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Things happen. They always do. I'm used to it, but this, this was... very unusual (even for me). Ok, so let me start at the beginning. After the point you already know, with me helping save the world from the disasteroid, at age 11 (no reveals). Lately, I have been training with Pandora's knights to help me learn how to really fight. I now wear long sleeves with a blue oval on it to represent my ice core, and jeans. Sam and Tucker practically look the same as they did before but are taller now. I now have a six pack littered in scars, scratch that my whole body is covered in scars after my fights, but what you don't know is that only Jazz, Sam and Tucker know my secret, (Dani is gone - MIA, and Vlad is stuck in space so I don't really count him.)

When it all started I was fighting the box ghost. He was still yelling "BEWARE!" when I trapped him in the new and improved thermos, which can easily catch ghosts up to level 5, and more powerful ghosts if worn down. I haven't measured myself in a while, but last I checked I was a level 13, not to bad I might say. The box ghost was a level 2. I used the word was because he is already in the thermos. Turning around to detransform into my human counter part in the nearby alley, I was shocked when Clockwork showed up behind me having already stopped time for everyone else. Sighing I asked what he wanted, if it was another of my future mes turning evil or the world was in dire straights I would be just about ready  to explode.

"What do you want Clockwork?" I asked.

"I can here to give you this. All will become clear when the time is right." Clockwork replied changing to his child form as he handed me a box. By the time I looked up to bombard him with more questions he was already gone. Sighing I flew home.


After releasing the box ghost into the ghost zone for the third time TODAY, he really was an annoying ghost, I headed upstairs to open the box, almost running into Jazz. She had her book on depressed teens in one hand as she walked down the hall stopping when she noticed me. She put her hand on my shoulder and asked if I was ok. Replying I'm fine, like always I rushed into my room and locked the door. My wound on my back had opened up during my chase trying to get the box ghost into the thermos. Silently re bandaging it I burnt up my shirt because the back was already covered in blood from my wound. Putting on a new shirt over the bandages I sighed, looking at all of my scars. Seeing the box beside me I opened it. Inside was a stick, but I could tell that it was no ordinary stick. I felt a strange aura coming from it, it felt like this was a stick from the tree of life and death, and this one from right down the center or around there. Inside I could tell that there was a strange hair inside with a feather. Knowing nothing about those I looked at the other two items a weird ring with a blood red gem and Greek letters inscribed on it reading, Protection.  Putting the ring on I looked at the other object a book that was written in ghost titled, I Introduction to the Wizarding World: spells, history, customs, and potions. Completely confused by the book I shoved it back into the box to read tomorrow. Hearing Maddie call dinner, I headed downstairs with caution, will the sausages attack me again?

When I got downstairs I was surprised to say the least, Maddie and Jack were over-excited and the food was trying to eat them (but that little fact was usual here)! As I entered the room, Maddie looked at me carefully and wore a strained smiled. Noticing the dream catcher was out, I was instantly on alert.  Apparently, they were making a new one, joy (I had broken the last one -by accident).   I was going to run because of the warring sausages, but in all the chaos, Maddie's elbow 'accidently' knocked into the dream catcher, and it fell on me.

After a beat of silence,  Maddie + Jack  started racing to start up their ghost hunting equipment, I shoved the ghost catcher back over my head and raced upstairs to get my stuff, grabbing my emergency bag  I kept packed under my bed and Clockwork's box. I grabbed my first aid kit and all of the thermoses I could quickly grab.  Putting on my backpack and making sure I had everything, I raced down to the lab. Quickly setting the lab to explode, but not kill. I had left out the goodbye notes I had written out beforehand by Jazz's room. Just as I rushed into the ghost zone, I could hear Maddie yell, "He's not our son, Jack! He's ghost scum now!" before it exploded, knocking me unconscious, letting me float into a natural portal that opened right in front of me.

"All will be understood in due time, Daniel."

I don't own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter otherwise this would be a real book and not a fanfic. Please comment, vote and share!

*FYI this is my first fanfic so please tell me how I did.*

Hiding a Phantom book 1: at HogwartsWhere stories live. Discover now