Trouble at the pool

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It was another day at Yokai and the academy campus was packed with a combination of students, stalls and booths advertising different clubs and activities. Every student was checking to find the clubs they wanted to join. Amidst the rabble, Christian and Moka admired the vast variety of different clubs that were available.

Earlier that day, Ms Nekonome had announced that part of the school curriculum was the mandatory obligation for students to join a club. Apparently it was a way to make monsters more accustomed to the human world so they would be able to adapt to it more easily to society. Then a student had pointed out that her tail was sticking out and the cat-like teacher had clawed his face. Christian had made a mental note to never piss off his teacher.

Classes had ended early that day in order for the students to go around and look for a club that suited them at what Ms Nekonome called the 'Club Fair'. Before they left, Ms Nekonome had reminded everyone to visit the Newspaper Club, which she advised. No self-interest there. Now the students were just wondering around, choosing the clubs best suited for them.

"There sure are a lot of them," Christian commented as he looked around the crowded courtyard.

"Yep," Moka agreed. There was a small silence between them the vampire girl latched on to Christian's arm. "I know; let's join the same club!" she said as she began dragging the protesting teen towards the different booths. Of course, finding one they would both enjoy was easier said than done when they attended a school named 'Yokai Academy'.

"Care to join the Photography club and take pictures of ghosts?" a creepy guy with massive eyes asked. He was holding a camera and numerous photos of white figures who seemed to be wearing bedsheets.

The reply was Moka running into Christian's arms with a startled scream.

They didn't have much luck at the next booth either.

"Want to join the Acupuncture Club?" a hulking, green and bald boy asked with needles all over his body.

The answer was the same answer the Photography club got with Moka running into Christian's arms with a startled scream, a small smile on her face.

Or the next.

"Mummy Club?" a teen wrapped in bandages asked

Once again, Moka ran into Christian's arms with the same scream, her smile still present.

Or the next.

"Won't you join the Chemistry Club, Moka?" a boy wearing a lab coat, holding a bubbling, purple flask asked. "You can test our love potions. We'll even let that Gaijin join."

Once again, Moka screamed. But this time she actually jumped into Christian's arms, forcing him to catch her bridal style. Moka was grinning from ear to ear now and her cheeks were red.

'She's been doing this on purpose...' Christian thought as he put the girl down, hiding his own blush.

The pair kept looking around until they noticed a group of guys crowding around a single booth. Being curious, the two friends approached the stall to see what all the fuss was about. As they got closer, the boys all turned around to glare hatefully at Christian. Their eyes burned with hatred. Attitudes towards the Omnitrix teen hadn't changed. Everyone still hated him for the incident with the Class Rep and continued to threaten him whenever he was alone. Christian had long gotten over it but it was still disconcerting to get those looks; especially since they were actually monsters and he was human. Fortunately, after a few moments, the boys turned around and left the Plumber be.

Christian and Moka edged closer to the group, being careful not to get too close in case they be attacked. As it turns out, it was the Swimming Club's booth that was so exciting, mainly because the people on hand were all girls in bikinis. One girl stood at the front of the others, smiling pleasantly at the boys standing in front of her booth.

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