Ferocious Cats and Peeping Dogs

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Seven hours after the events of the previous chapter.

Night had long since fallen over the Yokai dorms. A beautiful, red full moon shone in the sky. Most students were either getting ready for bed, doing homework or cursing the American Gaijin for being in their lives.

In the case of one of the female students, she had just returned home from her club activities. Having eaten with her friends so she didn't need dinner, all she wanted to do was get washed in the safety of her own room.

However, as she turned away from her window, she failed to notice a shadowed figure peering in from the corner. She continued to undress, taking off her jacket and skirt before moving to unbutton her shirt. She managed the top two buttons before a shadow moved into the light, projecting his silhouette on to the girl's back wall. Seeing it, the girl screamed and whipped towards the window. But, by the time she had turned around, the peeper had already gone.

A wolf-like howl echoed through the area, foreshadowing the grim events to follow.


Christian left the dorms the next morning in a cheerful mood. He and his friends had their first official meeting of the Newspaper Club today. After they had joined Ms Nekonome's club, the teacher had told them to meet at lunch for an official welcome.

"Are you excited about today?" a sweet voice of Moka came from beside him. The vampire girl was happy in the company of her best friend. Considering her tone, she seemed more excited than him.

"Yeah, I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet for a while," Christian replied. "I mean, ever since I arrived here it seems I've been getting into more and more fights and I'm getting further from the original reason I came here." The last part was said with a sigh.

Moka's expression automatically sobered and she looked at the ground sadly. "I'm sorry..."

"No, no! It's not your fault!" Christian explained in a small panic. "What kind of friend would I be if I didn't look out for friends when they were in trouble?"


"Of course, Moka," Christian replied without thinking. "You're my best friend, I would do anything if it kept you safe."


The teen replayed his words in his head and his face turned a shade that matched his friend's. It didn't help that the vampire girl was now looking him lovingly in the eyes.

Subconsciously, the two teens leaned their faces closer to one another, inhaling deeply. "Chris...you smell so good..." Moka said in a hypnotic fashion.

"Thanks..." he replied, lost in the moment. When the words caught up with him, his eyes shot wide open. "Moka, Wait!"

"I'm sorry, I just can't help myself around you," she replied, pushing forward and taking a light nip at his neck.


Christian stood wincing as the vampire girl took her fill. He was becoming honestly scared at how little this hurt him now. In fact, it was starting to feel a little good.

Moka pulled back with a wide smile on her face and her crimson cheeks. "As always your blood is extremely yummy! I think I'm hooked on it!"

However, this went over Christian's head as he stood there with a sweatdrop. 'I could have told you that two weeks ago...' he thought as he held his neck. 'If I'm not careful around Moka when she gets like that, she is probably going to kill me.'

"Christian!" a peppy voice cried from behind him.

The teen turned towards the voice only to be met with something soft as someone pounced on him. He quickly figured out it was Kurumu giving him her signature bear hug. "Today's the day we join the Newspaper Club! I'm so happy I get to spend time with you!" she exclaimed as she smothered Christian with her chest.

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