Council Consideration

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"I don't like it."

"I don't like it either."

"It's obviously a trap."

"I know, Zack."

"And he didn't tell you anything."

"Nope. All I know I know is that I need to show up at the council building at twelve. If I don't comply, I'm expelled."

"But the Plumbers-"

"Can't do anything about it. Apparently, my being here is dependent on the Headmaster's permission. If he retracts it, I have to leave."

"What about me?"

"You'd be able to stay but you'd have to follow all the rules and not act as a Plumber. Lala would have to leave too."

"Oh, come on!"

Christian and Zack were once again in the Rustbucket 3. After the events with the Graffiti Demon, Christian had told the rest of the News Club what had happened. Due to work he was being forced to do for the Headmaster, he wouldn't be able to help with club activities for some time. As he expected, they were all quite vocal in their protests, particularly Kurumu. But there was little they could do. If Christian didn't comply, he would be forced to leave. He wouldn't be able to fight either as the Headmaster had a remote to disable the Vidatrix at a whim.

Now, away from the rest of the club, Zack was giving his opinion on the matter.

"There's definitely no way around this?" he asked.

"Not without me having to leave," Christian said sadly, rubbing his temples. He had decided to forgo his normal jacket for his school uniform, minus the blazer and tie. He'd have to look smart where he was going.

"Could you not simply attack this Headmaster when he least expects it to free yourself?"

Both boys jumped as they turned to find Golden Darkness, or Yami, standing before them. Immediately they ducked behind a crate, expecting a sharp blade to suddenly be thrown at them. But nothing happened. Both boys peeked around the crate to see the black-garbed assassin looked at them with a brow raised.

"What are you doing?" she asked in her normal monotone.

"Aren't you... Going to try and kill us?" Zack asked.

"Not at this moment."

"Then why are you here?" Christian asked. "And how did you get past the sensors?"

"It is peaceful here. I am able to read." The boys noticed she was carrying a large book. "Also, your Plumber security is lacking. It's child's play to get around."

"Great," Zack deadpanned. "Our secure secret jet isn't so secure."

"Yeah..." Christian groaned. "We'll have to look into that when I get back."

The teen made to leave when he was suddenly thrown forward as Zack tackled him to the ground. A moment later, there was a metallic clang. The two boys looked to see Yami standing over them with her transformed arm embedded in the wall.

"Not my ship!" Christian cried angrily. "Why did you do that?"

"It is my task to kill you both," Yami replied. "I thought this sneak attack would succeed."

"Stop trying to kill us!" Zack yelled.

"I cannot. I am, however, done for today." The assassin's hand changed back to normal before she moved to the corner to read.

"Remind me why we let her stay around here again," Christian said.

"She'll kill us quickly if we don't," Zack replied. "And she's cute."

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