Frogs of War - Part 2

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It was like the beginning of all his recent nightmares. He was trapped with nothing but the vast darkness of space ahead of him. The only difference this time was that he couldn't just wake up to escape. As Christian looked out of the tiny porthole at the rest of the universe, he was unable to move against the hold of his shackles.

Not that he could move anywhere if he wanted to. The pod was tiny. His legs had already gone numb from being bent in the same place for so long. Not to mention that the purple light within the pod was nauseating and hummed maddeningly.

In the pod across from his own, the also trapped Ben Tennyson had been quiet for some time. Christian suspected he was finally sleeping. The pods they were trapping them were connected by interlocking tubes that allowed them to talk. During the first few hours of their incarceration, he had heard Ben struggling against his bonds. However, after a time, the Omnitrix teen gave in, too exhausted to keep fighting.

However, sleep didn't come easy to the Vidatrix teen. As he looked out at the vast void, his loneliness grew and played with his nerves. Already he had heard the phantom whispers of his friends call his name. Her, calling his name.

It was funny in a cruel way. All the time they had spent together; all the more romantic opportunities and they had chosen the middle of a battle to admit their feelings for another. Their timing truly was terrible.

A chuckle escaped his lips as the teen lowered his head. "We really were clueless. Too bad it's too late now."

"Are you sure about that?"

Christian's head snapped up. "Ben, did you say something? Are you awake?" There was no reply. "Great, cabin fever is setting in." He turned his attention to the window, hoping to do something to stimulate his brain. Unfortunately, there was nothing. Just the inky blackness. "I wonder how you're doing. Did you meet up with the others? Did Zack get you home?"

"I'm sure he did, man."

"Ben? So, you are awake."

"I just woke up. I see not much has changed." Despite the fact Christian couldn't see the Omnitrix teen, he imagined Ben was smiling; even if it was only to try and reassure himself.

"Can't exactly use the watch with my hands like this." Christian shook his hands against the manacles for emphasis.

"I'm stuck too," Ben said. Christian could hear the teen struggle against his bonds as well. "Hey, I think mine is a little loose!"

"Seriously? That's great!" From the other side, Christian heard Ben rattling around with his manacles.

"Almost... got it..."

Suddenly, the light in Christian's pod turned red as holographic alien writing appeared in front of his eyes. And more worryingly a minute timer and alarm. "Um... Ben... I think we have a problem."

"Hang on dude. I'm almost free."


"BEN!" Christian cried frantically, struggling against his bonds.

"Hold on!"

There was a sudden shake and suddenly, Christian felt his pod shift as Ben's voice fell silent. As his pod drifted, it turned so that the Vidatrix teen could see the other pod. Through the window, Christian could see Ben struggling against his bonds.

Ten seconds left.

Christian made one final attempt at breaking free before turning towards the window. Ben had stopped struggling. He looked upon his pod with a terrified expression.

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