Chapter 28-Because I'm lonely

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I sigh as the dinner bell rings.  What Harry said earlier does make sense though.  I haven't really talked to anyone except my teachers and that's usually about my schoolwork.  Maybe that's why I seem so tense lately, I need to make friends to talk to.  And people looking into meet is NEVER a good thing.

But there are dangers to making new friends, any person  you ever make friends with you'll have to keep secrets from.  You should keep that in mind when you try and make bonds.

I guess you have a point...

Of course I do!

Now... What can I do to make the right kind of friends?  What can I do so that I'm not a mysterious kid that everyone wants to know everyting about?

Host a party?

No, friends made at parties are usually temporary and never really spoken to again.

How about a club?

No, I don't know what other people really like.

How about both?  You could make host a party so that you can meet everyone can then from there decide who you want to make friends with and then open a special little club for you and those people that we pick.

Yea, I guess you have a point.  Let's do that.

But where are we going to have do this anyway?

I don't know... but I bet we could ask a house elf.


Making sure I was alone I called for one of the house elves that live at hogwarts.

"I'd like a house elf please?"

"What would Master Daniel like?"

"Please, call me Danny. Do you know anyplace in the castle where I could host a gathering?"

"How many people would Master be expecting?"

"All the first years and second years."

"Master could use drown dungeon ballroom, if he could remove the water from there, us elves can't."

"Where is that?   I don't remember seeing any  flooded places down there..."

"I could show you if Master would like."

"Please lead the way."


The ball room was perfect despite it being underwater, it is large enough for all of us with plenty of room to spare.  Thanking the house elf after asking for its name, Saya, I let her get back to work.  Looking around the ballroom I realized that I after I got rid of the water and that it is probably going to be all dirty and need a good cleaning before I could even think about decorating it and inviting people over for the person selection party.  

Leaving the room I started my usual wandering as I thought about how I was going to clean the place.  

Somehow I ended up on the seventh floor, which reminds me of reading about a place called the  come and go room.  Supposedly if I were to pace back and forth three times a door will open to what ever it is that I need it to be.  Deciding to give it a go, I paced back and forth three times thinking about how I was going to clean the ballroom.

After pacing it the third time a door appeared as so I carefully opened it to find exactly what I wanted it to be.  There was a book self full of books on cleaning spells, how to dry your house, flood repair spells, how to host a proper party, proper etiquette, how to make friends, how to make /conjure wards, simple party tricks, and politics,  a fluffy chair, and a desk with a candle already lit for me and plate of snack food for me to munch on.  Chuckling at how perfect the room was I grabbed the books on cleaning spells and set to work, learning them with ease.  

Once I was confident that I could easily clean the ballroom I thought about how easy it would be to have a door that lead straight to the ballroom instead of having to find my way again.  Looking up I was surprised to see that the room had followed my wish and had summoned a new door for me to use.  

Entering the new door I say that I was now just a corner away from the ballroom. 

Nice, the CNG room is a good tool to have knowledge of.


Come and go, I thought it was obvious 

Yea, that makes sense.

Entering the ballroom I set to work, using the new spells with surprisingly little mishaps (the water turned brown first before I successfully vanquished all the water, and the dirt turned into glitter before disappearing.)


Once the ballroom was all cleaned up I left back to the door that I cam from thinking of the same room again and set to reading the rest of the books.

Your never going to be able to finish reading all those books by Friday night which would be the best time to have your party.

Then what do you suggest?

Create clones, have each clone read about a separate thing.

Thanks Phantom that's not a bad idea.  Let's do that.

Cloning my self way more easily than normal, I set all my clones to reading, while my main body got some sleep, on anice fluffy bed the room provided for me.


Waking up after the last clone reabsorbed itself into me, I casted a simple tempos spell to discover that I was about to miss breakfast and my first quiddich lesson and so I rushed out of the room to get some breakfast in me before class.

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