Chapter 46 - 3 days more... (Read till the end for important info)

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~Pov unknown~

I am unhappy. My charms are going to wear off soon, but with him there it will be virtually impossible to getin and cast the charms again without sparking a war. Maybe I should wait until he is... Away. Yes I have time for that. It is only 3 days away after all.  I can't wait to get back at him, but I must wait.  I do want it to be worth my time after all.  Yes, Let's wait until his little... trials are complete.

~Danny pov~


Walking into the Great Hall, I sat at the Hufflepuff table. Pretty soon after I was surrounded by eager 'puffs trying to get to know me better being the nice kind people they were known to be. Hannah Abott was running interference and helping me answer everyone's questions (and I did -while keeping my secrets.)

When I had finished eating my fill of dinner (a very small amount) and was ready for dessert, a girl with glowing blond hair and misty eyes with a hidden sword stoped by the table and gave me a hidden message, "the nargles are hiding and are playing with their puppets. Also good luck on Samhiem."

"Thanks?" I replied already finding her already seated back with the Revanclaws.  Shrugging I went back to answering their questions.

When the food was cleared and the students dismissed I continued talking with Hannah letting myself have a small reprieve from the stress of my life.  By the time I noticed that I was sitting with her in the Hufflepuff common room talking by the fireplace.  Discreetly looking down at my robes I noticed that they had changed into the Hufflepuff robes, quietly making a note to myself to investigate it later, I returned to our converstation about wizarding politics and our stances many different issues.  (Of course I also noticed that everyone in the common room was already eavesdropping and making notes of what I said either in their heads, or under the guise of homework.  

By the time I left I understood the political climate of the wizarding world, the three party's point of views on important matters, and Hannah's own opinions on the matters.  I felt like I had a productive evening.  When I returned to my dorm I noticed the my robes changed back to its normal colors . Putting them aside I changed into my work out clothes and went to the come and go room to do my daily workout. You can never work out too much, I only have three days left now.


The next morning I sat with Luna at the Ravenclaw table and we discussed the mysterious animals that she often talks about, and I confirmed for myself that she wasn't as far out as she led people to believe, in fact it would not surprise me if she was a least part seer (can anyone be part seer?).  

After that the day was normal, I ate with the Slytherins (Draco, Pansy, Blaze, and Daphne) talking about our views on tradition and future plans.

After that was transfigurations and throughout the whole lesson I could tell that Professeur McGonagall was worried about me and was keeping her eyes on me more than normal.

At dinner I ate with the Hufflepuffs mostly taking and complaining about homework assignments and other school (and somewhat personal) stuff.

As I was walking towards my dorms I was 'graced' with the presence of Fright Knight.  The Great spirit of the Soulshredder.

He is also known as an ancient and powerful, and is known commonly as the spirit of Halloween and both the minion and second-in-command.

"Hello Sir Fright, to what do I owe your presence?"

"I have come here to tell you that I shall be the one to pick you up tomorrow at anytime between 10pm and midnight."

"Thanks for the warning, I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Till the sun dies anew."

And with that he left, and I went off to go my training.


🎉 🎊 Happy holidays y'all!!!🎉 🎊

What ever you celebrate (even if its already passed or you don't celebrate anything), and happy (early) new year.

Also this book only has a few chapter left to publish/write so it should be done by January 1st (or around there)

Here is a poll dealing with the next book vote wisely!









Thank you so much for reading so far.

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