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Mizore watched helplessly as Hokuto and the vampire – enhanced Ironmonger engaged one another. The armoured alien had taken to the air, using his aerial superiority to keep himself away from Hokuto's tentacles. Using his repulsors, he sent out continuous blasts of energy to try and keep the Monstrel off his feet.

Despite being safe from the assaults inside Hokuto's barrier, Mizore still felt the raw destructive power of Ironmonger's blasts. Each time they struck the ground, there was a tremor which caused spider web cracks to spread across the floor. The snow woman could not deny that Ironmonger was a lot stronger than normal. She could feel it. Each one of his attacks was laced with a significant amount of monster energy. His aura though, it was remarkably like Hokuto's.

The Monstrel in question had been on the back foot for the last few minutes. He was using his speed and claws to skillfully jump from wall to wall, dodging Ironmonger's continuous assaults.

"I must say, I'm quite surprised," Hokuto said as part of the wall next to his head blew apart, singeing a few of the hairs on his fringe. "You're finally not holding back."

The metal alien said nothing as he fired another energy blast. Hokuto once again dodged the blow, pushing himself away from the wall and jumping towards the injured Headmaster. Kneeling, he reached into the man's robes and plucked something from its confines.

"Ah, so my spies were right... there is one..."

"Get away from him!"

Hokuto suddenly jolted back as a non – lethal blast struck his stomach, sending him flying into the wall. Ironmonger landed in front of the teen, grabbing him around the throat and hoisting him into the air. With the flick of his wrist, his blade was at Hokuto's throat. He was so desperate to stick the blade through his chest. It was like there was a voice in his head, egging him on to unleash all his anger. But he refused to be like Hokuto.

"You're done. Give up."

"Heh, getting a little ahead of yourself." Hokuto held up a small rectangular device and pressed a red button. The Vidatrix symbol on Ironmonger's chest suddenly began to flash. A moment later, the Vidatrix timed out, reverting the armoured alien into his human form. Now in the weak grasp of the teen, Hokuto easily shrugged off Christian from his neck and threw him across the room where he landed roughly before the barrier holding the rest of the club.

"What just happened?" Kurumu yelled, banging her fists against the walls of the barrier. "Why did he turn back?"

"That device Hokuto's holding... It must be the remote for the Vidatrix the Headmaster had," Mizore reasoned. She remembered the anger and fear Christian had shown when he'd told the club about it. It turns out his worry wasn't unwarranted.

Hokuto walked over, now towering above Christian, the teen helpless to fight back as he continued to try and get the Vidatrix to respond. The Monstrel teen smirked as he raised his clawed right hand. "You fought well towards the end... But this is where your story ends."

"That's enough!"

All eyes in the hall turned to the front door as a figure walked into the main hall. The light of the evening sun shining off her silver hair gave her an almost angelic appearance.

"No... Impossible!" Hokuto growled through gritted teeth, his hand lowering from the shock.

"Just sit down and watch, Christian. I'll take everything from here," Inner Moka said as she walked towards Hokuto, her eyes glowing deep red.

"How...?" Christian was barely able to believe his eyes. She was still wearing the Rosario, albeit looking a little broken; the beads swinging loosely down her uniform. "I didn't take off your Rosario... How did you change?"

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