Chapter 11-Explanations

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Approaching Life I said a tentative, "Hello, Life."

"Oh, hello Daniel, to what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you?" Life asked in reply, her long black hair moving in the nonexistent wind.

Ok, How am I going to explain this to him.  He gets really protective over other people's lives and even though I used to save thousands of them a day, this still is hard to bring up.  Ugh!

"Daniel, are you still there?"  Life asks me as he flies closer to me, "Did it happen?"

"What are you referring to?" I reply, hoping that he somehow already knows and has a solution, more reliable than the necklace that Death gave me with practically no explanation.

"I'm referring to you almost killing the people that you hang around because your Death powers are too much."

"Yeah... you got it.  You got a solution?"  I said somewhat sad that Life had already expected for it to happen, but not so sad because at least that meant that Life had a solution, right?

"Did Death give you the necklace to help?"

"Yeah."  I say as I grab it out from under my shirt.

"Well he did give you a temporary solution, that necklace will only work for so long, before it explodes from too much power absorption.  If you agree to study the forces of life with me then I can help you stop accidentally killing people."

"Ok, I guess that makes sense. I would love to study with you, Life. Any other tips?"

"Another thing you can do is to use your powers every morning so that they are already down when you go out to meet others.  They way they won't act out as much.  Also, try to avoid Harry Potter, he might trigger your powers to activate because of the soul shard that he hosts."

"Ok, thanks!"  I say leaving Life by the Balance Tree to continue whatever she was doing before.


As I quietly joined with my duplicate I realized that we were already pulling up to the station, glad that I had already dressed, I looked outside the window. The sun had already set making the stars in the dark blue sky shine ever brighter without all the light pollution to hide them.

As the train pulled to a stop I focused on expelling of my extra ghostly energy into the air around me.  Seeing people exit the train I followed.

"First Years!  First year over here!"  I heard a voice call.  Seeing the half-giant, I remembered reading about a person named Hagrid, so I assumed that he was Hagrid from one of the books.

Following the crowd towards the boats I let everyone else choose a boat before I went to find my own.  As the boats left I realized that I didn't have a boat, so naturally I turned invisible and flew after them.  I was so happy to be flying that I did a few tricks.  I also threw in a few extra tricks because I wanted to use even more of my ghostly energy (My ghostly tank hadn't even gotten down to 75% yet) so I decided to use my ghost energy to make fireworks (both blue and green- why not?)

Looking around to see their expressions they seemed amazed, but Hagrid was looking for the source (me, but I'm invisible so he can't see me).  As they approached the island with Hogwarts on it, I was surprised that it was exactly what I had thought it to look like when it was described as a medieval looking castle. As the boats started pulling through the curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff face. Following them along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right under Hogwarts, they reached a kind of underground harbor, where the other students climbed out onto the rocks and pebbles of the shore. Quickly joining them, I turned visible as everyone followed Hagrid up a flight of stairs to a grand pair of oak doors.

"Everyone here?" Hagrid asked.

All calling our yeses, we watched Hagrid knock on the doors three times. Not a moment later the doors swing open to reveal the inside of the castle, and it was gorgeous! Following Hagrid, we reached another set of door, but a woman wearing green was waiting for us in front of the doors. Even though she looked old, her aura commanded respect.

Hagrid spoke once we had all gathered around them, "This here is Professor McGonagall.  She teaches transfiguration here at Hogwarts." 

"Thank you Hagrid.  Now students, I would like you to follow me single file to get sorted into your houses.  Your house is going to be your family of sorts here at Hogwarts.  Each house stands for different things, there are four houses..."  McGonagall said continuing on and on about the way things work here which I already knew thanks to Clockwork's book.

When McGonagall finished speaking, she opened the doors and my ghost sense went off (very weakly, like the ghost or ghosts causing it were very weak, like the ghost I still had in my thermos) making my eyes starting to look everywhere for the ghost(s) that triggered it and my muscles ready for a fight.  As I followed them at the back of the pack, I looked up and tried to find the ghosts.  When I spotted them I saw that they too were seethrough like Sir Nightwing, turns out everyone was right, much to my relief. 

After a moment, a voice started calling names to be sorted.  People were sorted by putting the hat on their heads, as my last name now was Work, I would be towards the end so I had some time to kill.  Deciding to start the year off like I usually did back at Amity High, I hid in the shadows the whole time so noghost (I mean no one) would see me as I waited for my name to be called.
After what felt like hours, There were only two people left, including myself, so I listened "Bertha Vennadare".  After a moment Betty was declared a Ravenclaw and went off to her table.

"Daniel Work" I heard my named called, so I stepped out of the shadows scaring almost all the students, as one one had seen me.  The ghosts that had been floating about stared at me as I approached the Sorting Hat.  The hat seemed to eye me and before I even could sit down I heard the hat started to speak, and what the hat said startled everyone.

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I do not own HP or DP

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