Of Ice and Men

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My name is Christian Hawke and I'm an agent of the Plumbers. For the last few months, I've been living undercover at a school which teaches coexistence between monsters and humans. The kicker is, everyone except me is a monster and if anyone finds out, they'll execute me. The only people who know my secret are my friends in the Newspaper Club. We work together to keep the peace at Yokai academy whilst promoting human-monster coexistence.

To help keep my identity a secret, I was given an Omnitrix. An alien device allowing me to change into different aliens. This allows me to blend in with my peers and, if it comes to it, defend myself. The Omnitrix and my friends are the only reasons I'm alive today. Not to mention a little vampire blood from my good friend, Moka. What I didn't know, was everything that had happened before the summer would just be a warm-up for the shit yet to come. It all started on the last day of the summer break.

That morning, after spending several hours on a jet, I felt the need for a little fresh air. So, I jumped. Feeling the wind fly past my face was exhilarating. It was nice to feel that sensation on my own face for once. For a minute of pure bliss, my body moved in free fall. Circling, flipping and weaving through the clouds. Let's not forget to mention the spectacular view. All Yokai Academy could be seen; the school, the dorms and even the student shopping district.

I savoured the sight, burning it into my memory for something to look back upon. As I continued to rocket towards the earth, I decided it was probably best to finish my little skydive before going splat. Activating the Omnitrix, I slammed down on the first icon, which was, fortunately, a new favourite.

After the normal green flash, my body changed. It was now covered in black and green armour. My confidence soared, it felt like electricity was running through my body.

"Ironmonger!" I yelled as my jetpack ignited. Metres from the ground, I shot up like a rocket, screaming at the top of my lungs (did this alien have lungs?).

I about to head to the dorms but was suddenly struck in the side. The attack left me dazed, but I quickly regained my composure. I was struck again, this time the projectile hit my shoulder and stuck. I was surprised to find a shard of ice sticking out of Ironmonger's shoulder armour. Before I could pull it out, ice began to spread over the rest of my metallic body.

Now imprisoned, I plummeted to the ground. The ice was strong, not even shattering when it collided with the earth. Physical strength proved fruitless in breaking it, leaving the only option to blast it open. Energy began to build in my hands when something moved outside. It was blurry through the ice but there was definitely someone. They placed their hand on to the ice and wiped away some of the condensation, specifically, the part covering the Omnitrix.

Much to my confusion, the person took a cautionary step back. Suddenly, my view was clouded once more by a flurry of white. When it faded, the figure was gone. The next moment, the ice around me began to melt, freeing me. I flexed my metal joints while the systems of Ironmonger's armour brought it back to an optimal temperature.

The moment everything returned to their normal parameters, I pressed the Omnitrix symbol and reverted in a flash of light. My body began to shiver. Even if Ironmonger had warmed the armour, my body still felt frozen. Have to say, I'm glad no one saw all of this. It could have been embarrassing.

Looking around, It seemed I'd landed in the forest just outside the school. The trees here were the perfect hiding place and there were far too many to search. Whoever froze me was probably long gone and transforming again would just cause unnecessary trouble. Especially if a teacher came to investigate. It was best just to walk to the dorms.

As I was about to walk away, a chill ran up my spine. I couldn't shake the distinct feeling someone was watching me. I looked around one more time but saw no one. Giving up, I continued walking.

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