Love's a Witch

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It was the day after Kurumu had declared her love for Christian. In that short amount of time, much to both Christian and Moka's annoyance, she had stuck to the boy like glue. It wasn't that Christian didn't like the girl, it was that he liked his space. Whenever the two were separated, as soon as Kurumu next saw him, she would automatically run over to the boy and near suffocate him in one of her 'love hugs'. He was happy they were now friends but he wished she could be a little less open about her feelings. Christian was sure, despite what Kurumu claimed, this was only a passing crush. However, with her affections turned towards him, the other guys at the school were now even more jealous of the attention he was getting from the two school beauties. It had also increased the number of death threats he had been receiving on his way to school from jealous guys.

Then there was Moka, who had been acting very strangely over the past day and a half. She seemed annoyed whenever Kurumu came up to them, almost as if Kurumu had ruined something. And then whenever Kurumu had pulled Christian into a hug or hugged on to his arm, she would get upset and grab Christian's free arm and begin a tug of war with Kurumu using the teen's arms as the rope. The only place Christian managed to find any peace was in his dorm room, which was where he was now.

Christian sighed as he sat down at his desk and looked out the window towards the dark obsidian sky. He couldn't stop thinking about his new friends and how strange his life was becoming. With a content smile, he turned back towards the desk where his laptop lay open, the screen displaying a special video chat site designed specifically for Plumber use. With this, he could reach any plumber base in the universe.

'Isn't alien technology grand?' Christian thought with a smile as he waited for the receiver of the call to answer.

A few moments later the image on the screen changed to show the face of Max Tennyson. Christian smiled and saluted the man on the screen. "Magister Tennyson."

Max looked a little annoyed by the greeting, "How many times have I told you just to call me Max?"

"Quite a few," Christian answered with a small smirk. "Would you like to hear my report?"

Max chuckled, although he still seemed annoyed. "It's always business when it comes to you," he replied. "How about you tell me a little bit about how you're doing at school?"

"Fine," Christian said with a sigh. He then began to tell Max about his recent school activities and what he had been doing recently. He filled him in on the events with Kurumu and how she was now his friend. "Today, we were told we have a collection of midterm tests coming up to prepare us for future tests."

On the screen, Max's face was a mixture of humour and seriousness. "Sounds like you have some studying to do." Christian nodded. "Ok then, now for the serious bit. What is the process of bridging the gap?"

Christian moved a hand to his chin and leaned back in his chair. "Process has been slow. It seems many of the monster species here dislike humans due to the stereotype that they are 'weak' and forced monsters into hiding. I reckon that it will take a long time to fully build up monster trust for humans."

Max nodded his head. "That's understandable considering the violent history between humans and monsters," he said before a small smirk appeared on his face. "Although from reading the written reports that you've sent us, it appears you've already managed to change the mind of one of your friends," he said with a knowing smile. "Now, how did you do that?"

Christian turned bright red, embarrassed that he had to talk about Moka to the man who had been a father figure to him. "Well-uh-you see...well..." he stammered, his cheeks flaring.

Max laughed at the boys random spluttering as Christian struggled with his words. "I see I hit a soft spot," Max said, rubbing salt in the wound. "But I would still like to know how it happened."

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