Lost Soul

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Kurumu rushed through the Yokai Forest as fast as she could, Yukari close behind. Both were hot on Mizore's heels. They had been running for the last ten minutes and the sun was beginning to set above them. Thick dark clouds blanketed the sky, the sound of thunder echoing around them forebodingly. Worryingly, the further they got into the forest, the more frequent and boisterous the thunder became.

"I see it! That's where Christian is being held!" Mizore cried, stopping to point through a small clearing in the trees. In the distance, Kurumu and Yukari could make out a broken-down structure.

"It would have been useful if Zack and Lala were with us," Yukari remarked, stopping and taking deep breaths.

"Yeah...Where the hell are they?"

"Are we going or not?" Mizore stood looking impassively at the two. Her eyes were glued on them, but her body was facing the clearing. Her foot drumming a gentle rhythm against the ground.

"Of course we are!" Kurumu shouted, shooting the Snow Fairy a vicious glare. "But we're not going to be any good if we're too tired to move."

Suddenly, the ground shook as a thunderous boom shook through the area. It was closely followed horrifying roar that sent shivers down the girls' spines. Kurumu instantly began running, ignoring Yukari's cries behind her.

'Christian...Please be all right!'


Inner Moka watched in a silent stupor as Mido and Shadowstreak collided with each other. The two combatants' monstrous right fists crashing together and causing yet another shockwave which shook the very foundations of the old gym. Due to sprinklers above continuing to rain down water upon her, she was helpless to merely watch. It infuriated her! She didn't even have the strength to get up onto her own feet!

However, the thing that caused her the most dread was Christian's current condition. Since transforming into this new form, he seemed out of control. His attacks were wild and unrefined, showing no resemblance to the thoughtful movements he normally showed when in his alien forms. The alien in front of her was little more than a rabid beast, lashing out at those who dared get in its way.

It reminded her of a Ghoul. A type of monster that had all the strengths of a vampire with none of the weaknesses. However, they were also mindless beings who existed by feasting on the flesh of other beings, particularly humans. If someone had become a ghoul, the best thing that could be done for them was to kill them and put their soul to rest.

Yet, the energy she could detect from Shadowstreak was not the same as a Ghoul. But, it also did not seem to be Christian anymore. She could detect the presence of multiple energies raging inside of the black and red alien. Each fighting for dominance in a battle that was driving the transformed teen mad.

"Why did he have to be such a fool...?"

She continued to watch as Mido thrust his fist into Shadowstreak's torso, sending the alien skidding backwards. The black and red alien came to a stop by digging his now oversized arms into the ground, carving small trenches in the dirt with his claws. Looking up, his one red eye narrowed on Mido.

The Monstrel grinned as he rested his giant fist behind his head. "Heh...Have to say, you're quite entertaining. Is this your real form? Is that how you copied my arm?" he asked. "Makes me want to beat you down even more. You purebreds need to take everything from us, even our forms!" Shadowstreak remained silent, swaying ever so slightly from side to side. The four tendrils on his back hovered above him; each pointed towards Mido's head. "Not going to speak? Am I unworthy of your words?" Still silence. "Fine. I'll beat it out of you."

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