Chapter 20-Clockwork and Merlin have fun

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After Hermione and friends left I was alone in the classroom.  No one else was there, but the teacher, Professor Lockheart, who was in his office.  Should I disturb him, or tke it as a freebie class?  Looking around, I noticed that time was frozen, so I turned around.

Clockwork was there in all his glory, but next to him was a ghost I didn't recognize.  He had a long white beard, a blue pointy had and blue robes.  Looking him over I was surprised to be able to tell the ghost's levels by looking at them.  Clockwork was a 23.8, and the ghost next to him was a 17.4.  Clearing my throat, I spoke using my 'regal tone', "Clockwork, what a pleasure it is to see you again.  Tell who is your friend that you've brought along?" 

"Aw, yes, Daniel I do believe that you two haven't meet yet, but this my dear friend is Merlin."  Clockwork replied.

"Pleasure to meet you Merlin." I replied holding my hand out to the ghost, in which he stared at my hand for a moment (a very awkward moment) before shaking it.  

"The pleasure is all mine, Sir Phantom."  Merlin replied.

"Now, Daniel, I do believe that Merlin and I have an offer for you." 

I turn my head to Merlin as he start clearing his throat to talk, "That we do Sir Phantom, I do believe that your magic works differently from other wizards so I do believe that I should start to teach you how to properly use it."

"You don't want another transfiguration mess up again, now do we Daniel?"  Clockwork added a knowing smirk on his face.

"I agree, shall we get started?"  I ask barely containing my joy at being about to learn magic form Merlin.  I mean, who wouldn't want to learn magic from Merlin?

Clockwork opened a portal and I followed him inside, and Merlin followed shortly after.  

The portal took us to a room of Clockwork's tower I had never been in before, there was an elevated platform in the center (rectangular in shape) and the walls were painted with stars. Merlin floated up onto the platform and moved toward the center.  After clockwork nodded, I followed suit, then clockwork started counting and Merlin turned around and started walking, assuming I had to do the same, I did and by the time clockwork finished counting, Merlin spun around and fired a spell at me.  In utter confusion I formed my ecto shield and the spell bounced off it firing it back at Merlin.  Merlin easily swished the spell away and stared at me up and down, turning to clockwork Merlin said, "Yes, I do believe he will do just fine."

~ (no time has passed in real world because Clockwork & #Clockworkconvenience but time passes for Danny, Merlin and Clockwork)-

I was on the floor panting, sweat falling down my face like a waterfall from magical exhaustion,  and there Merlin was, his wand up ready again, only breathing a bit heavily.  It was then  that Clockwork smiled and said, "Daniel"  I immediately stood up, as he continues to speak, "You will meet us tomorrow after dinner, I assume."

"Yes."  I say, and was immediately transported to the Defense against the Dark arts classroom, my magic 'tank' really low (17.3%).  

Professor Lockheart, just now noticed my presence and smiled, walking out of his office, totally ignoring my pants as I struggled to regain my breath.  "Did you come for an autograph?"

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