A Huntsman, a Betrayal and a New Threat

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"C'mon Bro!" Zack begged as he, Christian, Moka, Kurumu and Yukari stood in a clearing in the woods. "You've got to show us your other forms!"

It was the morning after the whole Nagare episode and Christian and his friends had been walking to school, talking about the fight from the previous day and how they were excited about selling their first newspaper. However, somehow the conversation had turned to Christian and his different forms.

"I don't know," Christian replied hesitantly. "You know the rules about showing your true form." In all honesty, Christian had a lot on his mind. He had been unable to contact the Plumbers for the past few days and he was worried. It could have been a glitch on their end but something like that should have been sorted by now.

"But Bro...!"

"Don't be a buzzkill, Christain," Yukari said, smiling devilishly. "I have to say that I'm also interested in what you can turn into."

"And besides," Kurumu began. "The rule applies to your TRUE form. So it's fine for you to show us."


"If it's okay with you, Christian..." Moka began. "I'm also curious as to what you can turn into to."

As soon as Moka had said that, Yukari and Zack fist-pumped subtlety as they knew Christian wouldn't say no to her. They had won.

"Well...I guess if everyone wants to see them, I can't say no," Christian relinquished, finally giving in.

"YAY!" Kurumu, Yukari and Zack cheered excitedly. Moka on the other hand merely smiled. She didn't know why but she had been slightly nervous around Christian ever since the 'event' that had happened during the fight with Ms Ishigami. Every so often, she found her mind wandering to the kiss they had shared. It may have not have been the most romantic of situations but the very thought of it brought a blush to her cheeks. Something she didn't want to admit was it had actually been her first kiss. The electricity she felt when their lips touched was unbelievable. Of course, this made it extremely awkward being around Christian as she knew that it had been a kiss of necessity so that he could pull off her Rosario and release her other-self. Christian may not even feel the same way. And it wasn't like she could talk to anyone about it. Both Kurumu and Yukari had feelings for Christian and she didn't want to ruin her friendship with either of them. Zack was alright but she thought she needed to talk to a girl about it. Moka also hadn't heard from her other self since the fight with Ishigami meaning that she wasn't an option either. For now, Moka was forced to keep these feelings to herself. Although she had to admit, it did hurt a little as Christian didn't seem to be having that problem. Maybe he didn't feel anything about the kiss?

Moka was brought out of her thoughts by a bright emerald light. Apparently, during her thought process, Christian had selected an alien and transformed. Standing in front of her and the others was a tall werewolf-like alien the vampire recognised as the creature she had seen standing outside the girls' dorm during the whole peeping tom incident.

"This guy is called Blitzwolfer," the alien explained. "Not only does he have enhanced strength and agility but he can also emit a supersonic howl that can make a person deaf at close range."

"Cool!" Kurumu remarked.

"Seen him," Zack remarked in a rather bored tone. "Show us some new ones."

Blitzwolfer nervously scratched his head at the mixed reaction. "Umm... okay. Let's see. The guys you've all seen are; Humungousaur, Rath, Astrodactyl, XLR8, Big Chill, Grey Matter and Ripjaws," he listed off. "That leaves," He said as he tapped the Omnitrix symbol on his collar. "Swampfire!" the plant alien cried. He then explained his powers before tapping the symbol on his chest again and transforming into Cannonbolt. This cycle continued with his other forms until he transformed into a new alien whose upper-body was covered in green eyes with black pupils, although ironically he had no eyes on his face. He possessed a very large pair of bat-like ears. He had dark yellow skin with light yellow skin on his chest and feet. The alien wore black pants that had green circles running around his legs in three different places. Around his waist was a green and white belt with the Omnitrix symbol in the centre.

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