Can't win them all. Or ever. Point made.

"So can we just, talk about this later. I got a test to study for. Have to least get grades as high as I can before I see my Father. Otherwise I'm shunned." She was just not happy. Kokoa went from angry to down in the dumps.

"You okay?"

She gripped your jacket and gave you a hug. "I'm troubled."

"Both of us are. I mean aren't we still knowing each other more? I mean come on. I know odds are against us but I think we can make it."

"Baby. You think we'll pull through?"

"Yes. And that's honest not because you might kick my teeth in."

"Hey." You brought you in tighter. "I'm not all bad."

"You're right, you're not. Sweet if you want to. But I get it."


"Be well. And don't forget to rest."

"Sure. Bye Baby." She kissed your cheek and went on her way.

You smile knowing that this could have been much, much worse. Way worse. Kokoa is going through a mental nightmare and whether you ran away, got your ass kicked, or threw him over the balcony it would have been the same. Baby huh. Wonder if Strawberry is a term of endearment. Hmmm. I'm worried about her. I don't like her being a sour fruit.


The pressure seemed like it was on. Highly doubt she was overthinking it. After all Moka only had Tsukune pull off the rosary so the Inner silver haired Moka could have a word with her. This was serious as a heart attack and out of all the girls in the Newspaper Club Kokoa wasn't a bookworm. She flipped through pages reading. Page after page after page. Different books and all.

"Man." She laid back into her pillows with the book in her lap.

"Miss. Kokoa how's the studying? Wee." Koa flew to her shoulder.

"Exhausting. But he'll kill me if he finds out I'm not concentrating on my works."

"This is true."

"Yeah. Though I wonder if it would be better with a partner."

"Why not (FN) or Moka?"

"My fake sister is not happening." She tried to sway him away. "And how am I going to get (FN) in my dorm?"

"How about you go in his. You can manage a way. Weeeeee."

"Wait..." I, go in his. Find a way. "Hey. What if his window is open?"

"Well that could work. These windows are huge. Wee. Though what is your boyfriend Mr. (FN) up to?"

"Probably doing exactly what I'm doing. So is everyone else who cares. Without my hard work what am I? It's the only thing that sets me apart. Looks Kahlua. Edge Akua. Smarts Moka. I'm just the young one left behind. That's it." She tucked in her knees.

"Aww. Miss Kokoa-"

"You know what?" She hopped out of bed. "I'm grabbing my tools."

"That's the spirit. Weeeeeee!"


In your dorm you just prepared yourself a sandwich and a glass of water. Just taking ten to ease your mind. You had on just a regular black undershirt and your pants on as you take the first bite. Then suddenly you hear something tap the glass of your window. 

"Huh?" You look at the glass before seeing a rock tap it. "Oh dammit!" You angrily get out of your chair and open the window to poke your head out. "Who in the-" Kokoa is waving at you. "Ko- What the hell are you doing here? You know what time it is?"

"Shhhh. It's 7 o'clock. Step back."

"For what? Yikes!" You saw a metal object being hurled by you as you duck and take cover. "What is happening right now?" Hearing the metal clang over the floor and to the window you take a look. It's an anchor of some sort. "Huh?"

"Moment." Kokoa seconds later leaped in. "And I'm in." She stood there smiling with a backpack on. 

"Ummm excuse me, what the hell do you call that?" You point at the window. 

"Woops. My bad. Going to clean that up." She reeled up the rope nicely.

"How and why do you have a grappling hook and why are you in here in the night?" You gasped.

"Isn't it, obvious?" She blushed. 

Wait. Is she trying to take that step already? She's only kissed me a few times. And I'm not properly dressed. Thank goodness the place is clean. "Uhhh Kokoa?"

"Science okay?" She took her bag off and reached for her textbook.

Phew. "You came to dorm, via grappling hook, to study?"

"Well who else can I do it with?"

You think of the female friends she might encounter. *buzzer* Nothing. No answer. "I see. Well I guess so. I'll put a shirt on and we'll get to it after I eat."

"Why are you wearing that anyway?"

"Kokoa it's my room..."

"Oh. So I can walk around my room on lingerie?"

"With the curtains closed hell yes. It's your room. Come on now."

"Okay. Can I eat too? You that is?" She licked her lips.

You shake your head. "After the night is over. We'll be here a while. Then I'll drink some juice and shower off. How much work you got?"

"Seven subjects and a whole four days worth." She said sadly.

"Ugh." I guess I'll make coffee. Probably up for most of the night.


What do you call a girl with a grappling hook outside of determined? Anyone got a name or a term? Name it for me.

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day because you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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