The Succubus and a Battle in the Sky

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It had been a week since the incident with Saizou. In that time, Christian had become a hot topic on campus. The fact Saizou, the supposed tough guy of the first years, was beaten on the first day was huge. The rumour was that Christian had beaten Saizou. Apparently the orc had not wanted anyone to know that he had really been beaten by Moka. Even if she was a vampire, the strongest of all monsters. Even worse, Saizou had told everyone he had turned into a strange bird-man like creature which no one had ever heard of before.

However, it was a new day at Yokai Academy. In the boy's dorm where Christian lived, the Plumber was preparing for school. His dorm consisted of a small bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and a living area with a desk in the corner, although that was also a part of the bedroom. On the desk, there was a laptop. Christian used this to send his reports back to the Plumber base in Bellwood. Christian considered himself very lucky that Yokai Academy gave their students their own private rooms. This was mostly due to the fact that the other guys found it hard to keep their transformations in their sleep. The other reason was that most of the boys wanted to kill him out of jealousy for his friendship with Moka.

Once Christian was dressed and ready, he made his way out of his room and began to walk downstairs, passing the other half transformed tenants of his dorm block.

'Just another day at the academy,' he thought to himself with a sigh.

He made it outside of the dorms and waited for Moka. Since the second day, the two had made it a habit to walk to and back from school together. As the teen waited, his thoughts drifted to his pink-haired friend. Just like every other boy at the academy, he found Moka to be very attractive. He was glad they were friends but he couldn't shake this strange feeling. Just like the watch on his wrist, it was alien to him and he had no idea what to do with it. Maybe he should ask Max. The old man might know what it was. However, deep down, Christian believed he knew what it was, and that scared him more than anything.

His thoughts were interrupted by the shouting of some guys behind him.

"Oh, wow! It's her!"

"Yeah, that's the new student, Moka Akashiya."

"She's so hot, it's gotta be illegal."

"And she's coming this way!"

That last comment caught Christian's attention. He looked up to see that Moka was indeed heading in their direction, smiling and humming a happy tune. He also noticed the three boys in front of him were drooling.


Moka, who was now only a few meters away, eyes grew wide as her smile grew even wider before she began running forward.

The three boys cheered as they ran towards her as well, wanting to give the girl a hug. Unfortunately for the three, the pinkette ran straight past them and latch on to Christian's arm, causing the boys to fall over.

"Christian! Good morning!" she exclaimed when she got to him.

Christian's reply was accompanied by a warm smile. "Morning, Moka."

The three boys, having gotten off the ground, stared angrily at the two, mostly at Christian.

"Damn that gaijin!"

"Rumours say he beat that 'Woman-Eater', Saizou with ease."

Christian, who could hear every word the trio were saying, rolled his eyes. It had been the same routine all week. He would get up and wait for Moka. She would come down, see him, run over to say hello and enrage any male that had seen them. Then they would curse him and talk about how 'he beat' Saizou.

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