Chapter 4-Autopilot

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After a few days of practically no sleep, it was bound to happen, autopilot mode.

~Hermione's POV~

Walking into the living room I was surprised to see Danny still asleep. He looked tense like he was expecting something bad to happen, but was lying in wait for it to happen. Deciding that he needed his sleep I walked into the kitchen and got myself a banana. After I finished the banana, I decided that he needed to get up if he wanted to finish taking all the notes that he wanted to on my old Hogwarts books on time.

Gently shaking him awake, I could instantly tell something was wrong. When he woke up he mumbled under his breath, "Hermione, friend, doesn't know." ignoring his comment I was surprised when he grabbed my hand. Leading him to the kitchen and sitting him down I grabbed a bananas and handed him one. Wathcing him I was surprised when he seemed to be having trouble getting to the fruit inside the thick skin. Grabbing it from his hand I peeled it for him and gave it back. Blinking at me he then looking down at the banana and started eating it at a really slow pace. Looking at him I was really concerned, his skin was a ghostly pale (AN:haha), and his eyes had huge bags under them and now that I think about it his skin was very cold. After he finished his meal, he grabbed my hand making me shiver unvoluntarily  as I lead him to the back of the house to my room and my bed removing the book from under the pillow to put him down on the bed to rest. He obviously needed his sleep with how slow his movements were.


It was dinner time and he was still asleep, surprise, no not really he looked really beat, which was why I had yet to even start on the main course for dinner when it had been served half an hour ago. Picking up the my worries my mother said, "Are you still worrying about Danny? I'm sure he is fine. He just needs his rest."

Nodding my head I started eating my food, while my worries started eating me.


Danny's POV

Opening my eyes to an unfamiliar room gave me a scare, what if the Guys in White had gotten me. Then I looked around and realized that the walls were not white, there were no freaky knives or anything sharp in the room, there were 3 full bookshelves in the room, and I was on a bed. The book selves were on one of the walls, a desk and chair by the other wall and the bed that I was on top of had plain red and gold sheets. Getting out of the bed I cautiously opened the door to find out, that I was still in Hermione's house, recognizing the hallway (it was by the bathroom). Easily figuring out what had happened, (I didn't get enough sleep so I went on auto pilot, probably worrying Hermione and her family) I went to the dinning room to see Hermione with her mother and father eating dinner.

Rapping my knuckles against the doorpost to get their attenction I walked into the room. Giving each of them a, 'Good evening' I awkwardly took my seat. With all of their eyes on me I tried to explain what had happened after they all started throughing questions at me, "OK, so I guess that my behavior earlier worried you and now you want answers."

Hemione's mother looked and me and said, "Yes"

"Well to be honest this hasn't happened to me in a while. What I did was I went into auto-pilot mode and-"

"What's auto pilot mode?" Hermione's dad rudely interrupted.

"Well if you'll let me explain I will." I replied already feed up because I still needed more sleep. After a beat of silence I continued, "Auto pilot mode is what happens to me when I don't get enough sleep. I sleep while I am awake. OK so let me explainthat before I'm introupted. My brain and everything rests while y body is still responsive as my brain just does the easy things, like letting me walk with the guidance of others, and talking out loud the basics of the person and reacting accordingly."

"So what did you mean when you said, " 'Hermione, friend, doesn't know' "

Shoot I am so screwed. Think Danny, think.  deciding to be honest I said, " I have a secret."

"What secret?" Hermione's father asked his eyes narrowing.

"One I am not ready to share." I easily reply, I was starting to not like Hermione's dad that much. "Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to go out on a walk." Leaving the room I went straight for the door, opened it and slammed it shut behind me, ignoring their sounds of protesthg,.

I turned invisible and intangable and went flying through the sky. Doing easy loops in the sky I suddenly felt my ghost sense go off, warning me of a ghost near by. Looking around I was faced with a portal opening up. Backing up from the portal I was surprised to see the fright knight, on his winged steed, his glowing green blade, the soul shredder at his hip. What really surprised me was when he said, "Sir Phantom, Clockwork has news for you, please follow me."

Fright Knight moved aside letting me into the ghost zone first, my real home. Shifting into my ghost form I went to Clockwork's Clock Tower with Fright Knight following me from behind.  It was very wierd for Clockwork to call me to his place usually I looked for him myself or he comes to me.  Entering Clockwork's Clocktower, I flew straight up to him worry starting to take over my features when I also saw some of the one-eyed freaks of the ghost zone there too. Deciding to play it truthfully I said, "Why have you asked for me?"

"to tell you that you are to start the crowning ritual in a few weeks."

"Wait what? Why?" I replied.

"Because you have passed the first trials. Here take this." Clockwork said handing me the ring of rage. "Please put it on."

Putting it on I felt... more complete.  I could feel more power coursing through my ghostly body and felt my outfit change. My iconic jump suit turned into black pants, silver boots, a long sleeved black top with silver chains over my shoulder like a sash. My DP symbol embroidered on the shirt and silver gloves on my hands.  I was also wearing a cape that was black with silver embroidered frost patterns on it.  Looking at myself in the mirror Clockwork had already provided me I looked at it as it screamed, royalty here respect me or parish.

With the eye heads staring at me, I blushed.  Clockwork was smiling at me like a proud father, and the observents were oodly silent.  I turned towards Clockwork lost as what to do.  

"You look wonderful, son." Clockwork said.

"Thanks, dad." I replied smiling brighter than I ever had before.  "But, why am I going through the trials?"

"Usually you would not need to, but seeing as you are only a part of your soul right now, both parts of your soul need to go through the trials to detemine the dominate part, so that when you get the last part, you remain yourself."

"If I'm not my complete soul, then where is my missing part?"

"Somewhere you would never look."  Clockwork replied, regret obvious on his face.  "I'm sorry, but I can't tell you anymore than that."

"Alright."  I replied my mind already trying to figure it all out.  "When is the first trial?"

"Salhem, or as you better know it Halloween.  Now you better go.  Right now you need your sleep."

"Ok.  Goodnight dad."  I made my leave easily creating a potal home. Wait a second, I could not do that before, smiling at the ring of rage on finger I smiled as I realized that the skull had changed to my DP symbol and the green turned to silver. Flying to Hermione's house I changed back, and walked inside. Blatantly obvious to the the  mini-fangs now obvious in both forms.

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