Chapter 30-the teachers are suspecious

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~3rd Person

It was in a board meeting.  All the teachers were eagerly talking about all the same thing they've been talking about since the start of the school year, who really is Daniel, and news about Harry and his friends.

Dumbledore stood to signal the start of the meeting, "So I hear that you had your first meeting with young Daniel, what do you think of him?"  Dumbledore said face Mme Hooch,  The school year had started about a month and a half ago, and Mme Hooch was too busy with teaching the first years earlier in the year.

"Well, he's a natural!  He took to flying like a mermaid to water.  To bad he is the only person in his house, he would be a valuable asset to any quidditch team that he is put on."

"So is he better than Harry?"  Professor McGonagall asked, her curiosity obvious to those who know her (just about everyone in that room.)

"Definitely."  Mme Hooch replied putting the room in a stunned silence.

"Does anyone know the reason that Daniel was seen or heard talking to different students in all the different houses today?"  Dumbledore asked hoping for a helpful answer.

"Yes, I do,"  Snape said causing all eyes to turn and face him, "He was trying to get to know people who are around his age.  He asked Draco and his two friends for a list of everyone who was in their first or second year."

At that all the house heads nodded in agreement.

"So has anyone learned anything new about Daniel?" Dumbledore asked looking briefly at everyone.  

"He's an orphan."  Professor McGonagal added with Snape giving a nod in confirmation.

"How did you find that out?"  Dumbledore asked

"He snapped back at me when I commented that he was all alone in his house, and ask about why he was not put in another house."  Snape responded with a bit of a sneer.

After a moment of silence Professor Sprout spoke up, "Well his Mandrake that he has been taking care of has been doing really well.  We had to re-pot it again today because it was getting to large.  All the plants that he is taking care of are doing really well if we want to be honest."

"Does anyone have anything else to add?"  Dumbledore asked, but when no one responded Dumbledore internally sighed annoyed at how little he know of Daniel, and how much of wild card he is.  It was good that he was here, but him being here also makes things much more difficult.  Think about maybe taking an extra use of some spells that he has already cast, Dumbledore called an end to the talk about Daniel and zoned out while the teachers started talking about who has detention and who needs to work more on certain classes and talking about who is ready and who isn't for the OWLS and NEWTS.

Why is Daniel 'Work' here? Dumbledore pondered hoping that Daniel's fate and future wouldn't disturb his plans  for the future.  He needed things to go the way that he wanted them to, it was for the better good.

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