An Apple a Day

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Christian was there once again. The dark area from his previous dream. This time, however, he felt no fear. He felt no pain. He didn't feel anything. He was just wondering aimlessly with no end in sight. His black jacket in tatters and small flakes of the leather were falling away behind him. The Omnitrix was missing from his left wrist. As he continued to walk, a soft voice echoed around him.

"I am here, Christian Hawke. The seeds of my essence have taken root within you. I may be weak now but soon, I will be able to take control. And then...I will be the one in control of your strings."



Christian jolted awake, panting heavily and sweat streaming down his brow. His whole body was shaking, a cold shiver running up and down his spine and his head spinning like it was in a cement mixer. As he gasped for air, he finally noticed that he was sitting up in a lumpy bed with his arms covered in white bandages that left only his hands free and he was wearing a white gown. Gingerly, he touched his face to find it taped with gauze and thicker bandages around his head. He tried to move his left arm but felt resistance. It was connected to an IV drip.

He asked himself a hundred questions, chief of which was...

"What happened to me...?" He was shocked to find he almost didn't recognise the sound of his own voice. It was so low and hoarse like it hadn't been used for a long time. His fringe flopped over his eyes. How long had he been out for his hair to have grown that length?

He was in a small dark room, the only source of light coming from the small window to his left. There was another bed to on his right, identical to his own. In the corner was a small desk with an old fashioned TV. The smell of disinfectant and sanitation soap assaulted his nose, confirming his suspicions.

"I hate hospitals..." he groaned, rubbing his temples as he tried to push back a coming migraine.

"I see you're awake, Christian? Were you having a nightmare?"

The teen's headshot towards the source of the new voice. Now that his eyes had adjusted, he noticed a white-robed figure standing in the darkest corner of the room. Like the Bus Driver, this man had two glowing orbs beneath his hood.

His right hand went for the Omnitrix, but before he could reach it, the stranger spoke again. "Hehehe...You shouldn't get too worked up. You've been unconscious ever since your little rampage."

Christian's head began to throb as if responding to the man's words. Faded images played through his mind. He saw Inner Moka ready to skewer him with her hand, Positive Diamondhead coming towards him his arms morphed into blades and the tears of Kurumu, Mizore and Yukari as they looked at him with what he could only describe as a betrayal. Through it all, Christian felt one emotion, almost like an afterthought. Rage. Unfathomable rage.

His head still throbbing, he turned an angry eye towards the robed man. "And just who are you?"

"Don't worry. He's an exorcist. He helped save your life. You're with friends now," a familiar voice said to his right, making the teen whirl around.

"Ruby?! You're awake!" The raven-haired witch was standing in the doorway of the room, her old ragged skirt discarded for a pink corset, a long black skirt with frills at the end and high-heeled black shoes.

"It's good to see you again. And good to be able to repay you, too," the witch said with a smile. Before the Christian could ask any questions, a blue blur rushed past the witch and rammed into his chest.

"Christian! You're back!" Kurumu cried as she nuzzled her tear-soaked face into his chest. "You've been asleep for four days!"

"Ow! Hey! I'm happy to see you too but please let go!" She didn't. The bluenette continued to cry uncontrollably into his chest. She refused to let go, almost as if she was afraid he would suddenly disappear were she to loosen her grip.

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