Flames of Destruction

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"Christian Hawke, a human?" Kuyo remarked in disbelief at Zack's claim. "I don't believe it. No filthy human should ever be able to pass through the great barrier undetected."

"Well this one did," Zack stated, crossing his arms in boredom. "He has been here for months and you have been absolutely clueless." A small, smug smirk appeared on his face. "Kind of stings, doesn't it?" Kuyo snarled, he did not like being talked down to.

"How can Hawke be human?" Keito questioned. "We have had numerous reports of him transforming into various different monsters."

"But out of those monsters, did anyone actually recognise what species they belonged to?"

Keito actually took a moment to think about the question before answering. "Only the werewolf form he turned into," she finally answered. "However, it didn't have a werewolf's natural abilities."

"Christian is able to turn into those creatures thanks to the thing on his wrist," Zack reported. "He claims that it is a limiter and if it is removed his various forms will overload and kill him instantly. However, I believe he's lying. That device, he called it the Omnitrix, is what enables him to transform. Remove it and you shall see through his deception."

"And how, may I ask, did you come to acquire the device on the back of your hand?" Kuyo pointed to what Zack had dubbed the Ultramatrix. "It appears very much like this acclaimed device Hawke possesses.

"Sorry," Zack replied, a rebellious expression on his face. "Trade secret."

Kuyo growled, hating the fact that the teen thought he could defy him. Unfortunately, he knew Zack was powerful and he needed him on his side. "Very well, keep your secret. I'm sure I'll know soon enough."

"So, how long is it until I get my own black coat?" Zack asked. "Anything is better than the lame school uniform."

"I...Appreciate the information you have supplied us," Kuyo started, a smirk on his face. "However, as I said before, you have already declined our offer. The information you've supplied us is useful, however, all you did was the duty that every student should uphold. If you wish to join us now, prove to us your abilities in combat."

Zack's eyes narrowed at how Kuyo had changed his original requirements for entry. However, if all he needed to do was beat someone in a fight, this would be over quickly. "Fine then, but I get to choose my opponent."

"That is the common tradition," Kuyo stated. "Please, take some time to walk around and choose your opponent."

"I don't need to," Zack stated. "I choose her." He pointed directly at Keito.

"Me?" Keito asked, slightly surprised.

"Yeah, I still owe you payback for throwing me off that bloody roof!" Zack stated, raising his voice towards the end.

Kuyo thought about it before saying, "If Keito is who you wish to challenge then she will be your opponent."

"Good, I've been looking forward to this," Zack stated, pounding his fists together.


Zack and Keito stood at two ends of a square arena located in the back of the Security Committees shrine. Around them were the members of the committee, every single one of them wanting to see the power of their possible new recruit. They knew Keito was one of the most powerful and crafty enforcers, only a fool would challenge her.

Kuyo watched with hawk-like eyes trained on Zack. The blonde teen wanted to evaluate his skills, especially now that he had betrayed the friends he had in that infernal Newspaper Club.

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