The Execution

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The fresh smell of salty sea air rose Moka from her slumber. Her eyes flickered open to see a barren tree looming over her, its bark as black as charcoal.

"Ugh... Where -?" The vampire teen looked around. She was on the edge of a very familiar hill overlooking the red sea surrounding the academy. In the distance, she could see the crooked cliff face where she and her friends had fought Kotsubo. Littered around her were gravestones of various shapes and sizes.

'This is the place behind the dorms where we fought those cyclopes,' she thought as she rose to feet. 'How did I get here?'

"Oh, I see your awake now."

The voice made Moka's skin crawl. She shot around to see Kiriya sitting upon a crooked gravestone in the shape of a cross. In his hands was an open book. As he looked at the pinkette, he gave her a small smile. It was then that Moka remembered what had happened.

After Christian had left the club room, she had gone to find Ruby to let her know about her suspicion of Hokuto. However, Kiriya had ambushed them and knocked her out. Her stomach sank, fearing what had happened to her friend. Had Kiriya killed the older witch? There didn't seem to be any blood on his clothes.

"I must apologise," Kiriya said. "Even though it was all in service to the grand plan, I do regret handling you so roughly, Moka." The pinkette panicked. Kiriya was far too powerful for her in her current form. He could easily kill her. She went to run, but before she could even move, Kiriya had grabbed her wrist, crossing the distance between them in an instant.

"Hey! Don't be rude. I didn't give you permission to leave." With a simple swing of his arm, he easily tossed the girl to the ground. "You will never be able to get away from me. You can't even unleash your powers unless Christian takes that Rosario off your chest." Walking over to the girl, he offered his hand, grinning wildly as his left eye shone menacingly. "I've always wanted to have a nice long talk with a vampire."

Again, Moka tried to run, but Kiriya was quick to stop her. "Let me go!" she cried desperately.

"I told you not to try and escape," Kiriya said, once again sitting down on the crooked cross. "Don't worry. I won't do anything as long as you hold still."

Knowing she wouldn't be able to escape, Moka remained where she sat on the grass. "Why are you doing this?" she asked. "What do you think you're accomplishing?"

Kiriya smirked and gave a small chuckle. "Maybe I'd tell you if you'd sit still." With that, he opened his book and closed his eyes. "Have you heard of The Great Barrier that protects Yokai Academy?"

"The Great Barrier?"

"It's the mystic barrier that keeps humans out. It was raised by the three Dark Lords when they built this school. Thanks to their powerful magic, these grounds are completely impenetrable to humans. The barrier is the only thing that allows us students to live without being disturbed in the midst of humans who have no idea we're there. But come on, where's the fun in that?" Out of the corner of his eye, Kiriya looked to Moka and raised his hands towards the sky, as if welcoming the second coming. "If the barrier falls, monsters and humans will be thrown together. And wouldn't that disturbance make life more interesting?"

As Kiriya spoke, the pieces fit together in Moka's mind. "You don't mean... You're not going to destroy...?" The silver-haired teen's smirk was all the answer she needed.


The News Club led a web bound Hokuto to the Headmaster's office. Thanks to Ruby's knowledge of the school, they were able to get there without any of the other students discovering them. The group was let into the grand entry hall by one of the many black-garbed security members on the Headmaster's payroll.

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