School Festival: Parents' Day

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October 29th – School Festival Opening Day

It was early morning at the school festival. Christian wandered the corridors, admiring the different stalls and attractions the other classes had set up. He had made sure to get up early in order to witness. The moment he'd left the dorms he'd seen the people flocking to the school. Parents, children and alumni, each of them obeying school rules by remaining in their human disguises. Somehow, even some animals had gotten in; there were several dogs and birds roaming through the festival freely.

The atmosphere was electric. There was not one frown to be seen. At this moment, he was reminded of the words Hokuto had said to him. "It's a student celebration and reunion all in one." The teen smiled. Despite everything Hokuto had done, those words still rang true.

As he continued to walk, the sickly-sweet smell of cotton candy wafted to his nose as a child wearing an Iron Man T-Shirt passed by him with his mother. Upon seeing the kid's shirt, he suddenly realised how similar Ironmonger and the fiction superhero were.

'Must be a coincidence.'

Moving on, he decided he should check out his own classes stall. Ms Nekonome had been enthusiastic about the Catch the Fish stall. So much that she had taken it upon herself to take care of everything except the actual manning of the stall. As the Class President, she had talked to Christian extensively about the activity and it was made clear, much to the unhappiness of the teacher, that the students should be the ones to manage the stall.

As such, a roster was drawn up to choose which students would be running the stall when. He couldn't remember which student was supposed to be on it right now, but he thought he'd have a quick mosey over and find out.

However, he only just turned the corner towards his class when he found his answer. There was a huge crowd of people gathered in front of it, almost blocking the stall from view. Most of the people were random guys, many of whom Christian had never seen before. Most likely Alumni. There was only one person who could bring in a crowd like that. Sure enough, he caught a small hint of pink sticking out through the crowd as the sea of heads moved.

Knowing he had to save the damsel, Christian quickly went to find Ms Nekonome. He didn't have to look far. She had become the number one customer of the sushi stall run by some of the upper-classmen. She was more than happy to take the stall and give Moka some much-needed relief.

Making his way back to the stall, he pushed his way through the crowd. For the first time, he spotted what Moka was wearing. She was draped in a shimmering silk purple kimono with star-like designs. Her pink hair was done up into a long ponytail with a headband that had a small white poppy on it.

'I can see why everyone is acting so crazy,' he thought. 'She's stunning!'

Shaking off his initial surprise, he reached out and grabbed the girl's wrist, immediately turning and running in the opposite direction.

"Ch – Christian?"

"Let's get out of here! I found someone to watch the booth for you!" He kept hold of the pinkette's hand as he led her away from the onlookers, the sound of their protests dying the further away the two got. Leading her upstairs, the two went up to the balcony on the first floor.

As the two stood gathering their breath, they both looked at one another and shared a laugh. "I can't believe it," Moka said. "There were barely any customers before I got there."

"It seems you have that effect on people," Christian replied, giving a small chuckle before looking over towards the balcony. "That said, the festival is pretty exciting."

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