Battle on the Knoll

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Galvan II

On the rebuilt planet of the Galvan; Azmuth, smartest being in three galaxies, arguably five, was completely baffled. The old alien was currently in his lab checking the readings that he had received from one of his creations two weeks ago. They were astonishing.

According to the reports, the Omnitrix had attempted to scan a foreign substance that had entered its user's body before safely removing it. However, something had gone wrong and instead, the Omnitrix had stored the substance into itself whilst releasing a small amount of it into the user's bloodstream. It was then that there had been a sudden energy burst in the alien forms genes that had increased their natural abilities for a short while before wearing off.

But there was still lots of the substance left over. But it had been dormant, whatever the Omnitrix had stored remained in its system database as an unknown variable and had even developed a protocol for when it should be released. There was only one reason that would happen. The Omnitrix had acted on its own in order to defend its user from something that could harm him. However, when this substance was first introduced, the user had been in distress and was dying. Whatever it had been, it had healed the user and had essentially brought him back to life. Why would the Omnitrix contain a sample that was dangerous if it saved its user's life?

To find out more information, Azmuth sent a software patch to that specific Omnitrix which was not only designed to monitor and report back everything that happened within the user's body but also unlocked and enhanced some of the other functions. Azmuth was sure this anomaly was nothing to worry about but he wanted to be careful. Despite the fact he pretended not to, he did care about the users of his inventions.

Suddenly, an alarm began to blare on one of the many computer screens surrounding him, causing the ancient Galvan to rush over to the correct computer panel. Almost instantly the Galvan assumed Ben Tennyson had done something to break it again. Probably bashed it against a rock or something. However, the first thinker was surprised to learn that it was the bearer of the second Omnitrix, Christian Hawke that was causing the alert.

Much to the shock and alarm of the tiny alien, the Omnitrix was registering a dramatic drop in all his vital signs. "What in the blazes!" The alien began rapidly typing away on his computer panel in order to find out exactly what had happened to the teen. According to the readings, he was losing blood rapidly, his entire body going into shut down. From the amount of blood that was being lost, Azmuth could only deduce he'd been stabbed.

Just as Azmuth was about to use his personal teleport to go to the boy, something remarkable happened. The screen suddenly registered that Christian was beginning to recover. His vital signs rising by the second. It was incredible, Azmuth had never seen anything like it before. This was going to be fascinating to examine. However, now wasn't the time. Now was the time for work, and he had a lot of it to do.


The little girl was in awe of the lights around her, each one a glittering orb of wonder. Her eyes were ablaze with the sheer brilliance of the glow illuminated before her.

"Ruby, slow down," the girl's father chuckled, following his daughter side by side with his wife. "You'll get lost."

"But it's so pretty Daddy," the girl replied, turning and sending her parents a beaming smile. "This is where humans live?"

"That's right," her mother replied.

"Would you like to live here one day?" her father asked, as he offered his daughter his hand.

"Yeah!" the girl cried joyfully, taking a hold of her father's hand before also taking her mother's. The family continued to walk through the bustling streets, hopeful that their future was going to bright. However, something crossed the young girl's mind. "Daddy...? Didn't you say we couldn't live with humans?"

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