Chapter 1-A Whole New World

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Hermione's POV

I was reading my potions book for next year by the fireplace when I heard a thump and saw out of the corner of my eyes an explosion of dust erupt from the fireplace.  Closing my book I looked up and saw a young man about 11 or 12 years lying out by the fireplace. His eyes were closed and his black hair a mess, looking at the state of him I decided that he probably got here by accident, a flew error probably in pronuncation. His bags and box looked suspicious drawing my curiosity. Seeing as he was out like a log, I tried to pry the box from his hands but he had a strong grip. Hearing a moan he started to open his eyes and sit up.

Danny's POV

Waking up was very unpleasant. My whole body was sore, groaning I sat up to look around. Tilting my head to the side I realized that I was NOT in the ghost zone. I was in some random stranger's house. How should I explain this? My thoughts were running a mile a minute, so when she spoke I jumped.

"Who are you?" The woman spoke. Deciding that anmesia was a good way to go I pointed to myself and asked her instead.

"Who am I?" I asked, I am really good at acting and lie-ing due to my double life that I lead I could even fool doctors - dont ask how that happened, its a long story.

The girl looked at me confused then recognition danced across her eyes. She then asked, "Would you like some tea?"

"No, thank you."

"Umm... Do you know where you are?"

"A house?"

"Do you know where in the world you are?"

"Nope, Could you share with me where I currently am?"

"SouthEast England"

I struggled to keep my mouth from falling to the floor as I heard that bit of info. I asked, "Who are you?"

" I am Hermione Granger-" Just then an owl swooped in and startled me causing me to jump up against the wall. The barn owl gave me a letter and one to Hermione then left me with a very old looking letter in my hands.

Looking at it, it said it was for me. Deciding that she should at least know my name I spoke up. "According to this letter my name is Daniel Work, but that doesn't sound right... So please call me... Danny." although the last name (Work) through me off I remembered clockWORK and mentally facepalmed. Reading the letter it said that I was accepted to a wizarding school called Hogwarts, and that I needed some materials to attend. Looking at Hermione in confusion I asked, "Why was there an owl, and what is this Hogwarts place? Is it a thing?" Her being my only source of info, I hated that.  (I usually opperate with muiltiple sources, it allows for me to get less biased information and a better understanding of what was is going on.)

Hermione was quick to reply, "You're a lizard"

"A lizard?"

"I meant a wizard, Daniel."

"Danny, call me Danny"

"You're a wizard Danny, and Hogwarts is not a prank. I went there last year, and it is the best wizarding school available. Does it say where you are from on your letter?"

Looking down at my letter I replied, "It says GZ, PK" It had abbreviated everything (Thank goodness).

"Wait... I haven't heard of those places... Maybe PK stands for Packistan?  I don't know... Maybe you could tell me your last name so that I could try and find out?"

Pretending to look it up I said, "Work, I'm named Daniel Work."

She seemed to think a moment then had an eureka moment, "According to The complete Guide to Famous and Legandary Wizards Volume IV, the Work family was said to house to some of the best wizards in history, it is even said that one of them could see into the future AND control time, he was often called Father Time." Struggling to hide how funny I found that fact thinking of clockwork, I looked at her blankly letting her take silence as a key to continue. When she spoke again I wasn't surprised by what she said, "The Work family is said to have vanished hundreds of years ago, but no one knows why..." Her eyes started to wander looking for something to change the subject eyeing his box she spoke. "What is in your box? You where holding onto it as if your life depended on it when you floo powdered over here."

"What's floo powder?"

"A means of magical transportation that let you travel to a fireplace of another wizard you are connected to." A beat of silence followed then she continued, "So would you open your box? Maybe it will trigger some memories."  She asked obviously very curious.

Deciding there wasn't anything to lose by opening it I sighed and opened the box trying to look curious. Inside was my 'wand' I assumed based on this wizarding talk and my apparent magic, the book written in Ghost, and 3 of the famous Phantom thermoses. Picking up the stick I quickly waved it a shower of blue and green sparks followed as a soft breeze brushed past me and I saw Hermione shiver slightly. Putting down my wand I saw Hermione eyes seemed to follow it looking at the marbled wood of black and white-ish brown. Her eyes lit up and asked me to stay still as she got her wand to show me.

Taking this chance to look around I stood up grunting as I realized that I had broken my ankle. Sitting on one of the conventionally placed chairs I looked around to make sure no one was in eye sight. Taking a deep breath I turned my hand intangible and realigned it and holding back a gasp of pain just as Hermione got back. Judging by the look on her face she saw that I was in pain.

As she approched she asked me a VERY standered question, "Are you ok?"

Easily replying I said, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"


"Do you want to shower?"

"Sure." I relied, following her to the bathroom (careful to keep from agrivating my ankle for than nessisary without letting it show) I grabbed my stuff and was glad that she was ok with me suddenly appearing in her living room. Turning my head I heard a door open, someone was home!  Hermione quickly closed the door for me and raced to greet whoever was at the door

I do not own Danny Phantom or Harry Potter.

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